A/N: I have another PATF story up! It's drama, drama, drama with some romance...and some of the themes could get tough but I know you can handle it. If you read my last story then I am sure you are brave enough to read this one. It will get deep in moments but I love going there. lol. I do not own PATF or Disney. Enjoy!

A Son For A King


"You may now kiss the bride!" The priest instructed Naveen.

Naveen turned to face Tiana and pulled her body to his before giving her a passionate kiss.

Everyone in the church applauded and cheered at the newly-wedded couple as they both jumped over the broom.

The couple stood in front of their friends and family witnessing all the love they were all giving them.

Tiana looked over at her mom and blew her a kiss. Eudora smiled. While Naveen showed off his beautiful wife to his parents. The king was very proud of his son while the queen gave the couple a smile on the outside but inside she was furious. But like a queen she had to deal with it and pretend to like what she saw.

As the cheering died down Naveen took his new wife's hand and looked down at her. "Are you ready to make a run for it?"

"I've been waiting my whole life." Tiana responded. The two ran down the isle and out of the church before reaching to their carriage where Naveen lifted his wife up before hopping onto it.

"Why did we have to get carriages. A car would've been more appropriate." Naveen complained.

"It was Charlotte's idea. And I think it's romantic." Tiana said.

"But how can we get any privacy before the reception? Look at all the people watching us." Naveen pointed at the crowd who were observing them behind the gates.

"I guess a little privacy could've been arranged." Tiana looked at the crowd.


Naveen and Tiana danced to the song "Ma Belle Evangeline" with Louis playing solo on his trumpet. The reception was held at the La Bouf ballroom with the room beautifully decorated in gold and white. From the white satin table cloths to the golden tipped champagne flutes. The white and gold theme really made the reception look like a magical wonderland suited for a prince and his princess bride.

"This evening has been so magical." Tiana whispered just loud enough for her husband to hear.

"Yes, it is." Naveen agreed. "And be prepared for more evenings like this, my beautiful wife."

"Oh yeah?" Tiana smiled.

"Mmm hmm." Naveen answered and gave her ear a soft kiss.

Naveen's parents watched the couple dancing from their table.

"They make such a beautiful couple." King Kabir said. "I am so proud of our son, he really got him a beauty."

Nagina rolled her eyes and remained quiet. Kabir noticed and looked at his quiet wife. "What is it now?"

"Oh nothing. I suppose I am a little disappointed that Naveen married this young girl."

"And why is that Nagina?"

Nagia shrugged her shoulders. "Well, she's common. And this IS New Orleans. The stories I've heard here about the witches and voo doo spells. The girl could've used some of that to catch our son's heart."

Kabir laughed. "You silly woman. Our son has the real thing…look at how he is looking at Tiana. How he's holding her. I believe we had this kind of connection once upon of time, yes?"

Nagina looked over at Tiana. "She is a beauty…and our son is a young and attractive man himself. And you know he's had a philandering past. I do not see it lasting."

"You are just upset that Naveen refuses to marry that mad princess of Absola."

"Well she has the right bloodlines and she IS a princess. The two would've been perfect for each other."

"Who would've been perfect for each other mother?" Naveen asked with Tiana behind him talking to her mother.

"Uh…you know your cousin Venus and her former lover. It is over and done." Nagina lied. Kabir shook his head.

"So son, when will I get to see your beautiful princess bride again?" The king asked.

"She is…" he looked behind him and took her hand. "Right here, with her mother."

Tiana and Eudora looked over at the bearded king.

"Hello Mr-

"Call me father, papa even my name darling!" The king took Tiana's other hand and kissed it. "Now, explain to me the whole jumping the broom with me. IS this some sort of American tradition?"

Tiana laughed. "No, it isn't a tradition from Americans. My ancestors as well as many from Africa has done this tradition for the longest. I guess they carried this with them even after arriving here over two hundred years ago."

"Yes, and whomever jump the highest gets all the commands of the house. Guess I win that part." Naveen winked at his wife, half joking.

Kabir and Eudora laughed while Nagina stayed quiet folding her hands.

"I guess I should adopt this custom for Maldonia." Kabir joked. "Anyway, I have three gifts for my son and new daughter." He pulled out two envelopes and handed one to Naveen and the other to Tiana. "Naveen, you are holding you and Tiana's starter deposit in total of five hundred thousand US dollars."

The couple looked at each other, surprised.

"And Tiana, my beautiful new daughter you are holding the other five hundred thousand US dollars. You can spend it as you please. It is your money"

"Oh no, I can't take this money." Tiana shook her head and tried to hand the envelope back to the King.

"I insist. I have too much of it already so why not give it to people who deserve it ever so much."

"Exactly." Naveen took the other envelope. "We need this money to renovate the restaurant and perhaps for a later honeymoon…thank you papa."

Both father and son hug.

"Now Tiana I know how hard working you are but accept the gifts." Kabir gave her a hug and pulled a key out of his pocket. "Will you accept this final gift at least?"

Tiana raised an eyebrow. "It depends on what this final gift is."

"Your own home."

"What?" Tiana said with widen eyes. "Now Kabir-

"No, no, no. Please take it. It will be the final gift from me and Nagina."

"We've given them so much already Kabir." Nagina exclaimed. "Tiana isn't use to people just giving her wonderful things like this, right Tiana?" She gave Tiana a fake smile.

Eudora watched the conversation closely.

"Um, Naveen. When you do have time I need for you to come back to Maldonia for a couple weeks." Kabir smiled at Tiana. "It is for business, it won't be long."

Naveen groaned. "I have a business to help to run with Tiana papa. You already know that-

"It's fine Naveen." Tiana reassured.

"We'll talk about this some other time. My son and new daughter need to go to their new home." The king said to the couple.

"That's right." Eudora agreed. "But let me borrow you for a second babycakes." She took Tiana by the arm and walked them away from the royal family. "Tiana, I do not trust that queen. The way she was gawking at you…I just don't have a good feelin' about her."

Tiana nodded at her worried mother. "Aw mama. It won't be long before they leave."

"I heard from the king himself that they plan on staying after the opening of the restaurant."

"A whole month? Well if anyone can do it he can."

"You just keep your eye on that ice queen. I don't trust her one bit." Both mother and daughter hugged. "You're a married woman now. Fight for your man because a man's mother is his wife's worse enemy."

"I will mama." Tiana laughed.


One month later…At home

Naveen rolled over to hold his loving wife in the early hours of the morning but all he got were sheets and a pillow. He groaned. "Where is my beautiful wife?"

"In the bathroom." Tiana walked out of the bathroom and slipped on her shoes.

Naveen sat up, revealing his toned chest. "Where are you going? It is Sunday morning. It is usually the only morning we make love and sleep in all afternoon."

"Sorry, I have to go to the restaurant. We open early on Sundays starting today remember? For the church people." She looked at herself in the mirror.

"I thought that was only during the holidays." Naveen got out of the bed wearing nothing but boxer shorts. "And one Sunday per month."

"Well it was so popular that I decided that every Sunday afternoon and evening the restaurant will be open until eight."

Naveen groaned again.

"You can stay at home. Just a few of the staff will be there anyway. You can spend some time with your parents before they leave tomorrow."

"I rather go to work with you then." Naveen said, walking in the bathroom. "Just let me wash up a bit."

"No time to wait. Just meet me there!" Tiana exclaimed, heading out of the room and walking down the stairs.

"Faldi faldonza. The woman cannot wait five minutes for me." Naveen stepped into the shower.

At the restaurant…Kitchen

Tiana was in the middle of mixing when a guard walked up to her.

"Excuse me your majesty." He said. She was still mixing "Um…excuse me?"

"Hmm?" Tiana looked up. "Can I help you?"

"Your majesty. I-

"Call me Tiana." She requested.

"Um, Tiana the prince…um Naveen is with his highness and the queen. He will be back in an hour."

"Just when we needed an extra hand." Tiana said. "Thank you?"

The man nodded and left the kitchen.

One of the cooks went by Tiana and says, "You should be use to these Maldonian guards calling you highness, majesty, leader."

"I don't know…" She poured the batter into the pan. "I'm still the same person I was before marrying Naveen. And Naveen treats them like they are his buddies"

"Well he had people serving him all his life." The cook turned on the stove. "How does it feel?"

"How does what feel?" Tiana put the pan in the preheated oven.

"You know, married to a prince from a foreign country. It has to be nice."

She closed the oven door and shrugged her shoulders. "He's just a man. Sure he is from royal family but he doesn't act like them…he's like us."

"Us?" The cook laughed. "Girl he is loaded. Why don't you just up and leave here?"

"Because it was my dream to own a restaurant? Why don't you go back to work. We have a lot to finish up." Tiana ordered the cook. Just then she felt dizzy. "That was random." She shook her head and went to get a glass of water.

Naveen sat on the living room couch with his parents talking about their stay here in New Orleans. He wanted them to leave and quick, but he knew that wasn't going to happen.

Kabir sat the cup of water down onto the coffee table. "Son, as you know we will be leaving for Maldonia tomorrow and I need for you to come along with us for two weeks."

"Nope. Not going to to happen." Naveen cut off his father. "I have work."

"Playing that ukulele and mincing is work?" Nagina asked.

"Son, it will only be for two weeks. I need for you to work on this project with me…it is for the poor families of Maldonia."

Naveen sighed. "Can't you have people work on that for you?"

Nagina laughed. "It is for the families in need Naveen. Your father wants you to do more projects so that when the time comes for you to be king-

"I have a career and life here." The Prince reminded his parents. "And looking at the time I should be heading out to help my wife." He stood up.

"Son, I really need for you to do this with me. Perhaps a week instead of two. Once you are done you can return back to your lovely wife."

Naveen groanded and looked up at the ceiling before returning his eyes back to his father. "I'll have to talk about it with Tiana."


Later that evening at home…

"Why not? It's only for a week." Tiana said to Naveen.

"Are you sure? What if you need help with mincing?"

Tiana laughed and gave her husband a kiss. "It won't be long. Technically we won't be together for two and half weeks if you add in the back and forth ship rides but it won't be for that long."

Naveen smiled. "Before I met you I never knew what it was like; to look at someone and smile for no reason."

"Random...but sweet." Tiana said, taking off her dress and slip. "While you're bringing up more quotes I'll be in the shower."

Naveen unbuttoned his shirt. "How about I join you?"

Tiana rolled her eyes and walked into the bathroom, stepping into the shower. Naveen followed.

"What are you doing?" She asked, turning on the water.

"Showering with my wife? Is there anything wrong with that?"

Tiana remained quiet, picked up a bar of soap and began making a lather.

He took the soap from her hand. "This water is a little hot, yes?"

"I don't think so." She applied the lather on her skin.

"Let me help you with that." He slowly pulled the back of her onto him.

"What are you up to prince froggy?"

"No good, princess waitress." His lips touched the side of her neck and his hands ran up and down her waist.

Tiana then turned around and wrapped her arms over Naveen's shoulder, standing on her tiptoes. Pressing her lips to his.

Without hesitation Naveen picked her up with her legs now around his waist and pressed her back against the shower wall. Water hitting their naked bodies.

"I love you." Naveen said through the kiss

"I love you, too." Tiana responded.


One month later in Maldonia…

The past month has been difficult for Naveen. Dealing with his father's meetings, projects and his mother's constant nagging about him staying alone drove him insane. Plus the fact that he stayed three weeks over what was originally planned and not being able to speak with Tiana on the phone for the pass couple of days was also killing him. He missed his wife and the life he had in New Orleans.

"Well son. Your work here in Maldonia is done. You can return to your Tiana." Kabir said clapping his hands.

"It took a whole month to complete." Naveen said with sarcasm.

"But think of it this way, you are helping citizens who really needed this. You will make a wonderful king."

Naveen shook his head. "Too bad I have no interest father."

"Well I am not getting any older."

"But Kanad is. He will be eighteen in about…ten-eleven years. You'll be in your sixties…perfect time to step down.

Kabir laughed and Nagina walked in with envelopes. "Here is the mail darling" She then ha ded her son a letter. "Here is a letter from Tiana."

Naveen quickly took the envelope and opened it.

Nagian cut her eyes at her son as began he reading the letter.


I've been missing you for the past several weeks. While waiting I've met this wonderful man who quickly stole my heart. He has been here for me when you were over in Maldonia doing whatever you wanted to do. So I am saying goodbye Naveen. I am not in love with you anymore so don't bother calling or writing me back.


"What?" Naveen was shocked and heartbroken. "How could she do this?"

"What is it son?" Kabir asked, concerned. "Is Tiana sick?"

Naveen dropped the letter and stormed out of the room.

Kabir picked up the letter. "I wonder what got him upset?" And began reading the letter. "Oh."

Nagina was pleased that her plan work but she still had to make sure the other have succeeded.

"I thought she loved him. How could she leave him for another man?" Kabir wondered

"Because she is a commoner who wanted our money darling. She got it and didn't need him anymore." Nagina said, walking out of the room. Kabir quickly followed and took her hand. "What?"

"Did you have anything to do with this?" He knew how his wife was.

She yanked her hand away. "Of course not! Why focus on a tramp who basically stole our son's money." And with that she walked away feeling good.

Naveen tried to call Tiana but no one answered. "Why Tiana. Why did you do this?" He walked over to a picture of he and Tiana and without hesitation threw it at the door, glass shattering everywhere. A tear ran down his face. "Why Tiana? Why?"


Tiana walked out of the bathroom after her sudden case of nausea and fell flat on her back with her head landing right on the pile of mail she just got before coming in from work.

"I thought morning sickness happened in the mornings." She whined, sitting up and taking the first letter in her hand. Her eyes widen when she saw that it was a letter from Maldonia. "It's about time he wrote back." And began reading the letter.


It has been a month since we've seen each other. Writing back and forth was wonderful until I met this beautiful woman here in Maldonia who happens to be the princess of Absola. I will not be returning to New Orleans for we are to marry within the next couple of weeks. I enjoyed all the times we spent together but my real home is here. I've enjoyed all the fun we've had. And hopefully you will find happiness again. Goodbye Tiana.


Tiana covered her mouth, shock at what she just read. "This has to be a joke." She quickly ran over to her telephone to call Naveen. No one answered. "No…" She said as tears ran down her face. "How could he do this?" She looked over at a photo of her and Naveen. Without breaking a sweat she picked up the photo and threw it against the wall. Her throw was so hard that she fell back onto the bed where she began crying hysterically.

"How could he do this to me?" She looked down at her stomach and rested her hand on the growing bump. "Right when I need him more than ever."