A/N: Thank you for your kind replies. OK. This is it. The last chapter. I know I didn't give you enough fuzzies to compensate the angst but... I gave you THE HAPPY ENDING, don't you agree? Before leaving you to read this chapter I wanted to thank you all for your kindness and your enthusiasm. They kept me going through some difficult days.


The little church was full of chatting people, dressed in their most elegant clothes. The church itself was at its utmost splendor, the white and yellow flowers carefully placed along the nave and near the altar giving the edifice a luminosity it had probably never known before. The bride had discovered it while on a romantic getaway with her fiancée and had fallen in love with it. The groom was in front of the altar, his body taut as a violin cord but his eyes full of a vibrant energy that brought a wide smile to whoever glaced that way. He scanned the guests to see who was there and who wasn't, mainly because that way he could keep his mind occupied and not charge in the sacristy to take his future wife in his arms and throw her across his shoulders so that they could Get. A. Move. On! He was kind of looking forward to the honeymoon… Everyone was there. D and Donna, Myles and his lovely fiancée Lucy, his best man... everyone except for the bride. The best man placed himself in front of the groom and fumbled with his bow tie.

"Remember to breath from time to time."

When the groom exhaled abruptly the best man couldn't help but chuckle.

"Calm down before you pass out. She's coming. Soon it will be over and you'll be able to spend some quality time with your wife very far from your nosy team-mates."

"Where are we going again?" The groom asked, battling away the still fumbling hand.

"Nice try. That's for me to know and for you to find out. You don't have to worry about anything. Everything's ready and the driver knows what to do. You just have to worry about having fun and enjoying my gift. I want a postcard, though."

"You'll have it." The other man promised with a big smile and a wink. "You didn't have to do it. You know that, don't you?"

"Yes, I know. I wanted to, though, and thanks to that friend of Myles, the stockbroker, now I can afford it without a second thought."

Just then the buzz of the guests ceased and the notes of the wedding march filled the church. The best man returned to his place beside the groom and locked eyes with the blond bridesmaid preceding the bride. They smiled to each other.

"She's breathtaking." The groom whispered reverently.

"That she is." The best man whispered back even if he suspected they were talking about two different women. At least, he hoped so.


The ceremony was going smoothly and was finally drawing to a close. The guests were receiving communion and the brand new husband looked towards his best man.

"Are you ok, mate?" He whispered upon seeing the sweat on his best friend's forehead and his pinched expression.

"Sure." The man whispered back, visibly forcing himself to lean less heavily on his cane.

"If you need to rest…"

"I'll sit down at the restaurant and I promise I won't move again any time soon. Don't worry, Crash. I'm fine. Right now I'm perfectly fine." Jack reassured with a smile.

Bobby nodded to his friend , accepting his words. He knew first-hand how stubborn Jack could be but it was thanks to that same stubbornness that Jack was now on his own two feet. Plus one. Anyway, he appeared happy if not perfectly fine as he said. Maybe he really didn't have to worry… Nonetheless, he silently urged the priest to hurry up and this time it had nothing to do with the honeymoon.


Jack took the Kevlar vest off with a sigh. He was bone tired. Because of this latest case he had barely seen his home during the last week, his days and nights almost completely absorbed by the investigations. Now the case was closed with no casualties, his favourite kind of case, and he was ready to go home. More than ready. His back had been bothering him some all day, punishing him for the mistreatment of the last days. He took a quick shower at the Bureau then, parting ways with the rest of the team, he got up on his car and headed home. Once parked the car he entered the house. Inhaling deeply he felt himself immediately relax.

"Home sweet home" He murmured then went to his bedroom to change quickly.

Once comfortable, he went to the kitchen and, after a glance to the postcard from Rome pinned to the fridge by a Coliseum-shaped magnet, he hugged the woman busy chopping vegetables, burying his nose in her hair and placing both his hands on her slightly rounded belly.

The playful barking of a dog preceded its own version of a hug.

"Levi, out! You know you can't stay in the kitchen while I'm cooking!" Sue protested while turning in her husband's embrace.

"Honey, I'm back!" Jack said before kissing her.