Note: I do not own Hetalia. I do not own the characters. This story, however, is mine.

England sat at his desk inside his country home. The only light came in through the large windows. These particular windows faced west and let in the light of the setting sun. A cup of tea was within easy reach. The tea had been cold for hours now. The nation was more interested in the large folder of papers that sat in front of him. The topics of these papers all had one thing in common and that was America.

There was a short, soft knock at his office door. England's eyes slowly moved to his grandfather clock. It was later than it should have been. The one who was knocking softly, but incessantly at his door was supposed to have been there an hour ago.

"Come in," he called out. His voice was level and calm.

The door opened to reveal a familiar face framed with blond hair. The purple eyes were partially hidden by glasses. This other nation looked so much like America, but he wasn't America. He was Canada. A few weeks ago England would have been hard pressed to remember what Canada's military uniform looked like. Now, he found himself facing Canada in that uniform. Canada quietly walked into the room and sat in the chair in front of England's desk. There were minor cuts and bruises all over him. Canada seemed paler then usual but there was something different in his face. His jaw was set, his lips were firmly pressed together and the stare he leveled at the elder nation was accusatory.

"I have received reports that you are harboring refugees from America as well as a good sized portion of America's military. I have also received reports that your military has been launching attacks against the Militarily/Economically Aligned Nations. This has to stop."

"No," Canada said. His voice was soft but it did not tremble or shake like it would when he normally disagreed with someone.

"No?" England's voice did not change at all. He was making sure it sounded just as level and calm as before.

"He's my brother. I'm not going to just let someone take Alfred away from me."

"The Commonwealth of Nations are allies with the Militarily/Economically Aligned Nations and you are a member of the Commonwealth. So this stops before you end up like your brother."

"I'm sorry, Arthur," and Canada really did look sorry, "but my mind, my people's minds, they are made up," Canada stood up from his chair. "I am not going to turn over any of Alfred's people. I won't stop my attacks. And if I have to fight the Commonwealth too... then I will," Canada turned and began to walk toward the door. He seemed to be trembling just the slightest bit.

He didn't see the slightly sad smile England gave his back. Canada couldn't know how at that moment England was proud of him and slightly jealous. England wished he had the freedom to walk out that door with Canada and begin the plans to break through blockade and go help America.