{chapter six. I'd like to thank all my readers for their support of this story. I didn't plan for it to go this far, it was something I popped off the top of my head to break my funk though I'm thankful it's catching up with my Twilight stories. DISCLAIMER: All credit for the characters goes to JK Rowling. Except for Telle, Dr. Neil, and all foster parents, those are mine. Remember to review! Love ya.}

It was Dr. Neil's second session with Harry James Potter and it appeared to be off to a better start than yesterday. The boy was calm again and had come to Dr. Neil on his own will. He needed know pestering from Ms. Telle, he just wanted to talk. Dr. Neil was excited to hear what Harry had to say. He was eager to see how he'd gathered himself since yesterday and what new conclusions he'd come to about himself. He wondered if Harry had been pondering on all they'd covered. He was a smart boy after all.

"Harry, how are you today?"

"I'm okay. I slept pretty good. Miss Telle and I had a really nice breakfast and I got to play with some of the other kids. Did Roger finally figure it all out? I didn't see him," Harry asked.

"I'm afraid so," Dr. Neil answered. "So I see your coping well."

"I still don't want to live with a new family."

"All I'm asking is that you talk to these families Harry." Dr. Neil reached into his bag and pulled out a black notebook. "I want you to document your feelings as they progress in this notebook. Whatever you feel like writing, your feelings about the parents that come to visit you, about how your condition has progressed while you've been in the hospital, anything really."

"Okay," Harry agreed.

I got a visit from some new parents today. They weren't the type of people I'd like to go home with. They don't seem to enjoy themselves enough. I'd like parents that aren't afraid to enjoy themselves. I wouldn't want my parents to be too wrapped up in work to have any fun. I'd like a mother who likes to garden and cook all kinds of food. She'd let me cook with her whenever I wanted to help, and teach me all kinds of new things. Maybe I'd even help her garden sometimes to be nice. She'd read too. Maybe her and I could read together every night.

I've never really had an interest in a father. If I were to have a father I'd like for him to be well educated and have a job that wouldn't wear him out too much. I'd like for him to be able to build stuff. If anything I'd want a father to teach me how to be a good man and to make my mother happy.

I often wonder what my parents were like and if they fit my fantasies. I like to think so. I like to think that my parents were a happy couple who were ecstatic when I was born. i like to think that they'd take good care of me and work together as equals. I'd like to think that my mama would cook every morning and my daddy would bring her fresh cut flowers. A stable home you know? Everything I've ever seen in magazines. I dream about it sometimes. The only realistic perception about my parents I have is that car crash and it makes me really sad. I don't know who they were and what life I could have had.

Dr. Neil read Harry's first entry and felt his heart sink. Harry had all his life been exposed to what society accepts as a perfect family, but could never live in it. He'd never had the chance to know his own parents and it was eating him up inside. Tragic was a good word to describe it. His second entry was a little more cheerful.

I've decided that I want a mama that's just like Miss Telle. She's the nicest lady I've ever met. She takes such good care of me. She'll play games with me when I'm bored, she comforts me when I'm sad, and when I'm in pain she makes it go away without any medicine. She doesn't talk down to me like I'm a child. She compliments me and tells me funny stories about her other sons. They always make me laugh, the entry read.

Examined in depth it was plain to see that Harry had a desire for family, but was afraid to embrace it. It was a big leap from a home like his and foster care. Furthermore the boy was going through it totally alone, no good memories to accompany him. Not a single one. None outside of the hospital at least. It was depressing.

I'm beginning to lose hope in finding good foster parents. I know that I need to go to a family of some sort, but none of these families are right for me. Maybe I'm setting my standards too high. Maybe I should just settle for a family that seems nice. After all, I'll only be with them for a little while. I'm beginning to think that my criteria for parents isn't something that matters. As long as the new parents don't beat me, I should be happy. Right? I'm sure that I could find something I like in all of the families that have come to visit me. If only I tried to let them in. I wish I could live with Miss Telle, or maybe even Dr. Neil. He's a nice guy. I would never leave this place if I had the choice.

Dr. Neil's hear shattered as he read the paragraph again and again. He had children jerk at his heart, but never had he heard of a child that thought of him as a father figure. It was a shock to his entire system. He decided he would visit Harry in his hospital room to see how he was emotionally developing outside of his office. His bed was empty. Miss Telle informed him that he was with his foster parents, getting all the paperwork filled out.