
"Look, about today..."

It was after the tap dancing show, and Shawn and Lassiter were standing just outside the doors to the auditorium. The doors were slightly ajar, light streaming out of the large room, illuminating the area Shawn and Lassiter stood.

Shawn giggled. "Oh Lassie, you don't have to apologize for trying to steal my best friend! It was all completely worth it to see you tap dance up there," Shawn said through his giggles.

Lassiter scowled. "Yeah, I was not going to apologize," he stated, as clearly as possible. Shawn rolled his eyes, waiting for Lassiter to continue. "I just wanted to say... I think the four of us working together... was actually a good thing."

Lassiter's tone was pleasant, but Shawn could tell the words were forced. A doubtful look crossed the psychic's face. "Really, Lassie, really?" Shawn asked, in a flat tone.

The distinctly Irish appearing man stared off into the west, where the sky was still quite a light blue, despite the sun being down for a while. "Well, yes, actually."

Shawn mulled this over for a moment before speaking. "That's great, Lassie-face!" Shawn clapped his hand onto Lassiter's shoulder, his other hand going up to his head, forming his trademarked "vision" pose. "I sense that we'll be working together a lot in the future."

Lassiter rolled his eyes and shrugged Shawn's hand off his shoulder—the gesture appearing to be one of annoyance, but Shawn could see the content in Lassiter's expression. Shawn grinned. He flung his arm around Lassiter's shoulders.

"Wanna go get a drink, buddy?" Shawn asked, cheerfully.

"Ye—" Lassiter cut himself off and frowned, recalling exactly who was touching him. The fact that Shawn had slid his arm all the way down Lassiter's back, reached Lassiter's butt, then proceeded to pinch it, probably had something to do with this realization. "I'd rather eat an entire bucket full of screws and bolts," Lassiter replied, the familiar tone of agitation returning to his voice.

Shawn laughed. "Suit yourself," he said, before running off to find Gus.

Lassiter watched Shawn go, a smile creeping onto his face. It was a good day.

This episode, 502, was so hilarious.
I wish I could write Shassie :C
Ehhh, I doubt they will all actually work together properly ever...
It would be really cool if they did.
