DISCLAIMER: I do not own Strawberry Panic! nor any of its affiliates.

BOOM BABY I AM BACK! So I decided...to take a crack at writing a fanfic about Shizuma and Miyuki...lol let's see if I crash and burn. Enjoy (^_^)

An exquisite, platinum-haired goddess sat at a beautiful grand piano. Her thick, waist-length hair cascaded down her straight back while her bangs tapered elegantly behind her ears and rested over her smooth forehead. Deep olive-green eyes, which were kissed slightly golden from the sun's rays that filtered through a nearby window, sparkled effervescently as they gazed upon the black and white keys before her. She raised a delicate, but strong hand to the piano and her fingers danced upon them, unleashing a floury of beautiful notes.

As she lost herself in the music, her alarm clock began to chime; signaling her to wake from a slumber she never got to know. Sighing, she got up from the piano and walked to her sprawling bed side and turned off the annoying alarm. Her olive-green eyes dimmed as she picked up an over-turned picture of her and Nagisa that she still kept at her bed-side table. As she studied the picture, like she did every morning after their breakup, her heart ached from flesh-tearing sadness and she let out a heavy sigh to match her dense mood.

Nagisa, Nagisa Nagisa. Hanazono Shizuma thought sorrowfully to herself.

(1 year ago)

"Welcome home, Nagisa." Shizuma smiled lovingly as she greeted her red-headed girlfriend as she entered their huge house.

Nagisa nodded her head, acknowledging the presence of the silver-haired goddess, but did no more than that as she briskly walked past her to the bathroom. Shizuma frowned at Nagisa's dismissive behavior but, then again, her ruby-eyed lover seemed to be distancing herself from their relationship for the past month. Shrugging, she blamed it on the stress from Nagisa's new job. Taking in a deep breath to put out the raging fire from within her chest, Shizuma went to the kitchen to fix herself something to eat. As she was quietly preparing a snack, she heard Nagisa's voice mumbling and giggling from the bathroom. Shizuma was compelled by curiosity to quetly creep to the bathroom and press her ear to the door; a fatal move that confirmed all her worst fears.

Nagisa was apparently on the phone and the person she was speaking to was being showered with gushing love in the form of flirty words.

"I loved having dinner with you, Tamao; I want to eat something else on your dining room table tomorrow." Nagisa's voice paused as she listened intently to the blue-haired girl on the other end of the receiver.

Something Tamao said made Nagisa giggle childishly.

"Yes, maybe I can eat a blue-haired girl wearing nothing but underwear made from whip cream." There was another pause. "Yes, like the one you made me wear last night." Another pause and Nagisa exploded into giddy laughter at whatever Tamao must have said in response.

At first, Shizuma tried to convince herself that what she was hearing was all being taken out of context. But, the more she listened, the more reality hit her square in the chest like a sledgehammer. Her breath came out in ragged gasps as she heard Nagisa indirectly confess to having an illicit affair with Tamao for the past month. Clutching her chest, Shizuma tore herself from the bathroom door and forced herself to sit on a couch in the large expanse of her densely decorated living room.

As she was busy staring into the vast expanse of space before her, Shizuma failed to hear Nagisa leave the bathroom and make her way to stand before her.

"Shizuma, can we talk?" Nagisa asked as she wrung her hands.

Shizuma turned her emtpy green-eyes to nagisa and gave the red-head the most alarmingly empty gaze.

"There is not much to talk about, Nagisa." Shizuma said with a flat voice that did not betray the turmoil of emotions that raged inside of her.

It quickly dawned on Nagisa that she might have spoken too loud to Tamao on the phone. Her cheeks flushed a deep red at the realization.

"Shizuma, we were bound to end; our love just isn't going anywhere anymore." Nagisa was desperately trying to come up with a legitimate break-up excuse.

Shizuma scoffed at Nagisa's effortless attempt.

She never really was one to think things through before she said or did things. Shizuma thought coldly to herself.

The broken platinum-haired goddess gracefully rose from her seat and focused her dimming green eyes on Nagisa.

"Pack your things and be out of the house by 5:00 pm tonight." Shizuma said in a condescening tone.

Nagisa opened her mouth to express her mind but Shizuma raised her hand to silence her without words.

"I am going to go and take a much needed nap. Goodluck to you and Tamao, Nagisa." With those last words, Shizuma slowly climbed the spiraling steps to her bedroom.

Sighing, Shizuma picked up the picture, took one last longing look, and then placed it back down on the bed-side table; face down. She reluctantly made her way to her bathroom to start her day with a shower in an attempt to cleanse and ease her soul. After her shower, she dried her hair and made her way to her walk-in closet to pick out a set of "armor" to get her through the day. It didn't take the silver-haired goddess long to pick out a black silk blouse, a platinum vest to match her platinum hair, a matching pair of platinum dress pants, and black stilettos. She quickly dressed and made her way downstairs to make herself a cup of ritual morning coffee and then head to work.

Shizuma's driver carefully parked the white limousine in front of a sprawling magnificence that Shizuma called her work. The edifice of the building was truly marvelous and a wonder to behold; a shining, white building that stretched up to the heavens with all its 85 floors. Gold and silver accents marked each floor intermittently and they sparkled under the loving gaze of the sun. Shizuma thanked her driver and made her way to the gold-framed revolving doors of the building. Employees scurried about and greeted the olive-eyed beauty as she made her way to the elevator and pressed the 'up' button. The gilded doors to the elevator slid open and she entered and pressed the button for the 85th floor and waited patiently for her destination.

The elevator doors slid open once again and Shizuma stepped out onto the floor that she and her business partner, Tomori Shion, used as their headquarters. From this floor, Shizuma and Shion were able to sit upon their thrones and look down upon the world, and their competitors, from a distance to be able to see all that was going on around them. The statuesque goddess made her way to her office and nodded her head in acknowledgment at her pretty secretary before opening one of the gilded double-doors to her office. Shizuma closed the door gently behind her and went to sit behind her sprawling black desk and immediately immersed herself into a large pile of paperwork that was waiting for her attention.

A few hours passed by and a soft knock came from the door. Shizuma didn't bother to look up from what she was doing but she gave permission to the knocker to come in. Her secretary opened the door and Tomori Shion came walking in briskly.

"Shizuma, you would NOT believe what just happened!" Shion exclaimed loudly as she plopped herself into a chair across from Shizuma.

The serene silver-haired goddess smiled weakly at her business partner and set her pen down.

"What has happened, Shion?" Shizuma asked softly.

Shion raised up a finger to Shizuma and then turned her head back to the secretary, who was still standing in the doorway.

"Do be a dear and get us some ice coffee, Miss Ayame." Shion commanded to the secretary, who bowed and left the room. "So I was at a meeting with some CEOs from overseas and you would not believe who I ran into." Shion said excitedly.

Shizuma placed her hands on her lap.

"Who did you see?"

Shion brushed a strand of blond hair from her long-forehead.

"THE Rokujo Miyuki!"

Shizuma felt a quiver of happiness ripple through her at the sound of Miyuki's name but her outside demeanor did not give away her inner emotions.

"Oh? Did you get to speak to her? She must be doing well in the states with her husband. I would not know much though since we last spoke 5 years ago; when she was getting ready to leave for the states." Shizuma said calmly.

Before Shion could say her piece, Miss Ayame returned with a tray of ice coffee, placed one in front of the blond and one in front of the silver-haired goddess, and quickly left the room.

"Well, I'm merely excited about her because she has decided to return to Japan. She asked me if we would accept her as a third partner to our business. I mean, we can't pass her up, Shizuma; Miyuki is known as the Midnight Queen in the business world for a reason!" Shion was nearly bursting with excitement so she took a sip from her ice coffee to cool herself down.

Shizuma slightly furrowed her eyebrows but she relaxed them quickly.

"What about her joint business with her husband?"

"They're divorced so their assets are split perfectly in half."

"You do remember that she was our fiercest competitor overseas; do you truly trust her to not betray us in the end?"

"I highly doubt she is a turn-coat; Miyuki wouldn't even let you drop from being Etoile after you started to crash and burn after Kaori died."

Shizuma internally winced at the sound of Kaori's name but she had to give Shion credit for always being so blunt and to the point.

"I am willing to sign her to become our partner if you are, Shion."

An evil grin graced Shion's pink lips.

"Well, before we sign her onto anything; I do agree with you that we should tread the waters carefully at first."

Shizuma took a sip from her ice coffee and gave Shion an unreadable look.

"What did you have in mind; a private investigator to follow her around for a few weeks?"

Shion let out a cackle at Shizuma's suggestion.

"No, oh dear beloved Etoile. What I am suggesting is much more subtle and much less costly for the both of us and our business. Just get close enough to sleep with her, find out if there are any ulterior motives, and report back to me in 6 months." Shion beamed at her twisted genius.

Shizuma let her guard down and gave Shion a disgusted look.

"I do not believe Miyuki would ever fall for me enough to get her into bed. But, that is totally beside the point that what you suggest is quite atrocious for me to do to someone who was once my most trusted friend."

Shion scoffed and threw back her head and laughed giddily.

"You may have never seen it during school because you were in love with Kaori and then Nagisa. But, people like me on the outside clearly saw Miyuki for who she was; the one who loved you the most." A loud beep came from Shion's pocket and she took out her phone and grinned as she got up from her seat.

Shizuma remained stiffly in her chair, shocked at the words that came out from Shion's lips.

"What if I refuse to do this, Shion?" Shizuma asked sternly.

Shion stuffed her cellphone back in her pocket and smiled venomously at Shizuma.

"You won't because you know deep, down inside that it's time for puppy-eyed Nagisa to leave your head. I need my charismatic Shizuma back; you had a whole year to cry over Nagisa and now I need you to wake up and find a different romantic interest. Just try it out, Hanazono; I'm sure you'll enjoy the ride."

Shion made her way to the door but was stopped by Shizuma's voice.

"And why can't you be the one to try and seduce her?"

"If you fail; I'll take a crack at it, okay? But use your famous charms, Etoile; don't fail me." With those last words, Shion left Shizuma alone in her office.

The silver-haired goddess closed her eyes in frustration and she leaned back in her chair. She was definitely excited to be able to possibly work with Miyuki but her conscience already felt tainted at what Shion wanted her to do.

But...I am tired of falling in love and then having my heart broken. Maybe playing with Miyuki a bit will help alleviate my pain. Shizuma cracked a small smile and then she returned her attention back to the pile of unfinished papers in front of her.

~END: Well...what did you think? Should I delete this story? lol hey if you guys hate the couple, then suggest a new one for me and I'll improve upon it. Thank you for reading (^_^).