Welcome back to the continuing story about Randy Orton and Lora Pierce. For those that don't know, this is the sequel to "The Awful Truth". I strongly recommend reading that first before this; just so your not confused on storylines and characters! I am super excited to continue with this!

And let me remind you, that I am skipping four months time between TAT and FK. But I am still going to follow the current Raw storylines. So this story will pick up mid-November. The good thing about WWE, the stories change so much and so fast, it won't seem that bad. Lol

But here we go! Enjoy!

Chapter 1- Knocked Up

Four Months Later

I stepped out of the shower, wrapping a white, hotel towel around my body. I shivered from the cold of the tile floor. Even in Texas, November was still in full swing, bringing its fall chill. I towel-dried my long red hair the best I could, combing through it with my hairbrush. I let my body towel slip to the floor and began to get dressed. I noticed, as I put it on, my bra kept getting snugger. I groaned, I was already a big C-cup; I didn't want them to get bigger. I shook the thought from my head, grabbed up my jeans, balancing against the counter, and began to pull them up my legs. However, I couldn't fasten them. The two halves of the zipper wouldn't even close. The bump in my stomach prevented it. I looked back at the mirror, turning to the side. My stomach got bigger with each passing week; as the baby grew. The bump was starting to grow out past my chest. I sighed, I guess this was the joys of pregnancy.

I pulled my dark gray long sleeved, tunic top over my shoulders, and pulled it over my stomach. I had to admit, for a maternity top, it was very cute, with its cross over material on the chest and the "V" neckline. And without pants, I went back into the bedroom. I threw down the annoying, too-tight jeans, and bent over my suitcase for something that I could actually wear. I found a pair of black cotton leggings. Surely I could still wear them. Once I was happy to find something that fit, I eyed the jeans again, and yanked them out of the floor, throwing them on my bag. A soft laughter met my ears.

"What's the matter?" Randy said, and I turned around to see him lying stretched out on the bed. Wearing a long sleeved blue cotton shirt and dark blue jeans, he was as overwhelmingly handsome as he always had been. But that smirk, as appealing as it can be, was grating on my nerves. I scowled and raised an eyebrow at him.

"The problem is, Randy, that I getting more barn-like by the day, and I can't fit into my pants," I explained, motioning with my hands to the baby bump that was very clearly visible. "And it's your fault."

Randy slid off the bed, and slowly made his way towards me. His piercing blue eyes staring into my green. I felt his arms go around my back, and he pulled me close to him. His Armani cologne swirled around me, infecting my senses. When he began to talk, his voice was covered slightly because he had his face pressed into my hair. "You are not 'barn-like'. You are carrying our child. And you have never been more breathtaking."

I sighed into his chest, relishing in his words. He always knew the perfect thing to say in any situation. The sparkle on my finger caught my attention, and I looked at my engagement ring. That was a moment where Randy knew the right thing to say, as he asked me to be his wife. I smiled, thinking of that memory, and took a deep, comforting breath. And my bra straps dug painfully into my sides. I groaned, being immediately reminded of my constant changing form. Randy pulled away from me, only to look down at me in concern.

"All of my bras are too small now," I complained, pulling at the binding straps under my shirt. I made a face, while I seriously considered taking it off. Randy let go of me, and walked across the room, grabbing his jacket, slipping it on his arms. I looked at him in confusion. "Where are you going?"

"We are going shopping," he said, setting my black flats on the floor in front of me, and held my jacket out for me. I took it from him on instinct. "You need some new clothes."

I gaped at him. Was he serious? Of course he was, I could see it on his face. "We can't, you have a show tonight. And I can't afford anything else right now. I don't get paid for another week."

But Randy still pulled me towards the door. "You're not buying; I am. It's only fair. I am the reason your old clothes don't fit you anymore." His words hit me, and I struggled against him in the hallway. I finally made him stop, and he looked around at me.

"Randy, I didn't mean what I said; about it being your fault. You don't have to do this," I said, imploring him with my eyes to understand. He smiled softly at me, resting his hand against my belly. My heart jumped at his actions.

"I know you didn't Lora. But I hate to see you uncomfortable in clothes that don't fit right. And this is something I can help you with. I could only hold your hair during the sickness, I can't take away your pains. And this," Randy said, plucking my shirt softly, "is something that I have the power to fix."

I stared into his eyes, emotion running crazy in my body. I had still not gotten used to the sudden mood swings. I could only just go along with them patiently. And now, I could feel my heart beat rapidly, absorbing Randy's words. I couldn't deny him anything when he spoke to me like that. Not when I knew how he felt; I experienced his same feelings when I couldn't do anything to help him when his shoulder was injured.

"Fine," I said, letting him lead me towards the elevator, hooking my arm with his, "but don't go overboard."

Randy smirked down at me, and I knew that wasn't a good sign. He drove us to the nearest mall, and we found a maternity shop called "Motherhood". I was in awe at all the clothes, mainly because they didn't look half bad. Except for the pants. It seemed like every single pair of pants was missing something; a zipper. Where the pants should have ended, was an extra piece of cotton, in the matching color, that was pulled over the belly bump. They looked horrendous on the racks, but the clerk who was helping us, suggested I try on a pair, with a cute top. So, I tried on a pair of light blue jeans, with the stretchy, no-zipper top, and slipped on the knit, long-sleeved, green sweater. And I ate my words. I was extremely comfortable in the pants. The best part being the shirt hid the stretching material, so they looking like real jeans.

When left the store, I had seven new pair of pants, several new skirts; all with matching tops, and five new dresses. I didn't know how much Randy spent in that store, nor did I want too. I was afraid to ask. Next, he took me to the lingerie store, for new bras. I had the sales attendant size me for a correct measurement, and I was shocked when I came out a small D-cup. I sighed, and followed behind her as she gathered the size I needed and five different designs. Again, Randy wouldn't listen to me, and bought everything the woman said I would need. I felt horrible for letting him spend this much money on me, but what could I do when he felt like he had too. And on top of everything, he carried the bags. I was just lucky that he let me hold my own purse. I eyed all the bags, while sitting at a table in the food court, as Randy got us some food. He came back with Chinese food for me, and a slice of pizza for him.

But I couldn't eat; I kept thinking about what Randy has said before we left the hotel. That this was the only thing he could do the help me. And I had just let him believe that. I sat my fork down on my tray, and moved my chair closer to his. He looked down at me, smiling softly.

"Randy, thank you for everything that you got me today," I said, motioning towards the piles of bags on the floor. "But you really didn't have too. I know you feel like this is the only thing you can do to help, but your wrong. You've helped me everyday in the past four months. When you held my hair, that helped me. When you rub my back, that helps me. The things you say helps me. Just you being here with me, makes being five months pregnant so much better."

Randy stared at me, taking in my words. He smiled again, wrapping his arm around my waist, pulling my chair even more closely to his. I tucked my head in the crook of his neck, and he kissed my hair lightly. He was helping me right now, and I hoped that my words got to him, and that he knew it.


Later that night, I sat in my titantron room, loading superstars music for the non-televised event. I was much more comfortable in the new bras Randy had purchased for me. They didn't bind, and I was impressed with the styles and colors; they weren't the bland nude or white colors. I heard the door squeak open, and I turned to see Edoin and Casie filing in the room. I smiled at them, and turned in my chair.

"How's the mommy-to be?" Edoin smiled, pulling a chair up next to my side, and Casie sat on the other. I smirked at her, resting my hands on my bump.

"Pretty good, how's the newlywed?" I shot back at her. She blushed, and twirled her engagement ring and the wedding band around her finger. It was a gorgeous ring, but I was biased of my own; I wouldn't want anything else. Edoin smiled to herself, before raising an eyebrow at me.

"I could say the same for you."

"Well you could," Casie said, leaning her elbows on my table, "if she was already married." I rolled my eyes, and tried to concentrate on my work, fighting the smile at my lips. "How you guys set a date yet?"

"Yes, but don't remind me," I groaned, stretching my back in the seat. This chair wasn't at all pregnancy accommodating. "We've got so much left to plan, because we want to get married on the eleventh of December."

Edoin looked at me sympathetic eyes, "I know what you mean. But don't stress yourself out. I did, but for no reason, because it all fell together for a perfect day." I remembered her wedding. It was beautiful. She had wanted a wedding in Ireland, and had found the perfect spot; a small stoned church, buried deep within the forest in Wexford. It was small ceremony, just close friends and immediate family. The reception was held just outside of the church, under a white tent, with a beautiful rolling hill landscape in the background. I remember that I was barely showing then, and all my clothes still fit me fine. I nodded my answer at Edoin, knowing she knew what I was going through.

"Are these new?" Casie asked, running her fingers over the silky material on my shoulder. The white top flowed nicely when I moved, and was loose on my stomach; a ribbon tied in the back, right under my chest, while the top dipped in "V". And the black pants, with the same stretchy material piece, that you couldn't even tell was maternity wear; they just looked like normal dress pants when the shirt covered the belly. I nodded towards Casie.

"Yeah, Randy took me on a shopping trip this afternoon. This was his way of helping me," I smiled, rolling my eyes. Casie and Edoin laughed, and I knew they were picturing Randy, as he was today, loaded down with bags.

"Well, we got to get going. We both have a match tonight," Casie said, standing up from her seat, joining Edoin as she walked to the door.

"Yeah, against each other," Edoin laughed, and they both left the room. I turned back to my work, finally loading the last song. I sighed, trying to ignore the pains in my back. I paged David on the walkie-talkie, asking him to take over for me for a little while. Standing up from my chair, groaning slightly in discomfort, I made my way out of the titantron room, meeting David on the way.

As I walked through the halls of the arena, I noticed something. People gave me double-takes, and second glances as I walked by them. The crew members, and a few Diva's stared at me like I had a tail. As if they had never seen a pregnant woman before. But I was pretty sure that it wasn't the fact that I was pregnant that they were staring; more like who I was pregnant by. Before Randy and I had announced our engagement, it wasn't so obvious that we were together. But now that I had a ring on my finger, and a baby in my stomach, I saw more eyes in my direction than ever before. Not so much from the men superstars, though. Of course, I knew why. It wasn't because they all liked me, and that we were all friends. Lord no, because I definitely couldn't stand some of them. No, it was because of Randy; and John, Adam and Matt. They were probably afraid to even look at me, without threat of pissing off some of the biggest stars in the business. Not to mention the some of the strongest.

I reached the door I was looking for, and opened it. Inside sat John, Adam and Randy. I closed the door behind me, stretching out my back again. Adam and John sat on the couch, and Randy straddled a metal chair. I had just walked in during a middle of a joke, and the guys were all laughing extremely hard.

"There's my favorite pregnant lady," John said, wagging his eyebrows at me. And I knew I was not mistake when I saw a proud, smug look come over Randy's face. I fought the urge to roll my eyes.

"I'm the only pregnant lady you know," I huffed, sitting down on the couch between my friends. Adam laughed, moving over to give me some more room. Randy looked over at me, noticing the discomfort on my face. "I came for the couch. That chair is murder on my back."

Randy smirked at me, his eyes dancing as he ran them over my body. But then he stood up. "I hate to leave you, but John, Adam and I have a match against three of the members of Nexus." John and Adam stood up as well, making their way to the door.

I kicked off my shoes, and stretched out on my side, lying down on the couch. I yawned, "That's fine. The couch and I will still be here."

Randy laughed softly, and ran his fingers over my cheek before turning from the room, leaving me in quiet. The last thing I remembered was closing my eyes.


"Lora, you need to wake up," Randy's voice broke into my head. My eyes slowly opened, and I looked around me. Randy was standing over me, fully dressed. We were still in his locker room. "It's time to go."

I sat up slowly, trying to fight a yawn, but it was useless. I blinked several times, trying to force the sleep from my body. I hadn't meant to fall asleep, I just wanted to relieve the back pain. Which was still there. "I'm sorry. I didn't know I was that tired."

Randy smiled, helping me up from the couch. I clung to him as my legs wobbled from the sleep. He held on to me until he was sure that I wouldn't fall down. I was still out of it when we got the car. I barely noticed that John and Casie were in the back as Randy drove us home. I was still so very tired. This wasn't anything new. Apparently, the doctor's told me, that it was common to be sleepy all the time during pregnancy, because of the rapid growth of a baby. Something else to live with and get used too. It didn't take us long to get back to the hotel. We said good night to our friends, and Randy ushered me to our room.

I sat on the bed, slowly peeling my clothes off, so I could get into my nightshirt. Once all I was wearing was a pair of panties, and my shirt, I laid out on the bed, waiting for Randy to join me. I could now see my stomach over my chest when I was lying in bed. And it was weird for me, to know a baby was in there; weird but so very exciting.

"Your back hurting you?" Randy asked. I didn't even notice that he had come back into the room. I nodded on the pillow, and he came to sit next to me. Randy pulled me up in a sitting position, and sat behind me, and I was between his legs.

I actually moaned out loud when he began to knead and dig his hands into my lower back. I absolutely loved it when gave me a massage. It just proved that his hands were really magical. He guided his hands up and down my back slowly, with the same amount of pressure. I leaned back into him, laying my head on his shoulder. The pain was slowly leaving my body because of Randy's hands. I turned my head towards him, placing my lips against his throat.

"You see," I said, between groans of relief, "this is you helping me more than anything."

Well, here we go again! Another adventure for these two! I hoped you enjoyed the first chapter of "For Keeps". If you did, please review!