I'm so sorry that it's taken me at least two weeks to update. School got in the way and every single time I started to write, someone would interrupt, so apologies. I'll try and get the next chapter done much sooner.
Thank you for beta reading for meDundermiffilinite. Again another wonderful job.
Rachel rushed in from her class, discarding her bag and jacket on the bed and switching on her computer. Excitedly, she sat herself in the chair, and as she did it twirled around a few times. Straightening up the webcam, she waited for the computer to load. The eagerness was
building up inside of her, and she it let free through a small squeal. Her smile widened when the screen finally loaded and she saw Finn´s face for the first time in five days. His computer image smiled back at her, his face clearly brightening. "You´re late," he teased.
"No, you´re just early," she replied, leaning back in the chair. Though the image was slightly delayed and her speakers were regrettably getting old, the video chats were always the highlight of her week. When they´d gone to college, they´d promised to do one at least once a week and had solemnly kept that rule for three months now.
"I guess I just couldn´t wait to see you." His half smile appeared and it looked just as beautiful through the webcam. "Oh, before I forget, I´m sure you´ll be happy to hear that I finally found a job." He beamed proudly. Rachel gave him an encouraging smile, urging him to carry on. "It´s not really the best job, but the pay´s okay. I´ve saved up almost $400."
She leaned closer to the screen, bringing the chair forward, too. "What job is it?" she asked curiously.
Clearing his throat nervously, he avoided looking straight into the camera. "Well, err- it´s not the best job... so don´t laugh!"
Rachel pretended to be offended. "I would never laugh at something like that, Finn, and I resent the implication," she said, breaking into a grin.
"I know, I know," he laughed, "but the job isn´t exactly...good."
"Just tell me what it is!" She laughed at the effort that he was going through to avoid answering. What job could possibly be so bad? After all, jobs were completely necessary to make money, the money that they needed for an apartment. Though her fathers had offered a large sum of money in order to help them "start on the right foot", she´d graciously refused, adamant on earning her own money. Finn, of course, didn´t know about this and she did not plan on telling him.
He was a little startled by her outburst, moving back in his seat slightly. "Okay, okay," he held his hands up in defeat. "Do you know Wal-Mart?" The words were tentative, lingering in the air for a second. Just as hesitantly, she answered.
"And," he started, still not looking properly at the screen, "the people who has to greet everyone as they come in?"
Grinning, she replied, "Hmm." Rachel knew exactly what he meant, but found it more amusing to watch him struggle to tell her. She thought, with a smile, that his embarrassment at it was quite endearing, like Finn himself. Why he didn´t want to tell her was a mystery. Winning his internal battle, Finn continued.
He cocked his head to the side slightly. "That´s kind of my job..."
"Finn, that´s great!" she smiled, "I´m glad that you´ve applied yourself not only to your studies but to our future."
The smile returned, if only for a second before he was complaining again. "Yeah, but it´s still pretty crappy."
"A job is a job," she said. "I don´t enjoy waiting tables at all but it´s necessary to earn money." She nodded in confirmation, accompanying it with a smile before cheerily adding, "How is college going?"
"Err..." He ran a hand through his hair, making a mental note not to mention that his report was almost a week late. "Great, it´s just great. What about you? Having fun singing and dancing and singing some more and ... dancing?"
She laughed into the camera. "Lots of fun. Were you not going to mention your late report?
He froze. "How did you know about that?"
Rachel casually shrugged, a smug smile dominant on her face. "I hear things. I know things..." She waited a few seconds. "And Noah might have told me."
"That d-" Finn cut himself short when he received a pointed glare from Rachel and turned the direction of the conversation. "Why were you talking to Puck?"
"Because he called," she replied. "Oh Finn, wipe that look off your face. He´s like my brother!"
"What look?"
"That one!" She pointed at the screen, giggling childishly at his jealous expression. Pouting, he placed his hand over the webcam.
"I´m not talking to you anymore."
They both laughed along with each other until Finn removed his hand and they shared another look. As always, she found herself lost in his twinkling eyes, despite not having the full effect of their powers due to the fact that he wasn´t actually there with her. It was hard, seeing him and not even being able to touch him or receive a kiss. They could only compensate with "I love you"s across the webcam and the gift baskets that she sent him every month. It wasn´t much, of course: usually just a box of cookies (that she´d "baked with love"), a DVD that she picked out especially for him, a short letter of how she was and she usually added one of the many pictures of her and Finn. Of course she sprinkled a packet of gold stars into the box (the very small, glittery ones) because, well, they were her signature thing.
When their laughs were reduced to silence, she decided to tell him what she´d been thinking since the exact second their last conversation ended. "I miss you." She longed to just be near him. Even the simple things such as holding hands seemed amazing, something that she had almost taken for granted before. She´d always loved how their hands had fit together so easily and comfortably. They didn´t ever need to fill in the silences. All they had to do was join their hands and that would be enough, just the assurance that the other was there. The frown on her lips was barely noticeable, hiding being her fake expression of happiness.
Finn too wiped the smile from his face. "Me too," he told her, "but it´s kind of a good thing."
"Why?" she pulled a face, raising her eyebrow. In her opinion, missing somebody was definitely not a positive and it baffled her to think of what Finn meant. He ran a hand through his hair, making her realise how long it had grown over the past few weeks.
"Err..."he started uncertainly, "I mean, like, it´s good because when we do see each other again, it will have been a long wait and so we´ll be happier, more relieved. The more we miss each other, the more ant...ant-"
She smiled. "Anticipation?"
His face reflected the recognition. "Right." He gave her another dazzling smile, "Because we´ve been apart for longer, we´ll want to see each other more." He beamed proudly at his theory before placing his hand across his chin curiously and raising an eyebrow. "Correct?"
"You´re such a dork," she giggled, shaking her head and covering her face with her hands. Peeking through his fingers, she saw the expression still intact and bit her lip. Maybe it was because she hadn´t seen him for a matter of days (which felt more like months) but he looked absolutely heavenly. Transfixed, she didn´t realise that he was speaking to her. He gave her a look- one that managed to send shivers up her spine- and smiled. She could feel her cheeks burning with embarrassment. He knew exactly why she´d been distracted!
"I said," Finn grinned, "I´m your dork, right?"
Reaching up to hold her "Finn" necklace gently in her fingers, she spoke softly, "Of course."
"And you´re my geek," he chuckled to himself.
"Don´t you mean gleek?" she asked, raising an eyebrow herself. When he gave her a strange reaction, she tried to remember his words from that day in high school. "You know," she smirked, "a glee-geek, but like, together."
"You said it was cute!"
"And it was," she defended herself, "but maybe a little cheesy, even for you."
"It took me hours to come up with," he joked. "I´m glad that people created our couple name by themselves. Think about what it would have ended up like if I´d made it. Rainn, or...or HudsonBerry." Smiling, Finn shook his head.
She tried to be encouraging. "You probably would have arrived at Finchel eventually." In all honesty, she didn´t believe so. "Anyway," she changed the subject, "isn´t it better to just say our names? Finn
and Rachel...Rachel and Finn. That´s probably the reason that names were invented." It was then that she noticed it was Finn´s turn to not be listening and caught the final few seconds of his far off gaze before saying, "Finn, are you alright?"
He didn´t answer the question, though looked like an idea had lit up inside his head. "I was just thinking. Finchel..." he trailed off. "It sounds like a Pokémon or something."
"A what?" she frowned.
There was a pause. "A Pokémon," he replied simply, realising that his girlfriend, the Rachel Berry, probably had no idea what that was and thus explained happily, "It was this show. This kid, Ash, caught these things called Pokémon and he fought with other Pokémon trainers. He had this kick-ass one called Pikachu who could totally beat all the others hands down...You´ve never seen it?"
She shook her head, frowning with confusion. "I, err...preferred to spend my time improving my skills at that age. The only television shows that I watched were things that were beneficial to my progress...oh, and the Wiggles. Now that was a show!" Her smile broadened as she reminisced about the days when, as a child, and perhaps a little older, when she´d watch the show endlessly.
"And I bet you sang along to every song?" he asked, though clearly already knew the answer from the smug look on his face.
Rachel laughed. "You know me too well Finn Hudson." He nodded in agreement, his eyes catching the time on the clock.
"Shoot!" he began, "Rach...I´ve gotta go. I promised the guys that I´d play some football with them."
Though a little disappointed, she smiled back, "then don´t let me keep them waiting."
He stood up, then sat down once more, looking at the camera, "I love you Rach, always remember that. It sucks not being able to see you."
"You´re seeing me right now..."
He shook his head. "No. I mean really seeing you. I can´t wait until this weekend. I´ll get there as soon as a can and I swear that I won´t leave your side at all." The words repeated in his head once more. "Err, unless of course you´re doing private stuff. Like, you know and, urm."
She decided to spare him the embarrassment. "Don´t worry, I understand Finn." He was beginning to get up again, slowly rising. "Finn," she began in a serious tone, "please make sure that you get the right dorm this time. I don´t think that Amanda will appreciate you walking in on her again."
Blushing at the memory, he gave her a wry smile. "Stop mentioning that. I just want to forget about it."
"Love you," she replied with a smirk. Under his breath, she heard him mutter something about girls and evil. When he left, she turned off the computer, frowning when the old beast took about five minutes to shut down, and excitedly grabbed her planner from beside her bed. Planned properly and in great detail, she knew that the two and a half days she was going to spend with Finn were going to be amazing. She´d utilised every minute, every second even, to ensure that not one bit of time was wasted. His visits were sparse, here and there in the few months they'd been apart, and she was determined to make the feeling of happiness last until the next visit. And, of course, she was sure
that that would be exactly the case.
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