Grell pried my mouth open. I tried not to swallow. I tried not to drink. But it made it past my lips and Grell squeezed my throat, forcing me to down it.

There wasn't any change in me as the potion slipped down my throat. I didn't feel any more attracted to Grell, any more compelled to be with him, and seeing him didn't make my heart melt and swell the way it did when I saw Ciel. I had expected my heart to be set on fire. But it was as icy as usual around Grell.

Grell looked at me, shocked, as if he sensed that there was no change. He looked at the bottle, at how all of the bright-red/pink liquid had gone down my throat. And he started reading the label.

"DOESN'T WORK ON THOSE WHO ARE ALREADY IN LOVE?" The murder in his eyes glowed red-hot and ready to burst with rage.

My breath caught. He was going to. He was going to find out that I loved Ciel and he was going to murder my bocchan in front of me. Oh my God... this was NOT happening, this was NOT happening... someone would show up, someone would protect Ciel... someone would help my baby boy or somehow I'd escape these ropes. Something would happen. I was NOT going to let Grell hurt Ciel.

"Who is it? Who are you in love with?"

I didn't reply.

"Who? WHO? Sebastian, you tell me now or I swear I'll kill your master!"

"W...what will you do to my lover?"

"I'll give them a piece of my mind, that's what!"

A piece of his mind? That could be dangerous...very dangerous... Either way Ciel was in for trouble.

My eyes disobeyed me, pleading with Ciel for forgiveness as I glanced at him.

Grell was still, silent. But I knew it. He had seen me glance at Ciel. This was just the eye of his storm. Grell knew, and Ciel was in mortal danger.

My heart raced as Grell slowly and deliberately moved from the bed.

"No! No! Grell! Grell, no! NOO! NOOO!" I twisted and turned, struggling against the ropes pinnning me to the bed. I heard Grell's scissor-like Death Scythe open with the hiss of metal on metal, "NOOOOO! Grell, NOOO!" my heartbeat was gettting deafening. My wrists grew red as the rope burned them, and I struggled to reach my hands through the bindings. Ciel needed me, now more than ever. I had to help him. I had to do something. NOW.

"CIEL!" I struggled, wishing my wrists would bleed and break if that was what it took to save my bocchan.

My heart almost stopped as Ciel started to scream. Grell had started to cut him. My entire body stalled, never having heard a sound like Ciel's scream before.

It took me all of five seconds to figure out it was a sound I never wanted to hear again.

As suddenly as I had stilled, I was struggling again. I had never felt like this before. I wasn't even in control of myself as the ropes dug into my wrists, and I didn't even feel the pain as I tore them free at last. I let my fingers coil around the way-way-too-long red hair and massive idiot attached to it, trowing it out the window without remorse.

I held my lover in my arms. Grell made a long cut going down his forearms, and he had snipped at the underside of his upper arms. His stomach was almost entirely cut oopen. Ciel was going to bleed to death if I didn't do something. Grell had severed major arteries, and the stomach wound was gushing blood with a good chance of being infected even if he survived to try and heal it. His neck had scratching on it, Grell having tried to cut his carotid arteries as well.

Ciel's eyes met mine. I knew he only had a few minutes left to live unless I turned him.

" you want to spend forever with me? To never have to leave my side? Will you love me for eternity?"

Ciel looked at me like he was confused and didn't understand why I was asking, "Sebastian...of course..."

Gently, I moved his head to the side, exposing his neck. I tried to sink my fangs in gently.

Ciel gasped, still in my arms and barelt breathing as I slowly devoured his soul.

Only half...he tastes so good...he's incredible...but only half...only half... If I don't do this right I'll only hurt him more.

I slowly pulled my fangs from his neck, making sure only half his soul was gone.

I felt the change in his body almost immediately. Slowly, his wounds started to seal. His body replenished its lost blood with ease, and ever so slowly he sat up, putting his arms around my neck.

"S...Sebastian...what...what's happening?" he asked it quietly.

"I ate half of your soul. When a human's soul gets eaten half way, they turn into a demon for a while. But if they obtain enough of a body fluid of any kind from the demon that...'snacked' on them, shall we say, the change becomes permanent."

Our conversation was interrupted as footsteps came from the window.

"That wasn't very nice of you Sebastian...throwing a pure maiden out the window like that."

Ciel took his arms from around my neck and stood in front of me, putting himself in Grell's path, "Grell...get out of my house. Now. And don't come back. You've troubled Sebastian enough. You think you love him? Please. If you loved him, his smile would be all that mattered to you. All you'd want is for him to be safe and happy, even if it meant letting him love someone else. You'd never do anything to hurt him, and you'd never want to trouble him. Now get out before I make you leave."

...If you love someone, all that matters to you is their smile...

"You and what army?" Grell hissed, "You're just a pathetic little human! Why would Sebastian ever love you over me?"

Ciel put his hands on Grell's sides before lifting him clean off the floor, "Because I'm actually reasonable, unlike some people." Ciel started walking towards the balcony.

Ciel paused, surprised as he picked up the sound of footsteps in the distance. Grell struggled in Ciel's grip.

Will showed up on the balcony of Ciel's room, followed by a few shinigami I didn't recognize.

"Here. Take him and go." Ciel handed Grell over to Will.

"You never answered my question, Phantomhive! How do you know Sebastian loves you?"

Ciel smirked, pulling down his collar and showing Grell the bite mark, "Because he tasted me, but he didn't let my taste ruin his self-control. Why would a demon do that for a human they didn't love? Not only that, you think you'd be the first person he pawed over if that potion worked? Sorry. I took that title days ago."

Grell finally shut up, and with a few puzzled glances from the shinigami as they left, we were finally left to ourselves.

Ciel turned to me as I stood up, and I put my arms around his waist, pulling him in.

"Guess what, Bocchan?"


"I love you. I know it now. I started to loose my doubt that I did when Grell tied me up, but now I'm 100% certian. I know why I fell in love with you that day. It's because I really did love your smile, and I wanted to see more of it so badly...because you're right. Your smile is all that matters to me, next to you yourself."

I felt Ciel look up, "Sebastian...I want to stay with you. For as long as possible. I don't know how I lived without you before, but I don't think I can now. So...I want this change to be permanent. I want to be a demon."

"C-Ciel...I made a contract with the human earl named Ciel Phantomhive. The demon earl named Ciel phantomhive...well...let's just say he's not exactly covered by our contract."

"That's fine. I don't want to limit you to the position of my servant anymore."

"Also, bocchan...when you become a demon, you'll get a special bond with your sire, in this case, me. Our very souls will be stitched together. And as your soul starts to grow back, the bond will only get stronger. Your mental privacy will be limited. Especially if i mark you as my lover the way demons do."

"I don't mind, Sebastian. I want to be close to you. If you don't mind, I don't. So unless you've got a better reason for not making me a demon, I say we go for it."

I smiled, feeling even more assured of our love with how readily he gave up his privacy, and knowing this would be the last time Ciel heard these words, "Yes, my lord."