That was all he saw. White walls, white sheets, and the ghostly white complection of his companion laying next to him, the steady sound of a heart moniter keeping time to the beat of his heart.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

He looked over at his broken friend, lying scarily still in the bed next to him, the almost peaceful look on his face disrupted by the purple and red bruises and contusions that now temporarily tatooed him. His face fell, and he felt tears begin the rim his emerald eyes as he thought back to the days previous events.

They started out so innocently, and he couldn't help but wonder how everything could have possibly spiraled out of control in such a small amount of time.

Kendal glanced around the room, letting out a spiteful chuckle at the white walls that confined and protected he and his friend.

To think, he thought, this whole day started out with colored walls.

Okay, so something happened and I had to repost.
Same story, I'll update once people start reviewing.

Love and Foxes,
Bethany Rene