Bright, yellow light speckled and burned into his eyes. He quickly shut them and tried to lift an arm to cover his burning pupils, but was somehow prevented. He slowly moved his head to try and diagnose his problem. He saw that his arms were pinned to his side using some kind of belt and were strapped down to the bed. He looked around his surroundings to find that he was in his room. He was about to scream—try and escape this nightmare—when he remembered. He looked back down at his arms and saw that his wrists were bandaged; the bruises that climbed up his arms were already disappearing. He didn't see the damage to his legs, seeing as he was wearing sweatpants. He lay there for a while, trying to figure out what exactly happened.

Why had Oshitari been there? Probably just picking up some groceries like every other normal being. Why had he freaked out like that? He realized that the one he loved had been touching someone else. How long had this been going on for? On this last thought, he slowly opened his eyes. Had he been tricked since the beginning? Was he just some playtoy? Yes, that's what Oshitari had told him when… that happened. He tried to bring his hands up to his face but was reminded of his predicament.

Should he yell out for someone? Didn't he want to die? He had tried to kill himself. That brought another thought to the man's mind. Why wasn't he dead? He remembered the rust colored stain drying on the ground. Why wasn't he dead? Or at least in the hospital?

A picture of a man suddenly came into view. It was blurry at first, but when he concentrated hard, it became clear. He saw his best friend holding the knife away from him. He slowly smiled. So that's why he wasn't dead.


The man took a deep breath. He was so stupid. How could he have tried to kill himself when Oishi cared so much for him? What would he have done to Oishi if he HAD died? How much had he hurt his best friend? Best friend? The word brought a twinge to the man's heart. Why? It just didn't seem right. Where was his friend now? The man let out his breath—his voice—and yelled for his missing part.


"S-Sorry!" Oishi cried as he closed the bathroom door on the couple, whom he had interrupted in the act. Blushing profusely—Oishi went to the kitchen to make himself some breakfast.

It had been two days since Eiji's incident. Fuji and Tezuka had been taking care of him for these past couple days. He must find someway to repay them, but every time he mentioned it, the thought got turned down by a stoic Tezuka or a smiling Fuji.

Oishi walked into the kitchen and got out some cereal. He got a bowl, spoon, and milk. Once he had everything made, he sat down on the mahogany stool and set his bowl on the marble countertop. Oishi had been ordered to make himself at home, although, it still was a little awkward.

All he wanted, was for his dear friend—his beloved—to be alright. There wasn't a time, minute, second, that passed by, that Oishi wasn't thinking of the curly haired man.

Oishi was about to drink his milk, when an ear piercing yell sounded throughout the apartment. Oishi sputtered, jumped out of his stool, and looked towards the bathroom. Tezuka and Fuji busted out of the door—nothing but pants on the two and hair astrewn. Fuji's eyes were wide with worry and knowing as they locked onto Oishi's similar ones. One thing ran through the threesome's minds.



"Eiji!" Oishi yelled as he burst into the red-head's room. Fuji had tried to stop him, but could not keep up with the desperate man.


Oishi looked at the man before him. Tears streaming down the acrobat's face as he thrashed around— his mouth opening and closing as if to say more—say something—but nothing was coming out. His hands were tied to both his sides; body tied to the bed. Oishi could do nothing but stand there till Fuji pushed past him and ran towards the crying boy.

"Stop," Fuji ordered. His voice firm and his eyes open.

Eiji calmed his movements and lay there, staring at the two with red, swollen eyes.

"Tezuka," Fuji said, not needing to continue as his lover pushed passed the stunned Oishi and came to the other side of Eiji.

The two proceeded to unbuckle the man—let him calm down without the restraints. They were hesitant; not knowing what Eiji would do to Oishi or them. Eiji's eyes were locked on the silent man in the doorway. Fuji couldn't tell whether it was hate in his eyes or something else. Tezuka lay his hand on the red-head, silently telling him not to do anything rash, as he let the belt slide off—freeing the man.

Eiji slowly sat up and slid his legs to the side of the bed. He slowly held out his hand to the blue eyed doctor—Tezuka's hand still on his shoulder—and smiled sheepishly.

"I… I made it bleed again," The red head said. Fuji's mouth stretched into a relieved smile and set to the problem at hand. Tezuka his hand off and silently deemed the boy safe as he walked over to Oishi. He pushed passed him and whispered in his ear.


Oishi nodded as he felt the tears start to well up in his eyes. He slowly took one step after another until he was next to the red and brown haired men.

Fuji looked up and smiled; quickly finishing up his job. Eiji had failed to notice his friend's approach and stared at Fuji's hands work as he tied the last knot, letting his hand fall to his lap.

"Well, that's it. I will be right outside if you need anything else," Fuji said as he walked out, leaving the door slightly ajar in case anything happened. He walked into the apartment living room and turned on the TV. The screen brought a picture of Eiji staring at the ground, still unaware of Oishi's presence getting closer and closer. Fuji felt the couch dip down as Tezuka sat down, he leaned on his shoulder, both watching the screen. The two had put a camera in Eiji's favorite stuffed teddy bear. They could risk nothing regarding the dazed man.

"Eiji…" Oishi started as he leaned in to touch Eiji's shoulder.

Eiji quickly turned his head and stared at the other man. The two looked into each other's eyes and saw the worry and hurt the two shared. Before Oishi knew what was happening, he had fallen onto the floor with a giant smiling man gazing down from above him.

Eiji leaned down and hugged him. Oishi skillfully wrapped his arms around the other and dug his head into his collarbone, hiding his tears from his crush.

The two lay on the ground in each other's arms till it started to hurt. Eiji leaned back, but stayed straddled across Oishi's lap—the position familiar and comfortable.

"I'm so sorry Oishi! I- I don't know what happened! I just- Because of- I couldn't- He- He hurt me, so I thought that- I don't know what I thought! I—" Eiji tried to explain as he stared into the calmer one's trustworthy eyes, but was stopped when Oishi placed a hand on his mouth.

"Promise me."

"What?" Eiji questioned the odd compromise.

"Promise me, you will never kill yourself. Promise me, you will never put yourself, me, through that pain again," Oishi said sternly, his eyes completely serious.

Eiji's eyes widened as he opened his mouth to apologize, but was interrupted.

"Eiji, we were all so worried. I was worried that I would never be able to see the one I love again," Oishi said.

Eiji looked down at the buttons on Oishi's shirt and thought about what Oishi had said. We? Tezuka and Fuji were in here before! They were all worried about him… why? The finality of Oishi's words finally made their way into Eiji's mind. His head shot up and his eyes met with caring loving ones.

Eiji suddenly became extremely aware that Oishi's hands were on his waist, holding him up on his lap so he wouldn't fall off. He wanted to move away from his heated grasp, but he couldn't. He felt his thoughts from earlier flowing back to him. This was the reason why best friend hurt so much.

He loved Oishi.

Oishi had always been there for him. How could he have been so stupid as to not realize this? Oishi had stood up for him, cared for him… loved him. He cared for Oishi, too. He loved Oishi too. There was only one thing missing.

Eiji leaned in and placed his lips on Oishi's plump ones. Oishi's eyes widened in surprise, but realizing what was happening, they slowly started to close. The kiss started to become more and more heated, soon Oishi's tongue brushed against Eiji's lips, begging for access. Eiji willingly opened his mouth and fought for dominance. The tongues intertwined with each other until Oishi's older and more caring tongue took over. The two soon found themselves back on the ground; shirts already coming off. Eiji was reaching for Oishi's pants when Oishi backed off and removed his lips. The two stared at each other, both panting from their excitement and lack of breath.

Oishi shook his head and helped the younger boy onto the bed. He laid him down and pulled the covers on top of him.

"You still need to recover," Oishi said as his motherly instinct came in. He slowly bent down and kissed the younger man on his forehead—just like he had done many times before. Eiji pouted and stuck out his lower lip.

Oishi turned to leave but was promptly stopped when he felt Eiji's body against his back, his arms around his neck, and his face only centimeters away.

"Wait," Eiji said wistfully as he turned the half naked man around to face him.

"I love you," Eiji said. His face— a look of total seriousness.

Oishi's eyes widened. Back when he had first met the acrobat in middle school, he had fallen in love with him. Years and years passed, his love dwindling. A mere flame flickering in the bottom of Oishi's heart. Waiting, hoping, that one day, Eiji would realize that Oishi loved him. Today, had finally come.

Oishi smiled and brought his hand up to cup Eiji's face. He brought it close to him and softly touched his lips with his own.

"Oishi, why are you crying?" Eiji asked, his eyes filled with concern as he gently wiped the falling water droplets. Oishi smiled softly and shook his head.

"I'm crying because I can finally love you the way you deserve to be loved," Oishi said as he smiled. He extended his arms around him and hugged the boy.

The two stayed hugging till Eiji began to fall asleep. Oishi slowly laid them both down on the bed and watched his love drift off into sleep. Slowly, he too, succumbed to the dark world of sleep.

Fuji had turned off the TV back when they saw Eiji's smile. The couple knew that smile and were very familiar with it. They knew that that smile was one that could not be created to cover up something. It was one filled with love.

I AM SOOO SORRY THAT THIS IS SO LATE! TT^TT Its been sitting here for the past year and i finally got around to publishing it! yay?

This is the final chapter so i hope you all enjoyed it in its entirety~

For those of you who are all "Why is she posting this random ass thing? hmm lets read it!" I shall get to updating all my other stories as well! I'm sorry I'm so slow and forgetful! I promise I'm gonna start picking up the pace! I wanna finish at least more than one fanfic this year! Including this one! :3

BTW it was originally "THRUSTWORTHY" instead of "Trustworthy eyes" yup!

good bye everyone! *dissipates*