A/N: No flamers and please R&R.

Cynder's POV

" Cynder I'm going to work."

" Ok, bye."

When Spyro left Cynder went to check on Butterfly. Butterfly was sitting in her basinet, chewing on a rubber toy. I picked her up and grabbed the toy. I put the toy back in the basinet. I went to the kitchen and put Butterfly in her chair. I grabbed some baby food

" Here comes the plane!"

Butterfly opened her mouth and I put the food in. After I feed her I smelt something stinky. I went to the changing table. I opened her diaper.

" Looks like somebody made a mess."

I changed her diaper. Then I put her back in the basinet.

Spyro's POV

It was time to go home. I opened the door.

" Hi Spyro."

" How is butterfly?"

" She is fine but taking care of her is tiring."

" I'm sure after awhile it will be more easy."

It was time for bed. I woke up in the middle of the night to crying. Cynder was next to me and woke up too.

" What is that?"

" I think it's Butterfly."

Me and Cynder walked into Butterfly's room. She was the one crying.

" Spyro, go get her some warm milk in a bottle."

" Ok."

I walked into the kitchen. I put the milk in the fridge. Wow, taking care of Butterfly is harder then I thought. Hopefully this won't happen every night. Spyro kept waking up to do things for Butterfly. And then he finally fell asleep. An hour later he had to go to work.

The next day

Spyro's POV

Spyro had to go to work. He got to work. Terrador and Cyril where already there.

" Where is Volteer?"

" I'm sure Volteer will be here soon."

As soon as Terrador said that Volteer walked in.

" I'm here."

" Good because we where going to start," Terrador said.

" So what are we going to do today Terrador?"

" Today we are going to-"

Spyro's eyelids dropped. His vision became fuzzy. He fell asleep.

There was a black dragoness and a dragon Spyro couldn't see. I have a quest for you. Yes master. You and your daughter shall end him. My daughter is not strong enough. Train her and then you shall end him. Yes Master. I think he could be listening to us Nightmare. Don't say my name! Now GO! Wait.. he is watching. Lets give him a welcome gift. The dragoness lunged at Spyro.

" Spyro," Terrador said.

" Spyro?"


Spyro woke up with a start. He was laying in the infirmary. He blinked. His vision was still a bit fuzzy. He blinked again. Spyro stammered.

" Terrador?"

" Spyro, you where trashing around and you yelled out in pain."

" Did I fall asleep?"

" Yes you d-"

Cynder rushed into the infirmary.

" Is he ok?"

" I'm fine Cynder."

" Spyro your awake!"

" Is Butterfly ok?"

" She's fine."

Nobody noticed but a piece on blood dripped on the white bed.

" I'm feeling a little dizzy."

Once again he blacked out.

Cynder's POV

Cynder looked at Spyro. He had just fainted. Shed noticed a drop of blood on the bed.

" Terrador, whats that?"

" I don't know."

Cynder walked over to the bed. She touched the spot. It felt wet. She looked at Spyro. She saw a glistening red spot on the side of Spyro's throat.

" Come look at this!"

Terrador and the others walked over. Cynder pointed at the spot on Spyro's throat.

" It's blood."

" What do you think it's from?"

" I'm not sure."

Spyro's POV

I woke up alone, but I am still in the infirmary. Nobody was in the infirmary. I stood up. I walked outside the infirmary. Cynder and the guardians were talking to each other.

" What happened?"

Cynder looked over at Spyro.

" How are you feeling."

" I'm fine."

" Are you sure?"

" I'm fine Cynder."

A few days later Spyro went to bed.

I have a quest for you.

A/N: Don't worry there is a sequel to this story and hope you like the next story. The sequel is The Legend of Spyro: Darkness Rises.