A/N Okay I've done a few Lost Boys stories, but I wanted to try something a little darker! I hope it's all right, and I especially hope you like it! (:

Haven for the Undead

Chapter 1: Never Nice

What is death? Death is something we all fear. It touches all aspect of life.

Whether it affects you, your relations; your friends. It is always present, never separating, always the unspoken dread at the back of your mind.

When you look at Santa Carla, you don't expect to be greeted by such a foul atmosphere. Sure, on the surface it's all pretty lights, and fun.

But then you look closer, and you realise that that little girl you had assumed was just relaxing, maybe tired out after all the excitement; is really in tears, her eyes red and puffy, as her life lies in tatters around her. You don't know why she looks this way, but it snaps everything into reality. And suddenly, those bright colours don't look quite so dazzling. The gloom seems to grow, and everything rapidly dissolves from that candy-floss aura you had previously perceived. You see Santa Carla as it truly is.

A dead end.

The locals were more cunning and aware than these tourists, who didn't have a clue to the true atmosphere of the night. Locals knew to be wary, keep away from the shadows, keep away from those people, who aren't really people. You know who I am talking about.

It was these creatures who haunted the streets, who lurked in the shadows...who lurked in your nightmares.

No one really knew them. Yet people thought they knew them. The local punks.

That's how humans chose to brand them, as though labelling them made them seem more human. It did not have the desired effect. Rather than reassurance, you only produced more fear. This label made people more anxious, more aware of their presence. And nevertheless, there were always those who didn't listen to the warnings.

They'd put on the bluster; use the swagger, whatever tools they had at their disposal. Why not, right?


These "punks" would kill you as soon as look at you. And yes, they knew how to use it.

But if you were accepted into the fold? My oh my. Didn't you feel special?

And everything seemed rosy again. Much like a light switch, it flickered as easily as a candle, alternating to match your mood.

You ignored the sharp glances locals threw their way. You told yourself they were simply jealous. After all, who isn't envious of good-looks?

But it isn't only their looks, that attracts, although that certainly helps, their atmosphere radiates cool, and acceptance.

And, if there is anything anyone wants, it is to be accepted.

You go with them, quite oblivious to how they seemed to act so odd, telling yourself it was merely you being too normal. Who wants to be normal? You resolve to try and copy how they act, anything to be thought of as one of them.

Do you really want to be one of them?

You question yourself slightly, a hint of doubt creeping into your head. Do you want people to cringe away from you, too scared to look you in the eye?

No. And there it is again, the voice of concern, hidden behind this whole facade. You want to ignore it, but you can't, its incessant voice is persistent.

They aren't bothered by the way you act. They do not care if they draw attention. They aren't looking to be accepted. They don't need to be accepted.

Because, let's face it, who will ever get in their way?

Still, you ignore that little voice, instead focusing on them. Looking at them alters your perspective.

They seem so approachable and calm, that it takes you a minute to remember that they really aren't. They don't have that reputation for nothing.

You remember the night you saw them for what they truly are.

Vampires. Now, isn't that a silly word? A word thrown around all the time.

How many people have you heard saying, "How cool would it be to be a vampire? Wouldn't you love to meet one?"

Naive people.

A vampire is not nice. Now, nice is also a silly, over-used word. How often do you use the word nice? It is probably one of the most common words spoken.

No, vampires are not nice. And if you don't believe that, you'll never last long enough to find out. Don't let them fool you, don't let your guard down, and, above all, don't become emotionally attached. Biggest mistake ever made. Vampires don't feel.

And never believe otherwise.

Sasha is the name. You better start listening, now.

A/N Was it okay? Should I continue or scrap it? Thanks for reading! (: