Titel: What happens in Vegas, DOESN'T always stay in Vegas

A/N: Hello every one! Here is a new story that I have been working on and I hope you like it :)

Good to know: In this story, Finn and Rachel had a "thing" like in the shove but didn't do anymore about it when they found out that Quinn was pregnant. And in this story the baby is Finns so, that between Quinn and Puck never happened. And Rachel and Puck never dated.

Disclamere: I don't own anything.

Chapter one:

Puck woke up with a groin, when the sun hit him in the face, and he opened his eyes. He had a headache and the worst hangover ever! Man how much did he drink last night? Whe he moved Puck felt that someone was lying beside him in the bed. He turned to his right just to see a sleeping brunette beside him. He looked closer to see who it was.

"Shit!" Puck yelled when he saw that it was Rachel Berry sleeping beside him.

Rachel just grubbled little when Puck yelled. He thought it was weard that she didn't wake up, he would have done that if someone had yelled just a few centimetres away from him. He called her name a few times in a low voice afraid that someone would hear him. But she didn't move. Not even a little bit. Puck ran his hands over his face and felt something cold of metal connecting with his left cheek. He looked down on his hand and saw what looked like a weddingring on his left hand. He lifted Rachels left hand silenty praying for that she didn't hade one too. But there it was, as clear as the sun in the morning.

"Fuck!" Puck muttered and tried to think back on yesterday. What the hell did he do last nght? Puck thought.


He was standing in the hotel bar with a drink in his hands when Rachel came up to him.

"What is that Noah?" she asked pointing at his drink. And Puck rolled his eyes.

"What does it look like Berry?" he asked.

"Noah, you can't drink, we are under age" she exclaimed.

"Well that haven't stopped me before and beside I'm not the only one that are drinking" he said and pointed at the direction where all the other gleeks were besides from Quinn and Finn. "Come on Berry we are in Vegas live a little. And try to have fun for once in your life" he said.

"I know how to have fun" she said and frowned.

"Well than prove it" he said and gave Rachel his own drink and then ordered a plate of shots. "You know if you are lucky, maybe you have the chance to get some with me tonight" He said and winked at her and she gave him a look that said he wouldn't be that lucky.

"I don't think so. But I'm gonna drink this just to prove to you that I know how to have fun" she said and then brought the drink to her lips and emptied it at once.

"Well, thats good Berry but one drink isn't gonna prove anything" Puck said and took the empty glas from her hand and put it down on the desk before he gave her a shot and ha took one himself . "On three Berry" he said and started to count: "One, two, three..." He said and they took the shots.

Before they even knew it they hade taken at least eight shots and they were pretty drunk.

"Dude!" Puck exlaimed "You drink like a, like a... spunge" Puck said and felt pretty good with himself for coming up with such a smart word. Rachel giggled and looked up at him.

"Is that a good thing?" she asked.

"Hell ya, it's a good thing, and you know what?" he asked and she shoke her head "Well if you take these two last shots I'm gonna marry you" he said and gave her the two last shots and she took them but before she brought the first one to her mouth she said:

"I'll take that as a promise" and than she finished the drink and took the last one directly after the first one, then she whipped her mouth with the back of her hand before she looked up at Puck with a big smile on her face.

"Well, it seams like you owe me a wedding Puckerman"

"You're damn right I am" He said and then bent down and kissed her and she melted into it. And then they stumbled away to the wedding chapel.

When they goot to Pucks hotel door he opened it and he practicly yanked Rachel into the room and shut the door behind them. Puck prest her against the door and started to kiss down her neck and she moaned a bit when he bit down lightly on her collar bone. Then he kissed his way back and captured her lips with his owns.

"Rachel Puckerman I like the shound of that" He mumered against her lips.

"Me too" She mumered and prest her lips against his. And Puck lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist and he carried her to the bed, without breaking the kiss.

-End of flashback-

No,no,no! I can't be married at least not now and especially not to her! Puck thought.

"Berry! Wake up now!" he shouted and shook her, he didn't care if someone heard him now. But she just turned around and away from him

"Five more minutes daddy" She mumbled.

"Sorry to breake it to ya, but it's not your daddy, it's your hus...husband" he managed to get out without throw up at the thought of it. But what he said worked effectivly, Rachel's eyes snapped open and she sat up in the bed turning her face to Puck.

When Rachel spotted Puck beside her in the bed she practicly jumped out of the bed cluching the sheets around her, because she was naked. And Puck just laughed at her and that made her very angry, first he scared her and now he was laughing at her.

"Shut up Puckerman" she snapped at him.

"Sorry, it's just you should have seen youre face Wify" he said and smirked at her.

"What are you talking about Noah?" because she had now an idea what he was talking about.

"Well, it seems like you and I got married last night" Puck said and lifted his left hand and wiggled his fingers and she could see a ring on his ring finger. And she looked down on her left hand and saw that she hade a ring too.

"No, this can't be happening!" she said and sat down on the bed with her head in her hands "I wasn't supposed to get married now, not in high school and definitly not to you!"

"That hurts Berr...I mean Puckerman that's not the way to talk to your husband" he said and held a hand against his chest "But see it from the bright side, you at least waited to have sex until you were married" he said and laid back with his hands behind his neck.

"Oh, thanks I feel a lot better now, thanks Noah" she said sarcastely. He glared at her and said:

"Do you really think I wanted this. To be married to you? No offense but I can't be tied down" he said and then lifted an eyebrow and gave her a pointing look. "That will say if you're not willing to put it out for me at least four times a week"

Rachel just gave him a weird look before saying: "Ee...No thanks"

"Come on, you know you want this it's just to admit it babe" he said and wiggled his eybrows.

"Noah!...come on, be serious!" she said and slapped him on his bare chest and he just laughed at her and she was on her way to hit him again but he grabbed her hand and pulled her on top of him.

"Noah!" she shouted and tried to pull away, but he held her there so she couldn't move.

"Come on, sex is just healthy in a relationship" he said ran a hand down her body and Rachel felt a shiver down her spine when he did that and she hated that she felt that.

"But we are not in a relationship" she said to defended herself.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever, but we are married and I want to have sex with my wife" he said.

"Well then you gonna have to wait a long time" she said and looked down at him looking into his hazel eyes.

"We'll see about that" he whispered and leaned in closer to kiss her.

Finn walked in to the room he was sharing with Puck. He hade been with Quinn all night because she didn't want to be without him now when she was pregnant. What he wasn't expecting when he got in to the room was to see his best friend with the girl he still had some feelings for on top of him. Puck leaning in to kiss her.

"What the hell?" Finn shouted.

And the both teens snapped their heads up to se Finn glaring at them.

A/N: So what do you think?

Please read and review. :)