Summary: In the Tsubasa Chronicles, the other worlds host different people who are parallels of each other, but have you ever wondered who the parallel of Fai is? Why, Tamaki of course! Unlike other Fanfics, this one will not have them meet the full Host Club right away. And I will focus mainly on Tamaki and Fai, so don't be surprised when the other parts of the story are shorter…

Chapter One: My Older Self

"Next world, next world, next world! Mokana wants to go to the next world!" the small animal cried as it jumped up and down on Sakura's shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah, we heard you ya stupid fur ball. You gonna shut up now?" Kurogane asked, walking at the head of the group. They were heading into the woods to find a safe, quiet place to take off and leave this world, continuing the search for another of Sakura's feathers.

"I think this is a good place to take off…" said Fai, looking around at the clearing.

"Yeah," said Sayron, "no one will see us here. We all ready?"

Sakura nodded in approval, Fai smiled, and Mokana jumped from Sakura onto Kurogane's shoulder and started to bounce on him. Before Kurogane got a chance to hit the creature, Mokana hopped off and grew her wings. Rainbow lights ignited and engulfed them, pulling them down into the ground and then dissipating like there had been nothing there…


Tamaki tossed and turned in his sleep, moving first from restless dreams of his daughter with those horrible twins to his dear mother, somewhere all alone in France. He could only imagine the pain she felt when he had told her he had to leave, and it still pained him to think that he could have done something, anything else for her, but he had had, at the time, no other option.

He woke with a start, sitting up in bed slightly, but not fully, and fell back down into the pillows and blankets beneath him. He breathed a sigh of relief as his terror slipped away and he relaxed his thoughts, recognizing his setting. He looked up at the ceiling, eyes transfixed on a design he had drawn long ago as a child for his mother, and had taken it with him when he moved to Japan. It was a light blue of interweaving lines, a mix of curves and sharp angles that seemed to set his mind at ease whenever he saw them. They calmed him, let him know all was right with the world, and he didn't even know why. It was like they kept something bad from happening, kept something locked up…

He stopped his musings, looking over at the clock. It was 5:34, Saturday morning, and he had nothing to do today. He had heard of a commoner festival happening at a local park, and had been intent on going until his father stated that he had to get down to work more and stop focusing on childish things. He knew his father wouldn't normally have minded, but his grandmother had been pushing things lately, saying Tamaki was slacking in school and should not be such a brat.

He sighed again, sitting up and leaning against his head board. 'I should just sneak out for a bit. No one will notice, not this early in the morning.' He thought, sliding out of bed and going over to his wardrobe. He pulled out some jeans and a shirt that he saved specifically for days such as this when he wanted to go into a commoner setting unnoticed.

He dressed quickly, slipping on his shoes and going over to the window, looking down at the balcony on the floor below. He could make it to there with out any worry at all, and from there he could reach a ladder left out by a gardener. As he climbed out, he was struck by a funny thought. 'Wow, if it hadn't been for the lobelia girls kidnapping Haruhi and us sneaking into save her, I wouldn't be able to do this right now. I guess it was a good thing after all.'

He reached the ground, and since it was early may, the sun was all ready in the sky for the most part, narrowing down his chances of going unnoticed. He went around extra quiet, slipping through a back gate and the back driveway for where the maids and servants came in, and headed east. Once he reached a street with a side walk, he guessed he was far enough away from home to slow down. He looked down the block and saw the fares wheel in the distance, the actual vendors closer to his own position. He smiled, stretching his arms and putting them behind his head as he went.


It was 8:30 when Haruhi woke up, yawning and stretching as she sat up, looking out the window. She was going to the fair on the other side of town today, so she got up and started making breakfast. Her dad came in the room, yawning and scratching as he sat down, throwing his hair into a ponytail.

"Hey kiddo, got any plans for today?" he asked idly, pouring him self some cereal.

"Yeah, I was gonna go over to that carnival today. Want to come?" she asked, flipping a pancake on the griddle.

"Oh, yeah, I remember that now. Sure, how bout we leave in an hour?" he asked, mouth full of cereal.

Haruhi shrugged, "sure, we can take the bus," she mused, looking back at her cooking food


Fai opened his eyes, arms floating out at his sides as his body drifted along behind all the others. He sighed, feeling peace and warmth enter his body as tingling sensations coursed through him as he sailed on by.

He always loved this part, the rush on his skin even at this slow pace, the amazing light displays from all around that riveted your attention yet made you wish to close your eyes and drift off into sleep. It was a completely stimulating experience, yet at the same time set you to rest as life passed you by, following no rhyme or reason in its meanderings.

His eyes closed again, and he felt his heart pump slowly in time with a rhythm that sounded at a distance, slowly working its way toward him. An innate hush fell over all around him, and he eased his eyes open as this rhythm quickened gently, as if to say 'I'm here, but I won't hurt you'.

It changed, becoming a beat to match his heart as he paused to listen, feeling the 1-2-3, 1-2-3 and a voice picked up along side, humming a new tune.

His heart pounded, begging to race inside his chest as the voice came towards him, above, below, and all around his person. It continued its song, in harmony with the spaces own rhythm as it played out, coming to a last cord as they neared their new world.

'none of the others hear it' Fai thought, looking up a head as they all focused on their own thoughts, oblivious to the unsung song that had just been produced.

As they came to the side of the planet, another piece of music began to play, neither of a persons hum or of natures own beat. It was soft and quiet, dancing along his brain as it picked the notes, recalling of an instrument from his childhood called a piano.

The tune was soft and sweet, a gentle symphony, and as they left the vortex of colors, he could have sworn he heard the voice amongst the piano, singing in his native tongue, "Dear mother, we are separate now, but not to long, and remember how…"


Tamaki looked around as all the towns people filed in, the fair now opening for business. It had been closed when he got there, to early for anyone and still was getting ready, so he had walked over to a quiet playground and sat on the swings.

Now he stood outside the entrance, a huge smile on his face as he looked at all the booths and game tents, making his way in to look around. He jumped from one stand to another as he took it all in, and went down one alley to the side with a few small booths. At the end of the alley, he saw something that made him stop.

"PUPPY!" he exclaimed excitedly, and ran over to where a small stray pup was sitting by itself. It looked up at him as he bounded over, and wagged its tail as Tamaki bent down to pet it. "Oh! Aren't you just adorable! Just like my little girl Haruhi!" he cooed as he picked the dog up and stroked it. The puppy licked he face and barked gently in his ear, obviously happy with the attention it was not used to receiving.

But as Tamaki held the dog, he noticed that something was wrong with its back legs. He set the dog down gently, and took a step back to inspect it further. When he did move back, the dog whimpered and tried to move forward towards him, but could only control his front paws. Its hind legs just lay behind it uselessly.

Tamaki stared at it a moment, then bent down and picked the pup up again, holding it close. "Well, you poor thing, that must really hurt. How about I take you home and take care of you? I got another bid dog, Antoinette, and I'm sure she will like you." He whispered, turning around.

But as he did so, something came right in front of him. It looked as if the sky had turned into a big raindrop and was coming down to plop right before him. But instead of making a big splash, the thing seemed to unfold itself, laying flat and dissolving into the ground to reveal four strangely dressed people, all of who were now standing up and looking around.