You will not be surprised to hear that Sarielle traveled with the crew of the Dawn Treader the whole way to the utter east and back. So far from causing them to resent the presence of yet another woman on board, she became very popular amongst the ship's crew—she was always so helpful and hardworking.
"And," Rhince added in tones of highest praise, "when she doesn't understand how to do something, she stays out of the way of the people who do."
She was an ideal crewmate: quiet, steady, loyal, and nearly unflappable in a crisis (though it might be better not to ask what nightmares she saw on Dark Island). Stavrus, so like her in so many ways, was one of the members of the ship's crew who remained loyal to their mission when faced with temptation at Ramandu's table, and who volunteered immediately to sail on to the world's end.
When Lucy, Edmund and Eustace returned to their own world, Sarielle was for a short time the only woman on board: but that did not last long. Ramandu married Caspian to his daughter, and Sarielle acted as the new Queen's attendant on the return voyage. When the ship stopped at Doorn on their way back to Narnia to see Lord Bern, they found that peace had been restored, the most recalcitrant of the rebels executed, and the deceived or narrow-minded now reforming themselves. Only one crew of Brennians was still there, and as Caspian saw they were no longer needed to keep the peace, they departed with Caspian when he sailed on to the Seven Isles. Before they left, however, Caspian himself performed the wedding of Sarielle and Stavrus so that Leo, who was proving himself every day a most useful advisor to Lord Bern, could be present at the ceremony.
Sarielle and Ramandu's daughter got on so well that the new Queen asked Sarielle to come live at Cair Paravel as the head housekeeper. And lest you should think this was no better than her post as a slave in Doorn, I should add that though the position of housekeeper for a great and beautiful royal palace comes with plenty of responsibilities and a lot of hard work, it also comes with great honor, and Sarielle was very happy with her job and adored by all who worked under her.
True to his word on Ramandu's Island, Caspian awarded the name of Dawn Treader and gold or land to all of his crew. Stavrus and Sarielle were given a lovely piece of land traditionally held by the crown near Glasswater, and when Sarielle eventually stopped working at Cair Paravel (she had, after all, no need to work with the wealth Caspian had given them), Stavrus's cousins came to live with them and their children, and they were often guests of the King and Queen.
Do not think that Sarielle was always separated from Leo, either. Leo continued to work for the Duke of the Lone Islands for as long as the Duke lived, and was often the carrier of the diplomatic pouch, traveling back and forth between Narnia and the Islands. He married Lord Bern's merriest (and most responsible) daughter, and the two of them inherited the title Duke and Duchess of the Lone Islands and ruled jointly after Lord Bern's death.
Sarielle herself changed over the course of the voyage. Now that she was no longer a slave, and was surrounded by people who respected and like her, her natural character asserted itself. Though she was always steady and quiet, she smiled much more, and occasionally even displayed a dry sense of humor.
And sometimes, just sometimes, one of her loved ones could startle her into a laugh.
The End
AN: Thanks to everybody who stuck with it to the end and who left such lovely reviews! I'm really glad I managed to finish this sucker up.
FelipeMarcusThomas: I don't have any plans to write more about these particular characters. But if YOU do, be my guest! :P If I were going to write another Narnia story, I would probably try to finish up the one I began years ago about Susan. But I don't honestly have any plans for that at the moment.
Yalda Ctana: lol I have written many characters that were very like me in my life, but I can honestly say that Sarielle is not one of them. We're both female, white, straight, and under 30, and that's about where the similarities end.
Thanks again to all my readers! You guys are great!