Chapter 2

Naruto spent the next few weeks collecting his usual bounties and checking in on his spy network, he had no current plans but he knew that he was a jinchūriki and had plans for the others of his status. Hence the reason he had teleported to the mountain forests far outside Kumogakure. His spies informed him of a freshly minted twenty-six year old Jōnin named Nii Yugito who carried the two tails.

The cloaked bounty hunter and his yellow smiling masked form moved to the nearest village outside Kumo to await Nii-san. Naruto's information claimed she would be leading a team of herself and two Chūnin on an information gathering mission. He wanted to test her, he had yet to make up his mind as to whether he would kill her or try and recruit her.

H wandered into the village which was very prosperous considering it wasn't far from Kumo which had just as much a prosperous economy as Konoha. People milled around civilians and Ninja alike only a few taking notice of the strange boy. He continued his walk mapping out the area in his head going over hiding spots, the two tails would pass through here and he would follow he didn't dare fight her out in the open this close to Kumo with so many allies around.

He felt confident she wouldn't detect him and spent the rest of the day relaxing and enjoying some ramen at a local stand. Looking over the file in his hand.

Yugito's family name "Nii" means "second place".

Yugito's hobby is playing the shamisen (which she is very good at).

Yugito's favorite foods are tekkadon and milk, while her least favorites are anything spicy.

Yugito wishes to fight any enemies of Kumogakure.

Yugito has completed 1,025 official missions in total: 190 D-rank, 185 C-rank, 356 B-rank, 260 A-rank, 34 S-rank.

Yugito's favorite phrase is (Neko ni kyūshō ari) "Cats have nine lives".

Her birth date corresponds to Leo the lion in the western zodiac, further referencing her cat-like attributes. Leo is also a "fire sign" as well (she is known for having fire affinity although it's rare in Kumo).

In order to prevent the jinchūriki from turning traitor, it is tradition for the host to be selected from the family of the village's own Kage. Due to this fact, Yugito might be somehow connected with one of the Raikage.

She is twenty-six years old, blonde hair black eyes, no known relationship status, measurements are…

Naruto didn't seem to change but if he hadn't had his mask on you could've seen his eye twitching "what is this a dating profile… I'm going to kill Chino the next time I see her, she's not a spy but a matchmaker…"




Team Seven's return went smoothly after defeating the bandits and staying to recover while the bridge was finished. Now they made their way to the Hokage's office to report, turns out the Hokage didn't want to read it but hear it straight from the team which was unusual since he was so busy but the mission assigned team seven itself had turned pretty unusual according to the temporary report Kakashi's summoned dog had brought in.

One report from the demon brothers attack, another from after the first encounter with Zabuza and a final report detailing the important bits at the end before they came back to make the actual full report.

"Ah Kakashi welcome back" the old Hokage said smiling.

"Thanks Hokage-sama" Kakashi replied "Team seven reporting back from the mission to wave, mission accomplished."

"So it seems, yet you say something happened out there?"

Kakashi nodded "we were attacked on our way to Wave by the demon brothers and later by Zabuza…"

The Hokage knew this but was more interested in the rest "and the bounty hunter, you say he was a boy around the same age as your genin?"

"Hai, he was strange but very strong…"

"He was weird!" Sakura cut off "and Kakashi kept leaving him alone with Sasuke-kun!"

The Hokage raised an eyebrow and Kakashi felt she was wrong yet right at the same time "I'm not sure…" he started.

Sakura huffed "I told you he was weird, every time he looked at me it felt like I was forgetting something but that I also wasn't if that makes sense."

'Cha! You tell them! That creepy kid was up to something always hovering around our Sasuke-kun!'

Now the Hokage was concerned as was Kakashi. If something had happened mentally to them it was likely Sakura was affected less than the others. Few knew that the Haruno's during their childhood development and through puberty had a split personality that was the opposite of what they showed. It would manifest as they grew until both personalities became one. Normally it wasn't much help but on rare occasions Haruno's had been shown less susceptible to gentjutsu and other mind altering abilities.

"Hokage-sama excuse my genin team I think we should speak privately with a Yamanaka."

"Very well, Team Seven dismissed.

"Neko bring me Inoichi" Sarutobi demanded and a soft sound was heard as one of the hidden Anbu left the office.

Kakashi moved to a seat and turned it towards the chair next to it, not long after the neko masked anbu arrived the pale blonde jonin. Inoichi's green eyes took in the tension in the air "Hokage-sama you called…"

"Hai" the old man agreed "we have reason to suspect that something happened to team seven while on their latest mission. Though what it is we are unsure, Kakashi has asked for your assistance and I am inclined to agree. Take a look at his mind and most recent memories for any abnormalities.

The blonde thirty-eight year old man nodded stiffly knowing this was a delicate matter especially when looking into the mind of a friend and/or peer. Inoichi had a calm and perceptive nature, generally staying calm under pressure. He was also very analytical so he brushed aside his feelings and nodded, moving to the sitting Kakashi, he placed his hand on the Jonin's head and closed his eyes.


The Land of Lightning (Kaminari no Kuni)


In Kaminari no Kuni hours later Yugito ran silently above the rocky streams that littered the land of lightning before draining off into the ocean. Jumping from boulder to boulder her chunin teammates behind her. She had long, straight, blonde, hair bound with taut bandages, dark eyes and she wore red lipstick. She wore a short-sleeved black and purple blouse and black pants, both of which had a design similar to clouds on them, purple fingerless gloves and a chain of blue beads wound around her left hand. She also wore the standard Kumogakure forehead protector, sandals and a kunai holster, which was strapped to her right thigh. Yugito also wore bandages around her arms and legs as well as a red belt around her waist.

One of the numerous thunderstorms that the country was known for was beginning to rage overhead, the skies darkened and Yugito twitched her finger in a barely noticeable fashion. Suddenly the two chunin both dashed into the sparse trees to the left of the river. Yugito tightened the ninja wire around her hand coated in chakra, but just as it went taught it suddenly slackened.

The hair on the back of her neck prickled and she ducked into a roll and stood on the river next to the boulder she had just been standing. On the boulder stood the yellow smiley-face masked bounty hunter.

"Maa maa" he said cheerily "Neko-chan is really fast!"

Yugito had already drawn two kunai and held them in reverse grip defensively in front of her "who are you and why are you following us?" she demanded as she tried to stall knowing her teammates were getting into an ambush position.

The boy pointed to himself and bounced on the balls of his feet "oh this is Naruto" he said pointing his thumb at his chest "the greatest bounty hunter ever!"

As he finished a hail of shuriken flew from the trees his back was facing, only for them to connect and the boys' body turned to mud.

Yugito had tossed her kunai behind her only for the boy who appeared there to duck and run at her. For close-ranged combat, Yugito could make her finger and toe nails grow to become long claws, with which, coupled with her natural taijutsu skills, allowed Yugito to clash even with sword users and lunge at airborne opponents. So as the boy approached she let her finger nails grow and began her deadly taijutsu dance, only to come up short after the boy dodged the first two swipes she had unknowing let her toenails grow and kicked when she saw an opening.

Her kick passed right through the boy's body.

She hesitated for a second trying to see what she had missed only for the boy, whom she assumed to be some sort of clone or genjutsu, to punch her in the face. And it connected!

She was stunned as her body flew back already over her confusion, the chunin had hopped out and engaged the boy only to have much the same problem. They couldn't touch him but he could touch them.

It didn't take her long to realize that this child who couldn't be more than maybe ten or eleven if she had to guess, was just playing with them. She watched as one chunin fell as some shuriken he had thrown disappeared into a vortex around the boys left eye only for them to reappear behind the chunin landing a deadly blow to his spine. She grit her teeth as she watched her comrade Tanaka fall into the river. Anger rose to the front of her mind as she dashed back into battle being slowly covered in a dense, blue, fiery chakra that took the form of the Two-Tails.

"Oro?" the boy said tilting his head as if confused, which also served as a dodge from the other chunin's kunai which flew past his tilted head barely missing him. Had she not been so angry she might have noticed that even though he seemed to be untouchable he still seemed to dodge every so often.

Naruto's Mangekyō Sharingan allowed him to perform Kamui, a space–time ninjutsu with greater versatility than even the Yondaime Hokage's. Kamui serves as a gateway to another dimensional space, which he can move all or parts of his body between at will. This grants Naruto two distinct abilities: teleportation and what is best described as "intangibility". For teleportation, he absorbs himself through his left eye into the special dimension, and from there he can travel anywhere in the world instantly. His intangibility is a more specialized application of the teleportation, where he sends only parts of his body to the other dimension so that he can pass through objects or, more often, objects can pass through him. He can only make himself continuously intangible for about five minutes without the help of the Kyubi's chakra.

He used his ability as he appeared behind the jinchūriki before grabbing her and teleporting to his own dimensional space, ignoring the cries of the other chunin "Yugito-chan!"


~Unknown Location~


Chinoike Chino, a member of the Chinoike clan. She has short, neck length, spiky white hair. Two thick strands reach onto her rosy cheeks. She has dark blue colored eyes. However, they turn red when she activates her Ketsuryūgan. She also has small eyebrows. Chino is small for her age, as Naruto-sama pointed out that she looked the same age as him when he first met her and was surprised when she told him that she was in fact much older than him being fifteen when he was ten and now she was almost eighteen.

She often teased him as he got older and she still looked ten that he was a lolicon as he always managed to come upon her in a state of undress. Although he didn't react the way she wanted, his goofy personality was on hold when at home and she knew him to be genuinely an indifferent person not cold or mean but certainly not happy and warm either.

She is the last surviving member of her clan or so she believes, she was kidnapped by En Oyashiro, who had been collecting shinobi in possession of a kekkei genkai when she was very young to the point where she forgot her parents' faces. He raised her into a merciless and vengeful shinobi, giving her the task of capturing other kekkei genkai users and eliminating threats.

She thought back to all that had happened before she wound up with Naruto-sama. She learned her entire clan had been wiped out by enemies and angered by the mistreatment from En, she fled from him and sets out on her own path. Along the way, she met Nowaki. The two then banded together and travel together, robbing rich people of their goods for themselves to survive. However, Chino was not able to let go of her hatred towards the villages, which she blamed for allowing her clan to perish.

The only person Chino genuinely cared for back then was Nowaki, whom she was protective of and considers as a brother. She was even willing to give her life to save Nowaki when she fought Naruto-sama.

Although she was initially kind to Naruto when they first met, she actually despised him due to his sharingan that she caught a glimpse of and that his clan was partially responsible for her clan being exiled. She learned later that he wasn't a true Uchiha though he had their eyes.

But that didn't stop her from losing Nowaki, in her hatred, because before she learned the truth she had battled Naruto-sama.


Chino was considered to be a very powerful kunoichi. Being a member of the Chinoike clan, she possesses the Ketsuryūgan, which allows her to manipulate blood and excel in genjutsu.

She had just used Water Release to create a defensive wall to defend against Naruto's attacks. Nowaki was beyond the wall fighting the masked boy. She made bullets of water attack from a range as Nowaki engaged in taijutsu battle. Her sensor abilities kept her from having to see the boy that she attacked but was becoming increasingly angry when the masked kid seemed to be standing toe to toe with her and Nowaki even though they were older and it was two on one.

The battle seemed to drag on and the two older ninja became increasingly tired, but Naruto just seemed bored. Naruto landed a devastating blow to Nowaki, but she protected Nowaki from the finishing blow before attacking him with Ketsuryūgan genjutsu and fleeing.

Chino and Nowaki ran to the Valley of Hell, but they were found by Naruto shortly after. Chino challenges him to a battle, which she is hoping she will win. And it seems she initially overpowers Naruto with her Ketsuryūgan, but Naruto uses his own genjutsu to tire her out, and slips past her killing Nowaki. The devastation at losing her "brother" caused her to lash out desperately.

Chino cries to Naruto about her hatred for the villages after they used and destroyed her clan, and that she fears peace can never be maintained and about how he took away her only family. Just wanting to die she wasn't even attempting to truly fight back she just wanted him to kill her. Sadly, or so she thought at the time, he didn't kill her. He explained that had she a Nowaki talked to him in the first place instead of trying to kill him he would have been more than happy to let them live. Believing she was the true cause of Nowaki's death Chino wailed in agony before passing out.

It didn't take long after that for her to awaken at a makeshift camp and constantly seek out Naruto to end her life, but for some reason he refused. So she followed him believing she couldn't end her own life and no one but him was worthy of taking hers so she could be with her family amongst the dead. Days turned to weeks, and weeks turned to months. Slowly the relationship changed as she found out all Naruto could do she realized he could have teleported away at any time but didn't. He allowed her to follow him.

It took a while but she became attached to Naruto stronger than any person that had come before him, he never asked her to join his plans though he vaguely told what he wanted out of life, it just became her place to be at his side. And slowly she had become happy.

The young looking girl sighed to herself drawn from her memories as she moved to the bed and clung to a pillow, smiling as she thought of Naruto-sama seeing her file on Nii Yugito. She loved teasing him about sex and relationships as he had started puberty. With a soft giggle she closed her eyes to sleep.




The Hokage grimaced at what Inoichi had told him, there was no hard evidence but just whispers that the 'bounty hunter' named Naruto had done something to team seven. It warranted further investigation. He wasn't sure what the future held but he had a foreboding feeling that the masked boy would play a big part.

"Inoichi I want you to gather your teammates along with Asuma and team ten" he said "you're on a joint mission I want all information you can find on this Naruto, you're cleared for three months, send reports at regular intervals understood."

"Hai, Hokage-sama" the blonde said before disappearing.

"Kakashi go see to your team" the old man said looking out the window already lost in thought "who are you Naruto?"