Hey, there! This is my first Fanfiction – it's a romance between Hermes and a mortal. Aw, so cute, right? I do not own Percy Jackson & the Olympians, but I absolutely love the books. Give it a read, if you're up to it! And review it, please, this is my first time after all. Enough talk. Here it goes...
Chapter One – Hermes
I had never intended to fall in love with her. It was something that just happened.
It's the worst and most overused excuse EVER, but trust me when I say that she caught me off-guard. Completely. She was a mortal, for crying out loud! I should have been walking all over those those silly humans. But I met her.
And things changed.
Let's start from Point A, shall we? It was only a few years ago when I'd been on Earth, serving time, I suppose you'd say for forgetting my godly duties. As messenger of the gods, I was supposed to be running errands for those lazy bums and forgot to visit Hephaestus's forges one day to check up on the gods' weapons. Needless to say, Zeus was furious. Seething.
You might remember a huge thunderstorm in New York a few years ago. Do you? That was Zeus getting his fancy robes in a bunch and yelling at me. For forgetting to run a tiny, little errand.
It was a bad time to forget. The Titans were growing by the hour. We'd just heard that Hyperion had escaped Tartarus and was causing havoc. We had been anticipating an attack any day and if you didn't know whether your weapon was safe or missing would be a little unnerving. Zeus, Athena, Poseidon – all of my brothers and sisters ignored me for years. Literally.
As punishment, I was to be sent to the mortal world for two years – ugh. Zeus couldn't have picked a worse punishment. Persephone was to assume my duties during my absence, which meant she got to create her own winged shoes.
Come on, now, really! She was the wife of the god of the Underworld, my brother Hades. She knew nothing about this!
Zeus wanted me gone as soon as possible. He told me to stay away from Olympus – which, for your information, was currently at the Empire State Building - unless an attack from the Titans were to come – in that case, I were to get my "fancy flying butt" back to Olympus and help counter the attack.
"Goodbye, my brother. It's a shame you had to bother, Zeus and his - "
"Can it, Apollo!" I snapped at my brother, the god of poetry.
"I'm sorry, Hermes. Poetry comes with ease! I can't help it, this isn't really a job that one can quit," Apollo rhymed, agitating me even more.
"Just...just, ah, forget it. Until the two years passes, farewell, my brothers and sisters." I said loudly. "Should I send a postcard?"
"Hermes," it was Hera. She'd pushed her way to the front of the crowd of gods and goddesses with that worried mother-look on her face. "Where exactly do you plan on going?"
I shrugged. "College?"