Chapter 1- The Year of the Populars

In every year group, in every school, there are the Populars. The girls who are envied, loved. They are the beautiful, the clever, the humourous. They are the stars of the novels about tragic heroes and heroines. They are the ones who wear the fashionable clothes, who get what they want, who claim the dashing gentlemen. Take, for example, Dominique Weasley. She is in my year, at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and she is popular. With flowing blonde hair, beguiling blue eyes, and a willowy figure, Dominique Weasley is desired by many. And yet, she's also one of the nicest people I've ever met. I mean, she actually talks to me sometimes, and that could be counted as a name is Darcy Moore, and I am avoided. Despite my best efforts, I am unnoticed.

And I do try. Oh, I first step in trying to be noticed, was dying my hair. Blue. I cut my hair into a neat bob, before getting it dyed blue. However, all that landed me with was a detention and a load of rude whispers in the corridors. But I kept with my plan. I replaced my boring wire spectacles with vintage glasses. I bought wacky, interesting clothes. I pierced my nose. I painted my nails bright colours. But the fact remained, I was unnoticed. Despite my -interesting- appearance, people still managed to class me as a bookworm. Even my best friend, Carly Clarke, said I was a bookworm. Though, I know better than to trust the word of Carly Clarke see, I am currently huddled up in my room, my trunk all packed ready for my sixth year at Hogwarts. I am re-reading the letter which Carly sent me merely an hour ago. Dear Darcy,How are you? I hope you're well. I bet you're excited to be back at Hogwart's! Is your hair still blue? How many books have you managed to read since the holidays began? The reason I'm writing is, well, I'm leaving. Hogwart's that is. And the UK. My parents are moving to Australia, and I'm going to attend the Perth School of Magic. They've been planning this for three years, but I just couldn't tell you. I know we always said we'd go to Hogwarts together always, before moving into a flat in London together. But it just isn't possible. I'm sorry.

I know you'll understand. After all, isn't this like what happens in one of your novels? We can keep in touch with letters.

Enjoy Hogwarts. I'm sorry that I'm not there to share it with you.

Love Carly xxxx

I've re-read this a million times, yet it still won't sink in. Suddenly, my best friend is moving to Australia and I'm going to be left alone. This is what brought along the talk about Populars. You see, there are more Populars in my year than not. So, without Carly, I will be forced to converse with Slytherins. Whereas I am a Ravenclaw.

The reason there are so many Populars in my year is that this seems to be the year that the Weasley/Potter clan chose to reproduce. In my year alone, there are: Molly Weasley (Hufflepuff), Fred Weasley (Gryffindor), his twin Roxanne Weasley (Gryffindor), James Potter (Gryffindor), Dominique Weasley (Ravenclaw). And, you see, all of these people have friends, and because the Weasley/Potter clan are so popular, all their friends are popular too. So, there we have it, the way that Populars Breed. Of course, in Slytherin, Populars are chosen in a completely different way (Cough Pureblood Cough). But, whatever the cause of popularity, the fact remains that: In my year, if you're not a popular, you're a nobody. You can get away with it in other years. It would be just my luck to land myself in the year of the Populars.

After all, in my First Year, it took me a month to make one friend. Yes, a month. I tried to skirt around the edges of conversation, which I reckon was my problem. After all, who deliberately tries not to make friends. So, people forgot about me. And then, Carly joined the school. You see, she had been ill, and missed the sorting. That meant that she missed all the normal chances to make friends. So we paired up. And that was how I met my first, and only, friend.

Of course, if anyone actually took the time to get to know me, they would know that I'm not such a bookworm. I may own a grand total of 239 books, but that's really not that many. And the fact that I'm in the library so much that Madame Pince actually offered me a job here when I left school- totally normal. Anyway, what self-respecting bookworm dyes their hair blue? Wasn't that a clear enough message for people?

Honestly. You spend one month at a new school too shy to make any friends and you're branded for life. Of course, Dominique I'm-nice-to-everyone Weasley tried to make friends with me, but I was too intimidated by her. And now, I think I've really missed my chance.

But now, with Carly gone, maybe this year will be different. A new starts always a good thing, right? So maybe I shouldn't look at this so morbidly. There's a silver lining to every cloud, and I will find mine.

All right. I admit, choosing a strange outfit for September 1st is a bit of a bad idea. But, I forgot what day it was, and chucked on my weirdest outfit, and then realised, but by that time I was running out of time and therefore had to cope. Which is why, every time people pass me, they snigger. It really isn't that weird. All I'm wearing is a flowery skirt, and a band T-shirt, and a load of sweat-bands, and my starry converse, and my jacket with the kitten-ears on top. Perfectly acceptable. But unfortunately, my classmates really don't agree. And I suppose I do stand out in the sea of black robes, blue jeans, and belts- I mean mini skirts. There seems to be an increase in mini-skirts this year. The Barbie, Popular wannabees, all wearing there mini-skirts and thinking that it immediately makes them desirable. Okay, maybe a little to those boys who let their hormones rule their heads. But to the sensitive, worthy boys? Yeah right. I could almost laugh out loud.

Speaking of mini-skirts, I swear that there is one that is getting close to me. It is short enough to cover only the buttock, and does a bad job of disguising the super-spidery legs of the person wearing it. Oh, no. Beverley Parkinson is approaching.

'Why, Darcy, is that you? I mean, I can't believe even you'd be so stupid as to wear that outfit' she simpered, tossing her bleached blonde hair. Yuck. If Beverley Parkinson got any more fake, I would dance the conga naked on the Staff Table.

'I can't believe you turned off your utter self-absorbnesss for a moment to even notice someone else's outfit- or is that just so you can try and mock?' I chucked back. Oh yeah, I'm good. I can virtually hear the cogs whirring in her head.

'Oh, go to Hell, Darcy Moore' she spat. Wow. I am totally amazed by Barbie Bev's ability to insult.

'Why on earth would I want to go somewhere you're going to end up?' I asked curiously. I heard a snort of laughter behind me. I whirled around, only to find James Potter II walking past me, chuckling slightly to himself. Hmm. That was curious and un-expected. Since when has the famous James Potter II, son of the Chosen One, laughed at something I said? Maybe I should talk to him. Yes? No. Yes? No. Yes? N-

'Hey, James' I called out, ignoring Beverley, who let out a gasp of outrage.

'Hi' he replied, sounding unsurprised that I had decided to speak with him. 'How do you know my name?'

'I people watch.' Oh no. That did not just come out. I did not just tell someone that I people watched. He's going to turn around now, and leave, disgusted. In under five seconds. 1...2...3...4...

Oh my god. He just laughed. How could he laugh? Maybe he's laughing at me. Great.

'Why are you laughing?' I asked indignantly.

'You're the first person who's ever said that to me before. Normally people just say, because you're a Potter. It's refreshing' he explained. Why, oh why, did I just not say 'Because you're a Potter'. It would have been so much more simple.

'My name's Darcy Moore, by the way' I told him, realising that he probably had no idea who I was.

'Would you like to sit with my cousins and I? We've enlarged a compartment so that we can all fit in. I guess you have no-one to sit with now that Carly's gone' he said. Wait a second. How did he know that Carly's gone? And why was he offering me the chance to sit with him and his family?

'How do you know that she's gone?' I asked sharply.

'Because my Dad is her Dad's boss, and so knew they were moving. Do you want to sit with us then?' he asked again. Well, why not. It isn't every day that you're given the chance to sit with the heir to the Potter fortune and his family.

'Sure' I said, smiling. He smiled slightly back.

'Cool. Follow me' he ordered, and yet for some strange, unfathomable reason, I did just as he asked. Oh God. I was becoming a fan girl.