Disclaimer: I own nothing Tolkien created.



A/N: Ok, this is the final chapter I'm afraid.

I hope you have all enjoyed the story and I'd like to say a big 'thank you!' to everyone who has reviewed, added the story to their Favourites lists or simply read Sanctuary.

There will be a brand new story from me coming soon.

But for now, enjoy the final chapter and don't forget to review at the end. I appreciate every one of them, even if it's just one word.



Chapter 38 ~ Family Additions


It took four more times of reading the letter before Elrond's mind could accept the words. Slowly, he lowered the paper to his lap and turned in his chair to look at the woman's corpse behind him. He didn't remember her but he certainly knew he husband and now he understood why she had brought her baby to Imladris.

He didn't know exactly how long he sat there alone but eventually he stood up, tucked the note carefully inside his pocket and went to the door. As expected, Glorfindel was stood just outside but he tensed when he saw Elrond's worried, serious expression.

"Please make sure she receives a proper funeral and make sure the baby gets everything he needs. I have to speak with Legolas," Elrond said in a quiet voice.

"My Lord?" Glorfindel asked, not entirely certain what was happening.

Usually, Elrond hated lying to his seneschal but both understood that some things had to remain classified even from the Elda. "Please just do as I have asked," Elrond told him bleakly before walking away, all the bounce now gone from his step and his shoulders slightly slumped from the weight of this new burden.

When he reached the door to their rooms, he paused for a moment, trying to figure out exactly how he was going to convince Legolas that what he was about to suggest was indeed the right thing. Unfortunately, there was no real way to prepare for this so he took a deep breath and pushed open the door. He found Legolas just returning from the bedroom, now dressed in loose fitting clothes.

"You're back already," Legolas smiled in surprise when he saw his partner.

Elrond closed the door softly behind him and nodded, "Yes."

"Glorfindel didn't need you after all?"

"Uh, no, he didn't."

"Did you eat lunch? I've had something already but…"

"Legolas, where is Elena?" Elrond asked, glancing around the lounge. He didn't want any witnesses to this upcoming conversation.

Slightly startled by the abruptness of the question, Legolas frowned but answered, "Aldarion has been quiet all day so I sent her home." Elrond nodded although still looked around a little nervously. "Melleth nin, what is going on? Did something happen?"

"I…There's something we have to talk about," Elrond said hesitantly.

"All right."

"Shall we…? Let's sit down," the Elven lord proposed, himself sitting heavily on the couch and motioning to the seat next to him. Although a little reluctant, Legolas did join him, sitting on the edge so he could look at his partner properly. For a moment, it didn't look like Elrond was going to say anything but the blonde Elf waited patiently in silence for him to start, recognising his love's struggle. Eventually, his patience paid off and Elrond spoke in a low voice. "Do you remember about five years ago when you came to visit Imladris and there were reports of Orcs on our borders?" Legolas nodded and he did indeed remember very nearly being set upon by the Orc troops on his way to the sanctuary. "And do you remember at the time Imladris made an alliance with the Men who called themselves the Rangers of the North? Elladan and Elrohir ran with them for a while."

"Yes, I remember."

"Well, there was one man in particular amongst them. I think I mentioned him to you a couple of times. His name was Arathorn."

"I think I remember you mentioning him in passing," Legolas said, straining his memory to recall what Elrond had said about that particular human.

"Do you remember me telling you that during his visit here he spoke of his marriage?" This time Legolas shook his head and Elrond wasn't particularly surprised. So often he had spoken in detail about the events of his days and although the prince listened avidly to every tale he couldn't possibly be expected to remember every mundane detail. "Well, he was getting married to a young woman the next month and requested that I preside over the ceremony here in Imladris. Despite not knowing him well, I agreed but he got called away and I never heard from him again."

"Elrond, I don't…" Legolas shook his head, not understanding where this was leading.

"When Glorfindel called me away earlier, it was because of a request for asylum. A woman had come to Rivendell needing sanctuary for herself and her new born son. Legolas, she died just minutes after handing the healer her child." Legolas' face softened instantly and he automatically reached for Elrond's hand, sensing he needed the support. "She asked for me specifically."

"Did you know her?" Legolas asked sympathetically.

"No, I'd never seen her before. But I knew her husband." Elrond paused, knowing his partner could put the pieces together on his own.

And sure enough, a moment later, Legolas said, "Arathorn."

"Yes," Elrond confirmed, squeezing Legolas' hand tightly. "But there's something more, hence the reason I'm talking to you about it."

"All right," Legolas said, confused once more. It was a tragic story, certainly, but he had never seen Elrond get so obviously upset over the death of someone he barely knew.

"Her husband, Arathorn, is also dead. He was killed by Orcs a few months ago; that's why she came to Imladris. She knew she was dying and if…when it happened, her son would be left all alone so she brought him here, probably as instructed by Arathorn." Legolas nodded his understanding, pain for this tragic family he had never met shining in the depths of his eyes. "She knew her son would be safe in Rivendell under my protection. That's why I have to talk to you, melleth nin. This child, Arathorn's son, I have…I have a duty to protect him."

"Wait. I don't understand. You've only met this man once."

"Yes, but I didn't know then what I know now. If I had, I would never let him leave Rivendell," Elrond explained, suddenly angry at himself for his mistake five years ago. Seeing Legolas' mounting confusion, he pushed aside his own guilt and continued, "The child, Arathorn's only son, is very special, Legolas."

"Special, how?" Legolas asked curiously.

Now Elrond released Legolas' hand and pulled the note Glorfindel had given him out. "She left me this. She said that it was for my eyes only and that no one else must know the truth but you have a right to know what I may be letting us in for so…" He held out the creased, tattered note for the prince to take. "Read it," he instructed.

Almost nervously, Legolas took the letter and slipped it from the envelope and after an encouraging nod his partner started reading. Whilst Legolas was reading the hastily written and untidy writing, Elrond quietly got up and started pacing, watching Legolas the whole time. His reactions were as expected. Shock and amazement flitted across his face and then confusion, followed finally by intent as he re-read the letter just as Elrond had done earlier. Finally, Legolas absorbed the content and folded the paper up carefully.

"Well?" Elrond asked, perching on the edge of the table in front of the younger Elf.

Legolas' fingers ran along the creases in the paper as he thought about what he had just read. After a moment his eyes lifted to meet Elrond's and they just stared at each other, neither quite knowing what to say. Legolas looked back down at the paper and in a voice that no human would ever be able to hear, said, "We have Isildur's heir in our healing halls?"

"Yes. Arathorn knew that Imladris was ever a haven for all free peoples. His instruction was for his wife to bring their son here should anything happen to him so the line could always be protected. He knew the boy would be safe from the Enemy here."

"But…why not take him to Lorien? Galadriel's borders are far more secure than ours," Legolas whispered, even though there was no one around to overhear.

"I don't know," Elrond sighed. Everything had been so simple that morning and in the course of just a couple of hours everything had gotten so overwhelmingly complicated.

"What are you going to do?"

"I can't send the child away. He's too important and he's in too much danger to ever return to the hands of Men, even the Rangers. And neither Lorien nor Mirkwood would accept a human in their communities. He is too important to ignore, Legolas, and he is vulnerable to attack if I send him away from here." The young Elf had to nod in agreement. Feeling suddenly nervous about his words, Elrond said quickly, "Legolas, I want him to stay here in Rivendell. With us."

Legolas suddenly sat up straight in surprise. "You mean…you want us to raise him…as our own?" he asked in stunned disbelief. "No, Elrond. No, I can't raise another child. I can't."

"Legolas," Elrond whispered, taking Legolas' hands in his own. "I have to do this."

"That woman's death was tragic but it was not your fault."

Elrond shook his head and lowered his eyes, saying, "But this boy's fate is of my making. I let him go, Legolas. I let Isildur leave with that Ring and I allowed the line to crumble. I cannot let him suffer this alone."

"You know something more?" Legolas asked, referring to Elrond's gift of vague foresight.

"Nothing specific, but there is a change coming and I just know that this child is pivotal. I owe it to him – to all of us to help. Maybe it is a lost cause, maybe Gondor is beyond all aid and protecting a single human is a futile attempt to stop what may or may not occur but, Legolas, I have to try."

"It would expose Imladris to unparalleled danger to conceal something so wanted by the Enemy. If anyone ever found out that we were hiding the heir of Gondor it would destroy Rivendell," Legolas warned.

"I know that. I have thought this through. It is a risk I feel I must take."

"It is a risk that puts our son in danger," the prince pointed out sharply.

Elrond looked down, anguish passing over his features at the thought of Aldarion being harmed. "I know," he admitted, his voice catching. "I know I am asking a lot, Legolas. But this child has done nothing wrong and he deserves a chance."

"And if he is discovered?"

"Then I will place an army between danger and my family. I won't let you or Aldarion get hurt, I swear it."

"Don't. Don't make promises you can't keep," Legolas chastised softly.

"I know it is dangerous but I…I have to do this, Legolas. I want to do this. I want to guide and protect this boy. Maybe it'll work out and maybe it won't, but I have to try. I have to. But I won't do this unless you're certain you want to too because I am going to need your help."

"No one could ever know," Legolas said softly, lowering his head.

"No, they couldn't."

"You'd tell Elladan and Elrohir and Arwen?"

"So they could better guard the borders, yes."

"And Glorfindel?"

"I…I don't know," Elrond admitted, pleased that they were actually discussing this.

"You should. You'd need him to help. Although not Erestor; he'd never approve."

Elrond couldn't help but smile slightly in relief that Legolas was offering his voice. "Right."

"No one else. Not even Aldarion when he grows up. I won't have my son put in unnecessary danger," Legolas warned seriously.

"I don't want that either," Elrond frowned, slightly hurt by the insinuation that he would purposefully put their son in harm's way. Legolas' face softened when he heard Elrond's tone and his hands tightened around Elrond's. "Legolas, I won't do this without you."

The prince sat in silence for a moment, mulling over the pros and cons of what he was being asked to do. Elrond knew that it was a big decision so he remained silent whilst Legolas considered it. Finally, though, the blonde Elf came to a decision and he nodded slowly. "All right," he said in a soft voice.

"All right? Are you sure? You don't need to think on it some more? If you need more time…"

"No, if you feel like you have to do this…How can I condemn you for putting your realm in danger for this child when you did the same thing for me when I can searching for your help? You didn't turn me away and I cannot turn an innocent child away," Legolas said in a far more determined voice than before.

"No, I suppose not. You really want to do this?" Elrond asked in wonder.

Legolas nodded gently, sitting up straight and pulling his hands back from Elrond. "He's not my son, Elrond. He never could be. He'll live with us and I will take care of him but he will never be my son."

"I can understand that," Elrond agreed.

"All right then. Let's do it."

Elrond quickly and smoothly transferred himself from the table to the couch and took Legolas into his arms and held him close, pleased that Legolas returned the hug. "Thank you, melleth nin. Thank you."

Legolas nodded then pulled back, saying, "You should go and prepare your children for their new responsibilities and send Elena back; she should know of the new addition to her duties."

"Right. I'll get some to place a second crib in the nursery. Hopefully it shouldn't be too difficult to arrange."

As Elrond got up from the couch, Legolas called, "Elrond, we already have a second crib. The baby can use Anara's cot for now – at least until you can arrange a proper one for him."

"Are you certain?" Elrond asked softly, the thought of a stranger lying in his daughter's bed sent a pang of sadness through him and he knew it did with Legolas as well.

"He'll need somewhere to sleep," Legolas reasoned, getting to his feet. "We'll need other things too."

"I'll organise it all, don't worry." The prince nodded. "I'll be back soon." With that, Elrond quickly and quietly left the room, hardly daring to believe what had just happened. He couldn't believe that Legolas had actually agreed; he could hardly believe that he had even suggested it.

Meanwhile, Legolas wandered into the nursery, looking down at his sleeping son. Suddenly he felt the almost desperate need to hold his son in his arms. Normally, he would never have considered disturbing Aldarion from his afternoon nap and yet now he bent down and carefully picked the baby up. Of course, Aldarion woke the moment his father's gentle hands lifted him up and held him close. He remained wonderfully sleepy though and soon settled again in his ada's arms.

"A new addition to our family, ion nin. For all intents and purposes you'll have a little brother. It's a big responsibility for both of us," Legolas whispered softly, glancing over at the perfectly made up cot in the corner. By all rights it should have been their daughter in there. Even so, it somehow felt right that it be in use. The terrible cold dread that gripped Legolas' heart whenever he thought about that gap in their family slightly lessened when he considered that a baby would receive a good home. The human baby would never replace his daughter and Legolas didn't think that he could ever love this adopted child as much as his own flesh and blood but this was what his partner wanted and even when he didn't entirely trust his own heart, he trusted Elrond.

Just a few short hours later, everything was ready for the new arrival and Legolas waited almost nervously for Elrond to bring the human baby to him. He held Aldarion in his arms and paced up and down the lounge. The baby seemed especially well-behaved this evening, as though he sensed the air of nervous anticipation and was intrigued at what might he causing it.

After what seemed like an eternity, the door finally opened and Elrond appeared, carrying his own small bundle. Legolas stepped forward to greet him, holding Aldarion closer still to him. Elrond offered him a small smile.

"Legolas, meet…well, we don't have a name yet but…"

"Everything's ready so…" Legolas gestured to the prepared cot, which had been moved closer to Aldarion's to make it easier to take care of both of them. Elrond gently placed the baby in the cot and the stepped back to join Legolas and his son. "Well, that's it, I suppose."

"It'll be fine," Elrond assured, wrapping his arm around Legolas' waist.

"Right, except I have no idea how to look after a human baby," the prince admitted with a small laugh.

Elrond smiled at his love. "It's much the same as what you have been doing all along. Except I believe human children sleep more than Elven babies."

The prince laughed softly. "He couldn't sleep any less than an Elven baby."

"True. Although I think that when they are both fully grown, we shall miss the sleepless nights."

"Speak for yourself. I shall love sleeping two undisturbed nights in a row." Even as he said this he looked lovingly down at his son and pulled away from Elrond to place Aldarion in his usual cot. The Elven child squirmed in his bed but remained silent. When Legolas joined Elrond again he leaned back into his warmth and Elrond wrapped his arms around him. "You do realise what you've gotten us into, don't you?" he asked with a small chuckle.

"We'll be fine," Elrond assured, planting a kiss on Legolas' cheek. "He'll be fine."

"You know, we can't just keep calling him 'him' or 'the baby'. We should choose a name."

"Any suggestions?"

Legolas shook his head. "I named Aldarion, remember? It's your turn."

"I have considered one name. How does Estel sound?"

The blonde Elrond considered this for a moment, before smiling. "'Hope'. Very appropriate."

"You approve?"

"I approve. Estel."


Thanks for reading.