So this is ch. 1 again, with a few changes. I decided I was not so sure of the head trama= blindness as I thought I was, so now it's shrapnel, etc damage. And I'm still hoping that this won't end up too OOC, or be proven wrong by later episodes. Remember, I began this almost immediately after watching the pilot, so there is still a lot to learn about Auggie, and that's why this could be wrong. Not my fault. Nor is it my fault that I'm mildly obsessed with this TV show, lol.

Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue. Pretty Please?

Chapter One

Auggie's Point of View

I work for the CIA. People think it sounds like a cool job, and it really is. But it's definitely not easy. And it's only gotten less and less easy. Especially since I'm blind.

I was blinded on a mission several years ago. I was special ops in Iraq, working with a very small team of very capable men. We were, however, very young. We were young and we were bored and I was stupid. We were on our way to the next checkpoint in our humvee, talking, laughing, being… kids. God, we were so young. Too young to know what we knew and way too young to do what we did. But it didn't bother us.

We were just riding along, bored, and we hit something. We all felt the bump and the jolt as we ran over it. Our driver, stopped and we all looked back. There was something in the road behind us. I thought it was a dog.

"Go check it out, Anderson," somebody said, and I hopped out of the humvee. I strolled over to it, dropped to a crouch beside it.

"It's just a dog," somebody said, "C'mon Auggie, come back." I was too curious though, to come back now. There was just something strange about it, something so not right. That's when I saw the grenade. It was tied to the dog's collar, and the pin was gone. I jumped up to run back to the humvee, to shout a warning, but it blew up in my face.

I don't remember anything else myself. I just know what others told me later. I was apparently thrown back through the air, against the side of the humvee. I knocked my head against it, and almost fractured my spine with the way my head snapped back. As it was, I broke four ribs, dislocated my shoulder, and ended up with a very serious concussion. Not to mention the almost immeasurable damage the shrapnel had done to my face, eyes and upper body.

After the explosion, it was all my special ops crew could do to get me alive to the checkpoint, where there would be a doctor with more medical training than the basic knowledge anyone with me had. They tried and tried to wake me up, and keep me conscious for the ride there, knowing how bad concussion victims can get if allowed to remain unconscious, but I'm afraid I didn't make it very easy for them. I almost bled to death on the way there.

I woke up in the dark, which was weird, because I'd always made a habit of keeping at least a small lamp on in my apartment. The thing is, I was afraid of the dark. Still. I had been since I was a kid and had never really gotten over it. So, waking up in completely darkness pretty much freaked me out.

I sat up quickly and reached for the lamp I always kept on the bedside table for quick illumination. At least I tried to. My shoulder screamed out in pain and my chest ached sharply. I stopped halfway up with something that was not quite short of a whimper. A loud one.

Something, somebody moved next to me, and as I heard it, I moved instinctively, lashing out, pinning the person by the throat. Again, I tried to. All I managed to do was fall out of bed onto the floor. My head throbbed so badly I almost didn't hear her speak.

"Auggie!" the voice of the person I'd tried to attack said. I knew that voice. She sounded authoritative, and very familiar. I tried to get up and move away from the person, however familiar she sounded. I knew a number of very dangerous people, a number of whom were women.

"Auggie! August Christopher Anderson!" I knew that tone for sure now; there was no mistaking it. "Stop it now and calm down. It's ok, I'm here." It could only be my sister.

"Alice? What're you- How- Where am I? Why are the lights off?" She took a deep breath. She sounded like she'd been crying.

"Auggie, you-" I heard people outside of the room. "Where am I? What's going on?" I asked again, more desperately.

She cut me off "Auggie, you were in an accident. The explosion-" I pushed myself up onto my feet through sheer desperation. Something pulled at my wrist, hurting a little. Tubes. I headed towards the door anyway, feeling them come out of my arms and not caring. I had to get to the door. There were people out there, one of them could tell me what happened.

I felt wetness dripping down my arm. I had no idea where it'd come from and really didn't care. Alice tried to grab my arms, and stop me, but I didn't let her. Distantly I heard her crying. I reached the doorway by feel, and felt on one side of it, the light switch. I flipped it the other way. No visible response. Then the other. Still nothing.

"Are the lights out?" I asked, fearing the answer because I knew it in the back of my mind. Putting the pieces together hurt, and I still hadn't entirely grasped it yet.

"Auggie," Alice said, reaching out to me, with tears and fear in her voice. "You were in an accident. The explosion, and the shrapnel and-"

"No." I said it simply, like my saying so would make it untrue, "No, no, no."

"Auggie," she whispered to me, reaching for my hands, "You're blind."
"No, no, I can't be- this-this can't be happening- I'm not. Oh, God."

Realization hit me, and I crumpled to the floor. I lay there in Alice's arms, sobbing wildly, until a nurse appeared and escorted me firmly back to the hospital bed. I lay there, not knowing if my eyes were opened or closed, and not caring, until exhaustion, combined with a strong sedative, erased everything.