Wow. So this is finally it. After many ups and downs, I finish this story. Trust me, there was a point in which beginning to write every chapter was just so hard for me, but when I started, all the ideas flowed into me, and I just couldn't stop. I tried to make this story the best I could, and I honestly like how it went. There will be some things I will change sooner or later from previous chapters, because I know that it still needs a little tweaks here and there.

I admit I was going to quit writing this. I wasn't feeling the chapters, and things weren't turning out how I wanted, so I just considered erasing all the chapters and leaving it as a one-shot, because to this point, the first chapter is still my favorite. But I'm glad I didn't. All your feedback and reviews helped me so much, because you guys motivated me to keep on going, and knowing that once I published a chapter there would be people reading was the push I needed to start on a chapter. I love you guys so much, and thank you for supporting my story. Well, I'll stop my ramble here. Now for the good part ;)


It's been a while. And it's weird not to talk with you to your face. You're probably wondering how I'm typing into this computer. Nudge is amazing. She hacked this thing so that I could speak to it, and it would like just write it down. I'll get her to spell check it later. Anyways, I guess I should talk about what's been happening around here. Max and Fang are acting strange towards each other. They think, because I'm blind, that I don't notice, but I can "sense" the tension in the air (call it a sixth sense). You can ask Max more details when we see each other again, 'cause I'm really not getting much of what is happening, and I'm not one to gossip. Gazzy's been incredible. I guess he noticed I was a bit down since I was missing you, so he's been doing everything in his power to make me feel better. Everything I could ask for in a friend, that boy is. Angel is… well, Angel. She's been a little sulky lately because Max recently declined yet another of her offers to become flock leader. And me? Well, here I am, waist-deep in thought (AN: that line is courtesy of Vanilla Twilight, Owl City), talking to a computer while wishing it was you. We're leaving soon (Max's wacko voice is giving us directions again) so I can't really make this as long as I wish it would be, and I wanted to send it now because I don't know when I'll be able to use the computer again. Actually, there is something rather important I'd like to tell you, now that I remember. I just want you to know that… you can see other people. I know you don't need my permission or anything, but I wanted to tell you this, since we're like officially together… and I'm rambling (I'm starting to sound like Nudge. It's pathetic). I know that, first of all, it's hard having a boyfriend with wings per se, and second, you barely ever will get to see me. But whatever your choice is, I want you to know that I will always love you, Ella Martinez. No matter who you see or what you do. Umm… I guess that's it.


PS: Hi. This is Nudge. I know I'm not supposed to be doing this, but Iggy reaaaaally misses you. And he loves you so so so so much! I'm sorry I caused you guys trouble back when we were at your house, by the way. Anyways, back to the subject. Please don't see other people. You guys are like a match made in heaven, literally, and you should never be separated no matter what. Now Iggy's asking me what's taking so long, so I guess I should go. Hope to see you soon, Ella!