Title: Family Portrait
slash, mpreg, infidelity, unintended-incest, angst, child neglect (of sorts)
Summary: At some point the Happy family has to stop pretending.
Pairings: AS/S, DMHP

UchiSays: Hello, welcome to my first next generation fic; I do hope you enjoy it. I got the idea for this story from listening to the Pink song "Family Portrait". Originally this story wasn't an mpreg, but as the idea grew, there was no way for me to avoid making it such. The story will only be three chapters along, and again I do hope you enjoy it. Please read and review.


Family Portrait

Verse One: Mother

Albus-Severus Potter knew it would have been too much to ask for his mother- or Mummy-Bitch as he had so aptly nicknamed her- to show up for his birthday dinner. He had convince himself it was a reasonable request; it was his seventeenth birthday and he could have asked for anything in the world, but all he had wanted was a nice dinner with a few close friends and family. That wasn't unreasonable at all, especially since the majority of the family got together for a family dinner one weekend a month. And it wasn't like his birthday fell in the middle of a workweek or anything- it was on a Saturday this year and at the beginning of summer vacation. Everyone else who had been invited made it (even his Uncle Charlie and his fiancé had made the trip all the way from Romania to be there).

The only one who hadn't arrived for the occasion had been dear old Mummy-Bitch. Albus supposed he should not have been too disappointed; this was anything new after all. Out of all the birthdays he had ever had (this was his seventeenth), Ginny had only ever came to four of them- five if you count the ten minutes she spent at his eleventh birthday before slipping out when everyone's back was turned. Albus often wondered if Ginny had attended his actual birthing, but then he remembered she was obligated to be there to deliver him. It really was no secret that Albus was not Ginny's favorite child. In fact, he felt it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say she hated him. Not that it mattered anymore; he wasn't very fond of him Mummy-Bitch either.

Other than the lack of a certain- unimportant- family member, Albus thought his birthday dinner had gone pretty well. At the very least it had served its purpose: getting his family used to Al's best friend Scorpius Malfoy attending family functions. What's a Slytherin without ulterior motives after all?

It wasn't until later that evening, after everyone but Scorpius, James, and Al's cousin Rose, had left did the evening hit a sour note, because that was when Mummy-Bitch decided to come home.

Albus was in his room with Scorpius laying on the bed and discussing things ranging from their upcoming final year at Hogwarts to their more distant future after school ended. They had left the door open because Rose and Lily had been coming in and out at odd moments until the girls settled down for a game of Exploding Snap with James. Al and Scorpius' conversation had just transcended to some light kissing, when the telltale chime of the Floo activating down in the parlor was heard. This was followed by the sound of Ginny Potter letting out a surprised squeak before saying, "Oh, Harry, you scared me. What are you doing down here?"

Albus sighed and broke off his kiss with Scorpius to hear what would be said next. Al knew perfectly well why his father was down in the parlor at this moment, and he was sure Ginny knew as well. One of Mummy-Bitch's little talents was her ability to act stupid when it suited her needs; at this moment her needs consisted of bypassing the coming confrontation with her husband, while at the same time making herself seem completely innocent of all wrongdoings. Harry didn't even bother answering his wife's question, for he knew the game just as well as Albus did. "Where were you today, Ginny?"

Albus could picture the phony look of confusion on his mother's face when she said, "Paris, of course. Astoria invited me to go shopping with her. Though the strangest thing happened when I was trying to buy this cute little dress I saw; they said my access to the Potter family vaults had been suspended. Thank Merlin Astoria owed me some galleons or I wouldn't have been able to get anything today. Now the question is: why'd you freeze my vault access, dear?"

"Ginny, please stop playing this game with me," Al's father said in an even tone of voice. "Did you conveniently forget what today was?"

"Of course not. It's Albus' birthday, right?"

"If you remember, then where were you!"

"I was busy!" At this point the raised voices had brought Lily, James, and Rose to Albus' room- since it was closest to the stairs- to listen to the building argument.

"They still go at it like this?" James asked, taking a seat at Al's desk while the girls piled on the bed with Albus and Scorpius.

"More so since you left," Lily said softly. When James had graduated and moved out the previous year, it seemed a breaking point for the Potter parents and they no longer attempted to avoid fighting with each other.

"That's none of you business!" Ginny yelled, bringing their attention back to the fighting adults downstairs. Harry had asked her something too soft for them to hear and that had been her sharp reply.

The five teens sat silently listening to the volley of heated words going back and forth, before Albus could no longer stand it. "Well, I'm not sitting here listening to this!" He declared, hopping of the bed and beginning to stuff clothes and other things into an old backpack. "Let's have this sleepover at your place, Scor."

"Sure," Scorpius said. "You guys want to come? The manor is more than big enough." He offered Al's siblings and cousin.

"Naw," James said following the other boys' lead and ignoring the ever-growing shouting match downstairs. "Think I'll head back to my flat. Lils, Rose, you two coming with?"

"Sounds good," Rose hopped off the bed and grabbed Lily's arm, forcing her to turn her attention away from the ongoing dispute. "Come on, Lily, let's get our things."

"Right," Lily said forcing a smile and letting her cousin lead her from the room- their parents' arguing always affected Lily more than the boys, perhaps because she was the youngest and more sensitive of three.

"Bye guys!" Albus yelled after finishing his packing.

"You two have fun," James said with a knowing grin on his face. Albus gave his brother a mock salute, before turning on the spot, and disapparating from the room.

There were anti-appartation wards around Malfoy Manor, so Albus appeared right outside the manor's gates and waited for Scorpius to arrive. Not fifteen seconds later, Albus heard the Crack of appartation signifying the arrival of his blond counterpart.

"Bout time you got here," Al teased, snaking his arms around Scorpius waist and pulling the boy his flush against his body. "I've been waiting forever."

"Do you need another lecture on virtues?" Scorpius teased back. "You know patience is one."

"Virtues?" Albus asked, trailing kisses along the side of Scorpius' neck. "Never heard the like."

"Albus," Scor moaned as the black haired boy slid a hand down and gripped the crotch of his pants. "Can we take this to my room, or do you want my father catching us in a compromising position?"

Albus groaned and released his hold on Scorpius. "Killed the mood," he complained.

Albus and Scorpius had been best friends since they were eleven and shared a dorm in Slytherin. Their fourth year Albus and Scorpius had both come out as gay to their respective families, but it wasn't until their fifth year that they had transitioned from best friends to boyfriends. The only ones who knew about this change were James, Lily, and Rose; all of which had been sworn to secrecy until the boys got up the courage to tell their fathers. Both of them dreaded that day since their fathers weren't exactly on civil terms; they haven't been speaking to each other for thirteen years. Unfortunately Albus and Scorpius would be telling them sooner than they had originally had planned due to the latest monkey-wrench Fate had decided to throw into their' lives.

Scorpius was three and a half months pregnant with Albus' baby.

"Come on, Lover-Boy." Scorpius grabbed Albus' hand and pulled him through the wards surrounding the manor. Now that they were inside the wards it was safe for them to apparate around the grounds and house. Still holding his boyfriend's hand, Scorpius turned on the spot, and side-alonged them straight to his room.

"Your aim has gotten better," Albus commented when they landed in the center of Scorpius' bed. Scorpius smiled and only had time to grab his wand and enforce the privacy charms on the room before Albus was attacking his mouth.

The kiss started as a furious clash of lips, teeth, and tongue, but it soon melted into gentle movements of lips, slow caresses of tongue, and teasing nips of teeth. Albus made quick work of removing their clothes, before trailing a string of kisses down Scorpius neck and across his chest. One hand stroked the blond's cock, while the other assisted in teasing dusty pink nipples to hardness.

Scorpius moaned as Albus continued his path down his chest a nuzzled his slightly protruding belly. Al paused there a moment, cheek resting against the place where his baby was growing inside his lover. Finally Albus pressed a gentle kiss to the area, before continuing his descent down until he came head to head with his target.

Scorpius let out a long low moan as Albus licked up his shaft and wrapped his lips around the head; Albus grinned and slid his head down until he felt the tip of the length pressing against the back of his throat. "Albus," Scorpius moaned, twisting his fingers in his lover's silky ebony hair. Albus slid back up the shaft and released it from his mouth with an obscene 'pop'. "Al," Scorpius whimpered in protest.

Albus just grinned at him before fishing around the bag he'd brought with him. Scorpius couldn't help but moan at the thoughts of what Al was going to do with the tube of lubricant he pulled out. Al continued to grin as he poured the lube over the fingers of one hand, before leaning in and engaging Scorpius in another kiss.

Scorpius knew the kiss was meant to distract him from the fingers slipping inside him and stretching him, and the distraction worked for a while: until Albus added the third finger and the familiar burning sensation it caused dwindled in comparison to the pleasure he felt when Al so expertly struck his prostate. It wasn't long after that Albus rubbed lube into his own cock and slipped into the familiar velvet heat of Scor's tight hole.

Albus moaned at the delicious feeling of being inside of his lover; Scorpius let out a low whimper- of pleasure or pain, Albus wasn't sure. Eventually Scor gave his consent for Al to move, and Albus set a slow steady pace in and out of his lover, hitting Scorpius' prostate with every other thrust. Scorpius moaned and thrust back against Albus. Al gripped his love's hips and continued his tortuously slow pace; his green eyes were glazed over with pleasure as he watched Scorpius. Albus loved the sight of the other boy writhing beneath him, come completely undone from the pleasure, and looking deliciously debauched. This was a Scorpius only he got to see; they were each other's first and only. All too soon, Albus hit his peak and spilled his seed inside his lover; triggering Scorpius' own orgasm.

Albus pulled out of his lover and collapsed on the bed next to him. They lay there silently, reveling in the afterglow of their release. After a while, Albus shifted so that his head was resting against Scor's pregnant belly. Scorpius absentmindedly carded his fingers through Al's hair, and waited for what he knew would come next.

"I don't understand why she hates me so much!" Albus said after another moment's silence. This was a familiar scene; every since they had become friends at age eleven whenever Albus' parents had a particularly bad argument he would go to Scorpius. Scorpius would distract him for a while, until Al eventually started ranting about how much Mummy-Bitch hated him. "I've never done anything to warrant such treatment from her. All I've ever done is try to please her. What the hell did I do wrong?"

Albus didn't really want an answer to that question, because he already knew: he had done absolutely nothing wrong. Mummy-Bitch just hated for no reason! Even as a child, she had made obvious her dislike of him: buying James and Lily presents but conveniently losing his, taking James and Lily places but leaving him behind, never attending his birthday parties, ignoring him when he spoke to her. Just little things like buying him banana ice cream when he had asked for strawberry because he hated bananas.

He knew he hadn't done anything wrong, because what could a six year old have done to make his mother 'accidentally' lock him out the house after dark? What could a four year old have done for his mother to not welcome him into her bed after he had a nightmare? And then there was the look! The look of pure loathing and disgust Ginny got whenever she looked at her middle child. What could he have possibly done to deserve such a look? No child deserved such a look!

If not for his dad and siblings- and later Scorpius- Albus probably would have fallen into hating himself a long time ago. He had fallen into depression at one point: when he was eleven and he had just been sorted into Slytherin. His father had told him he was proud no matter what house he was in; his mother hadn't even answered his letters.

Scorpius had pulled him out of depression, and after that Albus gave up on trying to please Ginny. He swore he would never shed another tear over his dear old Mummy-Bitch. Easier said than done, when he had to sit back and watch her play mother of the year to James and Lily while completely ignoring he existed.

Despite all the lies he told himself about not caring anymore, Albus still yearned to make his mother love him. It wasn't until fourth year when he had come out as gay to his family and she had looked at him as if he'd said he was becoming the next Dark Lord, that he realized it was impossible to make her love him. And it wasn't even like he was the only gay person in the family! His Uncle Charlie was gay- he was even engaged to a man named Rodger Davies-, Teddy was at least bisexual, and Lily was try-sexual (she would try anything). It wasn't fair!

After fourth year, Albus became completely numb to anything and everything Ginny Potter could do or say to him. He had found happiness elsewhere, without Mummy-Bitch. But still he had hoped; today had been one of the most important days of his life. It was his seventeenth birthday! The day he came of age. The day she no longer had to pretend to care for him. She could have had the courtesy to at least show up for that! She could have put forth the effort to act like she loved him; just this one last time. Was that so hard!

All of this Albus vented with his head resting against Scorpius stomach; the blond listening intently, still carding fingers through Al's hair. "And the worst part is the pretending!" Al said. "My parents' marriage has been down the drain for years now, our nuclear family is in pieces, and yet we pretend to have this perfect happy life for the rest of the world to ogle and envy. Dad doesn't have the guts to divorce Mummy-Bitch even though he doesn't love her, Mummy-Bitch is using dad for his money and name, James only comes home when it can't be avoided, Lily had slept with half of Hogwarts, and then there's me. I'm the reason the rest fell apart! Scor, when we get married, promise me if we ever come to the point my parents are at; you'll divorce me without second thought. And if I ever treat our child like Mummy-Bitch treats me, you'll beat the shit out of me and leave me for dead."

"That won't ever happen," Scorpius assured him.

"We don't know that, yet! Just promise me Scor, please," Albus begged, sitting up and looking at his lover with pleading green eyes.

Scorpius sighed. "Fine, I promise, but it goes both ways."

"Thank you, Scor." Albus leaned in and place a gentle kiss on his love's lips. "You're all the family I will ever need, Scorpius. Just you, me, and Baby."

"My mother knows about the baby," Scorpius said out of nowhere.

"What? How?" Al looked surprised. "I thought we agreed not to tell anyone yet."

"I know, but you know how I spent the first week of summer with her?" Albus nodded, Scor's parents had gotten an divorce when he was five- it strangely coincided with the time their fathers stopped speaking to each other, and Astoria and Ginny had become such good friends- and Scorpius spent a little of his vacations with her every year. "Well she got the brilliant idea of looking through my things. I was still suffering morning sickness at the time, and you know how unique the morning sickness potions are." Albus nodded again; Scor had shown him the potions when he'd first got them: they were a lavender color, smelled like almonds, tasted like oranges, with a distinct mint after-taste. No other potions came in such a strange combination of traits.

"Well mother found my potions," Scor continued, "she confronted me about it, and I saw not reason to lie. She doesn't know who the father is though, and she promised to leave it to me to tell my father."

Albus sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Suppose it's not you fault."

"Damn skippy it's not my fault."

Albus chuckled and kissed Scorpius on the nose. "You're so adorable when you're being defensive."

"Stop being a Hufflepuff and get ready for bed."

"Right, love you, Scor."

"Love you, too, Al."

"Now who's the Hufflepuff?"

"Still you."