Alright, so this is the first chapter of my Crystal Bearers fanfiction! It will get much more exciting after this, so please be patient and enjoy!

Warning: If you have not played or seen the ending of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers, this story may not make sense.

I do not own Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers. Square Enix does.

Chapter One: Into the Unknown

A young Clavat girl watched as several seagulls flew next to the cruise ship that she was standing on. Laughing, she followed them as they slowly moved closer to the front of the ship.

Suddenly, a gust of wind came toward the girl and blew her hat off her head. Crying out, she reached for the hat, but she was unable to grab it. Just as it seemed she would never see her favorite hat again, a blue aura spread around the hat. Rushing back toward her, the hat gently landed on her head again. As it did, she heard a man say, "Here you go."

Turning, she saw a male Clavat walking away from her. "Th-thank you," she stuttered. The man waved his hand as if he didn't really care whether she thanked him or not.

Glad that her hat was once again in her possession, the girl turned and headed back to her room.

Layle stared out over the ocean. He was very surprised that the girl had thanked him. The Crystal Bearer had expected that she would be scared of him because of his magical powers.

Maybe this place will be better, he thought. But he didn't want to be too hopeful.

A week ago, Layle had fought and defeated Jegran. As they tumbled through the sky, he had been able to push Jegran away and slow his own descent with his powers over Gravity. He had landed in the Queen's Garden and had quickly fled before any Lilty soldiers could question and arrest him. After a few days of hiding, he had found himself at Costa Faguita. When he saw the cruise ship that was just about to leave, he had decided to jump on.

Once again, Layle pondered on what he would do next. He did not want to return to the lands he had lived in for so long. He was a wanted criminal, and although that might change because Jegran was dead, people would still fear and despise him and his powers. That was why Layle had boarded this boat; he wanted to go to a different land, where he could start over and possibly live without ever displaying his Crystal Bearer powers to the public.

The reason Layle felt this way was because of Jegran. Before Layle had pushed the Lilty away, he had said, "You don't belong in the new world." Layle was hoping that wherever this ship was headed would be a place where he would belong.

But would he be able to resist the temptation to use his powers? Could he create a more peaceful life for himself after all his years of dangerous adventures? He didn't know if would be able to control himself. Plus, he was leaving both his homeland and his friends.

Then again, he doubted his friends would need him. Althea might not be able to be queen any longer, not after it had been revealed that she was a Crystal Bearer. And if she could still hide her powers from the public, she might not be allowed to see him if it meant losing her authority.

Keiss wouldn't need Layle. He was growing closer to the Lilty nation, and he would probably replace Jegran as High Commander. They had been good friends and work-partners for many years now, but they had always been prepared for the day that one of them would die or leave.

And then there was Belle. Layle smiled as he recalled how many times she had stated that she could handle it solo, but he always ended up saving her anyway. She wouldn't miss him. He was just a filthy Crystal Bearer to her.

Something on the horizon pulled Layle away from his thoughts. He saw that a large landmass was approaching.

At that moment, Layle decided that he would not turn back. He would stay here, away from all that he had once known. This is for the best, he assured himself. Preparing to depart from the ship, he hoped that he was right.