Chapter II * Or Not

Ricky's car came slowly to a stop; he parked near the front door his mother sitting next to him.

Nora shifted "thanks for the use of the car this morning" she dug into her purse "here's the key to the safety deposit box. If you know" she made a cutting motion on her neck "… just in case."

She sighed "all right then… you sure you don't want to go in?"

Ricky nodded "yeah I'm sure."

"Yeah" she agreed with him, before moving her arms to her neck "oh, and here, this is… this for you. Go ahead. Take it. Did wonders for me" she chuckled humorlessly.

"How can you make jokes at a time like this?" Ricky asked

"I don't know" she shrugged sadly "maybe it's because… for once I'm not thinking about myself. I'm thinking about you" she held back the tears she felt were coming "I'm gonna be thinking about you every day… for a while so…"

She tried to lighten the mood "Well, you know where to find me."

Ricky nodded "I know where to find you."

"Um, maybe you can send me some pictures of John, please?"

Ricky nodded silently.

Nora looked at her watch "All right then. Yeah I should go." She laughed and motioned with her hands "I'm gonna learn to speak Vietnamese. You really should have a goal when you're in there. You know something to do. Vietnamese." She repeated.

Shaking her head "all right I'm going" looking back to her son she smiled sadly extending her hand "bye."

He shook her hand and watched her exit after she closed the door and began walking away, he swallowed the lump in his throat "mom!" he said getting out of his car "mom!"

She turned to him as he jogged to her wrapping her in a hug trying to hold back his tears.

Nora smiled as she hugged him and stroked his hair "I'll be fine Ricky. Okay? It'll be fine."

They pulled apart and she smiled at him before turning to walk inside and turn herself in. She hopped up the steps and smiled at him one last time before going inside.


Awhile Later


Ricky had been crying since he left, he couldn't stop it. And that made him hate himself, his mother had just come back into his life to leave again. Worse than that though was the fact that he still loved her, no matter how much she didn't act like a mother she still was 'his' mother.

He had pulled up outside the Juergens house to check on John, he had tried to call a few girls to distract him from his feelings but it seemed he couldn't get ahold of any of them not even Zoe. He was almost to the point where he would call Adrian, no matter how much she had hurt him; he felt he 'needed' sex right now.

He stepped out of his car still looking at his phone trying to decide if he should call Adrian, when he looked up he saw the small window on the side of the garage had a light on in it still.

"Ashley" he mumbled to himself.

Looking at his phone then back to the garage he shut his phone and began walking.

Ashley was sitting at her desk sighing as she listened to music and did some homework, glancing at the clock she noticed it was nearly two a.m. "ugh" she said sleepily.

She stood to stretch only to hear a knock at her door. She turned and saw Ricky peek in the window, seeing her he opened the door and closed it behind him striding towards her quickly.

"Ricky?" was all she managed to as before her lips were silenced by his.

The sudden shock she felt didn't stop her from wrapping her arms around his neck, his arms wrapped around her waist and she felt him pull her towards her bed. She was confused, they had been fighting earlier and he never initiated contact between them but now he seemed very eager.

She was backed into the bed and moved to sit as Ricky pulled back and pulled his shirt off throwing it to the ground. He climbed over her making her lay down and kissing her fervently. She wiggled her way towards her pillows further up the bed all the while not breaking the kiss.

Her shirt was soon being pulled up and she helped him before tossing it aside. She had been in her pajama shirt and pants so there was no bra as her breasts were exposed to the night air, her nipples standing erect as Ricky's warm chest pressed into her and he kissed her again.

She heard him kick off his shoes as they clattered off her bed. He pulled his body up holding himself with one arm as he fumbled with his belt with his free hand. He placed a couple of heated kisses along her neck and breasts as he expertly removed his pants, his knees coming between hers making her spread her legs.

"Ricky" Ashley managed to moan as he pressed his boxer covered hard on into her core, only thin layer of clothes keeping them from their goal.

After a few minutes of making out and grinding on each other Ashley felt Rick hook his finger under the waist band and panties removing both with a practiced ease. His own socks and boxers were gone shortly after that and when he was back between her legs she felt his fully erect penis pressing at her virgin opening.

Not thinking or even bothering to, she was just glad Ricky was finally going to be with her, she let him press into her a couple times making sure she was 'wet' enough and his cock would be lubed enough to not cause to much pain.

She was enjoying the new sensations but was brought out of it when she felt him sheath himself in one quick thrust.

That had hurt.

Ashley had read many things about sex preparing herself for her first time, but the pain she felt was unique and she hadn't been ready for that even after all the stuff she had read. Her legs instinctively wrapped around Ricky her arms doing the same and she found her mouth crushed with a heavy kiss.

She battled the pain away as best she could and tried to distract herself with the kiss, but that really didn't help.

Ricky sighed as he felt the hot wetness that enveloped him, his mind was focused on sex and nothing else, exactly the way he wanted it. He moved as best he could but had to wait for Ashley to relax her legs a bit before he could really get into it, after what seemed like minutes to him her legs slowly relaxed.

He began thrusting trying to not seem too eager to get to his climax, soon Ashley was trying out different ways to rock her hips and match his thrusts. Eager to learn.

He used everything he knew, wanting to prolong the sex so he would hopefully not have to think about his feelings for a while longer. When he got too close to climax he would pull out and kiss his way down her body, ending up at her swollen neither region.

Ashley enjoyed some of the things he did, some of it was awkward and embarrassing but others turned her into putty. She had already came twice and rode out a small orgasm when he was using his tongue on her. She wasn't sure if he was even doing it for her, Ricky kind of seemed to be determined and they didn't exactly talk just moan and grunt.

Soon he was back up above her his hot pulsating cock buried back into her, and it was still slightly painful but she couldn't deny she was enjoying this.

Ricky finally gave in when he felt the girl shudder under him, probably another small orgasm. He had been surprised she was so easily pleased but didn't have time to think as his loins tightened and he shivered at the feeling of his hot seed shooting deep into the girl under him.

Ricky looked at Ashley; she had been asleep on him shortly after having sex not being able to stay awake to talk, which he was glad for. When she finally rolled off him he was fighting to stay awake, he glanced at the clock which read four-thirty a.m. sighing he slipped out of the bed carefully.

He gathered his clothes and began dressing quietly 'stupid, stupid, stupid… I should have just kept trying for someone else, I eventually would have gotten one… this won't end well.'

Ricky was zipping up his pants when Ashley rolled over to his spot, he froze and waited with baited breath, but she didn't wake up at the loss of his heat. Pulling his shirt on he grabbed his shoes and scurried quietly to the door before silently exiting. Immediately he sprinted to his car and hopped in digging for his keys before finding them and taking off quickly.


The Next Morning


Ashley woke up and looked around groggily hearing her alarm clock, shutting it off she felt a soreness which brought back memories of last night. She began to smile until she realized Ricky wasn't in her room, she felt her chest tighten "this was not a one night stand" she whispered to herself "it can't be…"

Standing up gingerly she pulled her pajamas on with the intent to shower and find Ricky hoping he was just looking after John, she pulled her robe on after making her bed before grabbing her bathing supplies.

Ashley heard a knock at her door and prayed it was Ricky but almost sighed audibly at seeing her mother come in.

"Hi" Anne said glancing at her "good morning."

"Good morning" Ashley replied trying to keep up a smile.

"Well I talked to Amy" her mother said bringing Ashley back to what had been happening lately.

"And?" she asked hoping her mother hadn't told her sister about Adrian's pregnancy.

"Oh I didn't tell her" Anne said "Ben called last night and asked that none of us tell her. He's going there."

"To New York?" Ashley asked surprised.

"Mhmm" Anne said nodding.

"Well I guess that's better than a phone call or a text message" Ashley said.

"Yeah I guess" Anne said "Maybe at some point someone can take John to New York to see her. That'd make her feel better I think."

"Someone like Ricky?" Ashley asked her chest tightening "you… you think Ricky should go?"

"Ashley, come on. You and Ricky?"

"Me and Ricky what?"

"How do you really feel about him? Just tell me no judgment promise."

Ashley looked down "I love him" she said without hesitation.

Anne tried to hide her shock by smiling "ok." Turning to her daughter's bed she walked over to it "And do you think he feels the same way about you?"

"I…" Ashley didn't know how he felt, but she was about to tell her mother what had happened "I slept with him!"

Anne had been going to sit on Ashley's bed but missed as her daughter said those words making her land on the hard floor, scrambling back up she stared in shock "W-what!"

Ashley pulled her robes closed and looked away "last night… we slept together…"

"Oh Ashley… no" Anne said quietly "why? Please tell me why you did this…"

Ashley felt the tears in her eyes welling up "I love him mom! I really do, he's a different person when he's with me… last night, he came to me and it just happened…"

She saw the look on her mother's face but shook her head "It was my fault… I've been pressuring him to have sex for a while now, but he never gave in until… finally last night, it finally happened…"

Anne sat on the edge of the bed trying to take all of the information in while Ashley cried quietly "I'm sorry mom, but I do love him… please don't tell dad."

Anne watched her youngest daughter flee from her room, and she felt her own tears sliding down her face. She didn't have an answer for this situation.


Grant High School


Ricky had gotten in early since he hadn't been able to sleep making sure to grab all his things from his locker he waited in front of his first class with the full intent of avoiding Ashley for as long as possible. He even had his phone off, which he was sure she was calling.

Elsewhere in the school Lauren and Madison were talking amongst themselves "Ben is going to New York today."

Lauren nodded "I wonder how Amy is going to take the news."

Madison shrugged sadly "do you think she'll call us?"

Lauren scoffed "her best friends who knew about Adrian's pregnancy and didn't tell her?"

"Should we have told her?"

"Probably… I mean if that happened to me I would want to know, waiting to find out isn't going to soften the blow… we all ignored her."

Madison felt her mood drop more "well… maybe we should tell her? We can still call her."

Lauren shook her head "the damage is already done; let's just hope she forgives us."

The door near their locker swung open and Ashley walked briskly into the hallway looking around, she spotted them and came over "have you seen Ricky?"

"Uh no" Lauren said.

Madison shook her head and the two watched the younger girl walk away through the sea of kids slowly filling the hallway.

She had just checked the music room when she turned down another hall and saw Ricky leaning against the wall near a door to a classroom. She made her way towards him and he spotted her, she watched as he turned and tried the door before finding it locked, he glanced towards her and tried to walk down the hall.

But she had run to catch up with him and grabbed his arm "Ricky!"

He sighed "what?"

She moved them towards the wall and tried to keep her voice down "don't do this, please."

He shook his head "look last night… I couldn't get ahold of any of my usual… uh friends."

She noticed he wouldn't look her in the eye, her eyes threatened to spill tears "so I was just convenient?"

Ricky reigned in his feelings "yeah."

Ashley swallowed "please Ricky… I-I love you!' she whispered thickly.

He still refused to look her in the eyes "look I just needed sex; I should have gone to someone else…"

Her hand slipped from his arm as tears began to spill, Ricky had quickly turned his back to her, he knew she was better off without him. He seemed to screw up everything but his relationship with his son "sorry" he said quietly, too quietly because Ashley had not heard him… she just saw him walk away.


New York


Ben got out of the car with his father "You know what you're going to say?" Leo asked.

"Yeah. I'm uh… I'm gonna tell her what I told you I'm gonna tell her when we were on the plane."

Leo nodded "ok give it to me again."


"No, no. really. The more times you say it to me the easier it will be to say it to her."

Ben sighed "dad, please. I already feel like I'm gonna throw up."

Leo shook his head "there's no throwing up. You're a grown-up. Now go ahead."

Ben swallowed "I love you. I've loved you from the first time I saw you. And ever since then, we've been through a lot together, and yet…"

"Don't pause there" Leo said making a fist "Drive it through. Keep going."

"And yet… darn what was it" Ben sighed.

"You and I have been through a lot together, and yet our problems have seemed to make us stronger." Leo reiterated "we've grown up a lot since we first met."

"I'll take it from there" Ben said then noticed a taxi pulling up "oh, no."

"All right. Stay strong," Leo said glancing at the cab and putting a hand on Ben's shoulder "keep your mood up, and don't slouch."

The door opened and Amy stepped out walking up to them, only she wasn't smiling.


Ben staggered back and fell on his butt; he looked up at her shocked. Leo blinked in shock as Amy glared down at his son "Adrian is pregnant! With your child!"

"Uh um A-Amy… w-wait… how d-did you find out!" was all Ben got out before Amy was back in the taxi and leaving them standing there with a few onlookers.

Amy got back to her room and slammed the door shut, the tears wouldn't stop. She collapsed on the floor sobbing, she couldn't believe this. Her life seemed to always spiral out of control every time something was going good for her.

She wasn't sure how long she had laid there crying, she eventually made her way to her room and lay on her bed. After she had calmed down to only sniffles and hiccups she pulled out her phone turning it on seeing a few calls and texts from family, friends… and Ben.

She shook her head and dialed a number and put the phone to her ear, on the second ring she got through "h-hello."

She listened to the speaker for a minute "y-yeah I'm ok… I just wanted… I wanted t-to thank you" she sniffled "for telling me about Ben and Adrian…"

She listened for a while then smiled sadly "you're the only one I can trust… everyone else had avoided my phone calls."

Again she listened this time for over ten minutes before speaking "it's ok… yeah we can talk later, bye."

She shut her phone and fought from crying again.