A/N: The song this story is based on is Leave Me at the Roadside by Rise Against. Very meaningful song, I hope the story goes well with it. Now, no one forget this is my very first one shot and if I'm not quite getting it, REVIEW AND TELL ME WHAT'S WRONG! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own any Harry Potter material or Rise Against material.

It started with a sound in the night.

Hermione sat up straight after being woken up by a shuffle. She couldn't see anything in the darkness, but the noise had stopped as quickly as it started.

"Draco?" she whispered, feeling the sheets next to hers to find that he wasn't there. Scanning the darkness for a few seconds, she reached for her bedside lamp and flipped the switch.

She had found Draco.

He had a suitcase on the floor, and was in the process of double checking drawers when Hermione woke.

"Why are you leaving?" she asked, not absorbing the fact yet.

"I—I'm sorry. I can't do this anymore." He stammered, feeling terrible about what he was doing. "This—it's for you. We couldn't have ever been together."

"You're just going to up and leave?" here he was, about to leave her with nothing but memories. He continued his departure checklist after she finally found out.

And I don't think you see the places inside me that I find you,
And I don't know how we separate the lies here from the truth;

"I don't want you feeling like you're responsible." He said quietly, after a few moments of silence.

"How do you want me to feel?"

"Anything other than responsibility." She finally got out of bed, padding over to him barefoot.

"Go back to bed. I'm sorry." They stood in silence as he waited for her to do so. She finally turned her back to him as she uttered their final words.

"I know." And Draco headed downstairs, walking out of Hermione's life.

And I don't know how we woke up one day and somehow thought we knew
Exactly what we're supposed to do.

A solitary tear streamed down her cheek as she heard the door shut.

So leave me at the roadside,
And hang me up and out to dry;
So leave me at the roadside,
And hang me up and out to dry.

A/N: I hope it was liked! I know it's really short, but I think it conveyed the theme well. Don't forget to review!