A/N Well, hope you enjoy it! Sorry if it seems OOC. Please review, if possible! Oh and not sure if this has been done before, but hopefully not. (:

Forget Me Not

Chapter 1: Ill-fated Forgiveness

Rose shivered, pulling the blanket tighter around her. She surveyed her surroundings; the rain was pelting down, running in rivulets across the deck.

Unbeknown to her, Cal was silently making his way through the crowds, hoping to find her - and the necklace.

Her pocket felt heavy and unbalanced. She dimly remembered Cal giving her the coat to shoulder and it occurred to her that he may have unintentionally left something in it. Rose briefly considered handing the coat back to Cal – of course, that was if and when she found him - without checking the contents of the pocket, however after further deliberation she chose not to. Citing that it was rightly hers, after everything he had put her through.

Cal continued with his searching, Rose had the extortionately priced "heart of the ocean," something he was not willing to leave without.

Rose raised her hand, examining the veins which stood out, in contrast to her starkly white skin; before slipping her hand into her pocket. Her hand made contact with a hard, smooth object.

Her breath caught in her throat; she knew what was in there. Cal had - rather foolishly - forgotten to remove the necklace from his coat and it was now in her possession; as it should be.

Cal came to the third deck; he had doubts of finding Rose here; as it was for the lower class. Which Rose was most definitely not. A figure caught his eye but he was unsure as to why. The figure was slight with a shock of auburn hair. She looked most like Rose and the coat she was wearing was suspiciously similar to his own. However, surely Rose wasn't down here. Why would she be?

The girl turned and Cal perceived a side profile of her face. There was no mistaking it. The girl was undoubtedly Rose.

Cal froze in his tracks. Now that he had found whom he had been searching for, an unfamiliar emotion set in, one which he faintly recognised as anxiety.

Rose had not yet become aware of Cal's presence. She continued to observe the movements of the others on deck. Everyone was soaked from the initial downpour, and were frantically searching for separated relations. Rose sighed to herself, saddened by the fact that she was truly alone. Or so she thought.

"Rose?" Cal called out, bellowing to be heard above the din.

Rose's knuckles tightened, she recognised that voice. She gave no indication that she neither knew nor heard him.

Cal moved closer, absently wondering if he'd be wrong. No. This was Rose.

Rose waited, praying he'd leave her alone. Her prayers were ignored.

Cal placed a hand upon her shoulder, "Rose?" He repeated, a questioning note present in his voice.

She hesitated, mentally counting to ten. She then plastered a fake, overly-cheerful smile to her face, "what is it, Cal?" She asked frostily.

Cal thought carefully about what he was going to tell her. An idea occurred to him, "I'm sorry to hear about your mother, Rose."

Rose looked shocked; evidently this is not what she'd expected to hear, "what do you mean? She got off the ship."

Cal sighed theatrically, "Yes, but she...she fell into the water. You know how cold it is in there."

Rose's hand moved to her mouth at its own accord, "no...no! She got away..." As much as her mother had grated on her nerves, she still loved her. She didn't want to believe what Cal was telling her.

Tears rose to her eyes, and she blinked angrily, she didn't want to cry in front of Cal; he'd only think her weak.

After an effort, she spoke again, "okay, I appreciate your telling me, but please, leave now. We have nothing more to say to one another."

Cal tenderly looked into her eyes, she adverted her gaze in response.

He raised his hand to cup her chin, "come now Rose, all we have in the world is one another."

Rose thought about the dark future which now lay before her. A future without companionship.

It sounded rather bleak.

Cal watched as the emotions flitted across her face. She'd soon realise that she needed him.

When Rose spoke again, her voice reflected the weariness she felt, "I don't think I can forgive you for what you did."

"You don't really have a choice," he informed her. The words were soft-spoken, in contrast to the harsh meaning which they held.

Rose held his gaze for a moment, recognising the fact that he really was not willing to let her go. She'd never get away from him, until he was bored of her.

"I suppose... I suppose you're right..." It pained her to say these words; however she knew that if she played along with him for now, she might have a better chance of being completely free from his influence. She only had to stick it out for a little while. Besides, what other options did she have?

Cal appeared satisfied by her agreement; he grasped her arm, and led her along after him.

She didn't struggle, although her body was screaming out for this reaction. She hadn't forgotten that he had hit her once before. And he was more than capable of doing it again.

They arrived at the entrance of the upper deck, "where you belong," he blithely told her.

She mutely nodded, sickened by the knowledge that she was going along with this.

Cal pulled her closer, encasing her in an embrace. Rose didn't notice as he snaked a hand around her waist, intending to reach into her pocket.

She caught sight of his movement from the corner of her eye, and twisted away slightly, deterring him from his objective.

Cal smiled slightly, showing his teeth. Rose cringed away from his expression.

"Now Rose, everything will be fine; now you're back with me."

Cal still didn't know whether she had the necklace or not.

And he wasn't going anywhere, until he got it back.