Tsunade Senju for the first time in her life was scared. It was all because of this little pregnacy test in her hand with two pink lines showing her that she was pregnent. Sucking in alot of air she tapped the little test on the bathroom sink with a worried face. Yes she knows who's the baby's father but she was scared shitless of telling him. It's been nearly a year since they have been seeing eachother and she had fallen in love again with him. It was wonderful to feel love again even though it's not with Dan.
'What am'I going to say to him?' Tsunade knew that he would find out sooner or later so she chose to tell him tonight when they go out to the Bar but she wount be drinking for her baby's sake. Getting off the closed tolite lid she put on her pants and threw the test in a trash basket next to the bathroom door. Closing the door she saw Shizune asleep on the twin bed next to the door snoring softly to herself. Grinning Tsunade pulled on her over coat and pulled on her shoes and softly closed the door behind her. Jogging to the bar she strolled in and looked at the crowed of people until she saw him waiting for her. Smiling she walked over to him casualy and he looked at her with those enchanting bright jade green eyes.
He pointed to the chair infront of him and she slid in there with a small smile. Hell yes she was nervous of telling him that they will be having a baby. In the next five minutes they chat and he ordered sake while she asked for water which threw him off a slight bit. Getting their drinks he slid down his mask and took a long gulp of his sake while she bit her inner cheek trying to find the right words. Knowing that he always wanted to get to the point she silently prayed for the strenght and courage to tell him.
"Tsunade what's the matter?" Kakazu looked at his lover with a eyebrow raised as it looked like she was having a inner battle with herself.
"Kakazu...I'm pregnent." Tsunade felt better saying to him out loud. Kakazu looked impassive until he frowned while looking down.
"It is."
"Tsunade get rid of it."
Her eyes went wide with shock as he said those words to her in public and she wanted him to be over joyed but he wanted her to get rid of it. It has been 12 hours since she had found out she was having a baby and she had already accpeted it as her baby and she would never get rid of a innocent life.
"No. It's our baby and I want us to be..."
"I dont want anything to do with the baby then. If you dont want to get rid of it then it's over between us." He threw done some of his money pulled up his mask and walked out of the bar with a shocked heartbroken and sad slug sannin there with tears running down her face. He didn't want anything to do with her or the baby so he walked away with the great memories they had with eachother. Hanging her head low she sobed in her hands with her shoulders shaking widly. Standing up she bolted out of the bar and ran back to the women's inn she and Shizune stayed out. Slamming the door open then closed Shizune bolted up and Tsunade ran to her and fell on the bed while crying on her friends chest. Confussed Shizune pat her Lady's back softly while Tsunade cried her heart out.
"I'm Pregnent Shizune and I told him! He..doesn't want anything to do with me or the baby!" She cried harder.
"Then why not get rid of it?"
"No! It's my baby Shizune! The baby's apart of me."
Sighing she kept on patting Tsunade's back until she was fast asleep from crying. Slidding out of bed Shizune threw the blankets on Tsunade and walked to the other made bed and crawled in there. Things will get strange with a pregnent Tsunade and once the baby's born then they have to make a hard desision to keep it with them or sent it ro Kohana. Looking out the window she frowned as she silently cursed Kakazu's soul to hell and other such. Closing her eyes she fell asleep and in her dream there was a little baby with blonde hair and hazel eyes giggling cutely while reaching up for someone while squealing with joy.
9 months later
Tsunade was freaking big as she inhaled down another bowl of vanilla ice-cream in the local dango shop. The test showed that the Legendary slug sannin and Princess of Kohana was having a baby girl. For the whole day they found out the gender Tsunade was over the moon with joy as they shopped for baby items and looking at cute baby girl outfits and Tsunade said no to anything pink. But sometimes late at night she could be awake rubbing her overly large bulky stomach thinking of Kakazu. For nearly nine months there was no word from him or nothing. Not even a singel letter asking if she and the baby were ok or nothing. Bastard when she see's him he will have no balls or hearts (yes I do mean hearts) left in him as she kicks them all the wall to the cloud village. Picking up a green baby suite that looks a little a cute slug she smiled as she showed Shizune who clapped her hands and laughed. Paying the items she grinned as she walked back to the dango shop and ordered a three scoops of mint and chocolate bits ice-cream. Licking the cone she passed the money and got change back while she grinned ear to ear as she walked back to Sizune who grinned. As she was about to take a step she felt a sharp pain in her stomach. Gasping she dropped her ice-cream on the floor and Shizune gasped.
"Come one Lady Tsunade we have to go to the hosptial!"
"Augh why did it have to be today! I dropped OUR ice-cream because of you!"
It was Saterday morning and Tsunade smiled as she looked at her baby girl sleeping in her cot. Later yesterday night she had given birth to this little angel sleeping peacfully with her dummy in her mouth and a softy slug baby toy in her small arms. Shizune was named the God mother of the baby and she was happy to accepted the title given to her. Smiling softly she placed a hand on the cool glass.
"Mummy's here...Amai." Pressing her forehead against the glass she shed a singel tear as the baby opened her eyes to show the world her light hazel eyes with a hint of green in them. Amai locked her eyes to Tsunade that made her feel proud as Amai stared at her while sucking her dummy until she rather cutely feel asleep. Shizune appeared in time to witness the mother daughter moment and she smiled lightly.
"Lady Tsunade."
"I named her Amai."
"Sweet? Why that?"
"Because when I was pregnent with her all I would ever stomach was sweet foods and ice-cream." She grinned as she heard a soft sigh then giggle. This was going to get rather interesting for now on. Little Amai was going to be trained in the ways of the medic ninja and she was going to have her mothers...and father's famous short temper and her mothers monsterous strenght. But for now she has to teach her the ways of life which include the whole damn thing of parenthood and one things for sure she wasn't looking forward for the potty training and ect.