My name is Nymphadora. I am 15 years old, and a full blooded vampire. I live in a world that you may not understand... Full of ghouls, and monsters and things that are simply unbelievable. But even in my own world, I am a freak.

I am the worlds only born full blooded vampire. My parents, both human... both dead... My mentor is Mr. Larten Crepsley, I live with him and we travel with the side show Cirque Du Freak, owned and ran by Mr. Tall. The war between the vampires and vapeneze, has started once again... Prince Darren Shan should help us, at least that's what Mr. Crepsley says. Darren defeated them once before. But this time it is different. The vampenese are attacking humans openly and their lord is back. Now both of our worlds are in danger. And I might be the only one who can keep history from repeating itself... I am Nymphadora, a born, full blooded vampire, and this is my story... And in a world that is anything but normal, I am a freak...

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