In the shinobi world were the Five Great Shinobi Nations: The Lands of Fire, Earth, Wind, Lightning, and Water. Each were ruled by a Lord or Daimyo and in each of these nations was a hidden village that trained and brought up future generations of shinobi. These shinobi would determine the power of the hidden village and numbers mean strength. However, among the many nations, shinobi or not, the nine tailed beasts resided. In time, they were all sealed into humans. These humans became jinchuuriki and were living vessels of the demons power and soul. Power of the Human Sacrifice.

One of the tailed beasts, the Nine-Tailed Fox or Kyuubi no Kitsune, was found attacking the hidden village of Konoha one particular day. No one knew how or why, but the Kyuubi was completely annihilating the shinobi and many lives, shinobi or not, died. They died trying to protect the people and defeat was to be expected, as the Nine-Tailed Fox was the strongest of the Tailed Demons or Bijuu. It was said that the Kyuubi had the ability to cause tsunamis and earthquakes from just a swipe of its tail. So the villagers and shinobi died protecting their village, and still, none of their techniques or weapons proved to be useful and all were useless to the power of the Nine-Tailed Fox. The Fourth Hokage, leader of Konohagakure and strongest ninja of said village, could not do anything either and this meant that he would have only one option left.

Performing a forbidden technique, he called upon the god of death (Shinigami) and made a deal with him. This deal was that the Kyuubi would be defeated and sealed into his newborn son, but in exchange for this was the soul of the Fourth himself. This was the only way to defeat a demon of this degree, to seal the soul and power of an eternal demon into a living vessel whose chakra coils had not developed yet. Just before his soul was taken away, he asked the Shinigami to promise him something. The Shinigami, having gained respect for the late Fourth Hokage and what he was about to do, agreed.

"Please watch him. I doubt the village will even consider my wish that he be treated as a hero," said the Fourth, sadness evident in his voice.

"I see. Then I will fulfill your request. I will watch him." said the Shinigami in a deep voice.

"I see. Then, please begin," said the Fourth as he prepared to die. However, he first took a last look on his son and spoke his last words, saying:

"I'm so sorry for the fate I've doomed you to son. Please forgive me... My wish is that you be seen as a hero, not a target of hatred..."

Then the Shinigami began the ritual and forcibly took the soul and power of the Kyuubi and sealed it into the body of the newborn and then took the soul of the Fourth as his compensation and left, but not without saying, "Soon, the time for your true awakening will come young one...

...and not even the demon will prevent you from reaching your destiny...

Celestial Angel."

Then the Shinigami left, leaving no trace of his presence.

Although he helped protect the village and its future generation, the Fourth Hokage never received his wish.

Chapter I: The Genesis.
-by The Silent Peacemaker

Disclaimer: Naruto does not belong to me. All rights belong to the creator of Naruto. (However, the plot of this fanfic is mine! Do not steal!)



"Hinako speaking"

"Kyuubi speaking"

Five years from the sealing of the Kyuubi and the death of the Yondaime Hokage (Fourth Shadow of the Leaf), a little boy was running. Running from the group of people behind him. Eventually, due to his small physique, they caught him. Then they proceeded to torture, hurt, and maim the little boy 'till he was in a near-death state.

"We've done it! We've killed the demon!" Said one villager and then cheers of agreement soon followed. However, they were cut off, as masked figures suddenly arrived at the scene.

"What have you done!" Said the weasel-masked ANBU.

"We've done it! We've done what the Fourth couldn't do!" Said one of the villagers.

"How dare you! You are the true demons here as he is only the container not the demon!"

"No, he isn't! He is the demon!"

"I've heard enough," said the weasel-faced ANBU.

"ANBU, leave none alive."

And with that, the ANBU momentarily disappeared and after a second, the bodies of the villagers lay on the ground. All dead.

Then picking the boy up, the ANBU brought him to the ANBU hospital, as the regular hospital would most likely do more harm than help.

The Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, rubbed his head in annoyance once again at the paperwork that he had to do. Then all of a sudden, the door opened and a cat-faced ANBU went to the Hokage and spoke, saying:

"Hokage-sama, Naruto-kun is in the hospital again!"

And with that, the Hokage used Body Flicker (Shunshin) to teleport to the boy.

"N-naruto-kun, are you awake?" said the Hokage.

"Mmm, jiji?" said the boy, rubbing his eyes and then suddenly arching his back in pain.

"Naruto! Be careful! You're not fully healed yet!"

"What happened jiji? Why am I here?"

"Do you not remember Naruto? Last night?" said a cat-faced ANBU.

And with this, the memories came flooding back in and Naruto suddenly cried.

"W-why jiji? Why? Why do they keep attacking me?" said Naruto.

'I'm sorry, Minato. I couldn't fulfill your last wish,' the Third thought in his mind.

That night, as Naruto slept, he found himself in a clear forest meadow. Around him were flowers of all kinds and the meadow looked like it stretched for miles after miles.

Naruto then began to walk around the meadow, wondering just exactly where he was.

"Welcome," said a figure, obviously female from the tone of voice.

Naruto then turned to see just who this was and when he turned, he saw a beautiful woman dressed in a long white robe that was supposedly like a tunic as it somehow was wrapped around her body. She wore golden sandals and on her right wrist was a golden bracelet, while on the other wrist was a silver one. She wore around her neck a necklace with a crescent moon and a star. She had fair skin and pure golden hair that curled at the edges. Her eyes were a golden color and looking at her, one would feel security and peace. She wore a smile on her face as she faced Naruto and then she began to speak.

"I am Hinako, the goddess of eternal blessing and harmony… I have seen your life and I am not pleased."

"E-eh? Hinako-chan, where are we and why are we here?"

"We are in the meadow of harmony and we are here to discuss you."

"M-me? U-umm, ok then."

"Now listen carefully. In the world are different life forms. Plants, animals, humans, demons... and angels." Just as Naruto was about to interrupt, she gave Naruto a look and he immediately went silent.

"In society and in current philosophies, angels are known as the embodiments of light and good. However, that is not completely true. Angels are neither good nor bad and they live for different reasons. Each angel is special in his or her own way, and because of this, we angels have different abilities. Some angels specialize in combat, some in flying, some in healing, some in elemental combat, and some in stealth."

"I-I see. Please go on then Hinako-nee." Said Naruto, absorbing the new-found information.

"Among the angels are the celestial angels…"

Oblivious to the outside world, Naruto was actually being watched carefully by the Hokage and the 3 ANBU.

'I'm so sorry, Naruto. I've failed you and your father... Forgive me Minato."

'I hope you're alright Naruto-kun.'

'You'd better get well soon gaki!'

'Those stupid fools will soon see who you truly are Naruto-kun... In due time...'

"... and you are a celestial angel. One of my own."

"W-wow. I'm really an angel and a 'celestial' as you say I am?"

"Yes, it is true."

"B-but I'm not smart though nee-chan!"

"That is because of something that those foolish humans put on you... a restricting seal."

"A restricting seal? What's that and W-why?"

"It would seem that those foolish humans believe you to be weak."

"W-wha-" But then Hinako took a hold of his hand, and pulled him towards her, while uttering words from a different language.

Purgatio vox of celestial angelus (Cleansing power of the celestial angel)

Take a habitum of meus successio manus manus (Take a hold of my descendant's hand)

Quod purgo him intemporaliter (And cleanse him eternally)

And immediately different seals began to show up on Naruto's whole body, including the Shiki Fuuin (Seal that keeps Kyuubi), and one by one, they each floated over his skin and broke into pieces like broken glass. The seals turned white when they broke, then they faded away, and his clothes also ripped under the pressure.

A bright light then engulfed the meadow and Hinako covered her eyes with her hand, while staying at a safe distance from Naruto, who was screaming in pain.

After the light cleared out, Naruto was seen on the ground and a white tunic covered him and he also had pure white wings, not quite big though. Next to him was a tall figure of a man. He had blood red hair and was clothed in a dark red yukata, which was adorned with golden foxes that came together on the left side of the yukata. The foxes looked as if they were real as they were a golden color. The man had shoulder length red hair that was neatly tied in a ponytail. The man wore black sandals and on his right ring finger was a golden red ring, also adorned with a fox. Besides the ring, he also wore a black necklace with a fox charm hanging on it. The man's face was well-developed. He looked very mature and had an aura that demanded respect. On his cheeks were three thick whiskers and he seemed to have a shocked face and long fangs could be seen, extending from the inside of his mouth.

"What! Where am I?"

"Welcome Kyuubi to my domain. I am Hinako, the goddess of eternal blessing and harmony."

"W-wha! Hinako-sama!" Then Kyuubi bowed down on his knees.

"Please stand Kyuubi. I am pleased to see that you are quite respectful, but we must discuss your host, Uzumaki Naruto."

Kyuubi then stood up with a solemn look on his face and then spoke, "I see, so what do you wish to speak of, about the kit."

"Well, he is a celestial angel, one of my own, and considering what has been happening to him since his birth, I felt the need to speak to him and to tell him of his heritage."

"A celestial... I understand what you mean Hinako-sama, but I've been doing all I can for the little kit. I heal him when he is hurt, but the seal kept my power from interfering."

"I see. Thank you for helping Naruto-kun, Kyuubi. I was there when Minato-kun had to seal you and I know that it was that disgusting snake man Orochimaru who caused you to go berserk."

"You know! *sigh* I thought I would be punished for the near-destruction of that village, but I see that you know what really happened...

Well, anyway, concerning the kit's heritage..."

"I will tell him myself. He needs to know the truth, everything."

Then Kyuubi turned to Hinako, eyes wide. "E-everything! You mean everything?"

"Of course, he deserves to know everything, but we must train him."

"Train him? Are you sure Hinako-sama?"

"Yes, Kyuubi. I really do mean it. His wings have already started to develop so we must plan now. We will speak to him when he wakes up."

"Of course Hinako-sama."

"Now, concerning his training..."

"Hokage-sama, he still hasn't woken up and probably won't yet for a long time. Are you sure you want to wait?" Said the medic ANBU.

"Don't worry, Rin. I will wait," said the old Hokage.

"H-hai Hokage-sama," Rin said and then left the room to get more medical supplies if needed.

"So besides the two of us, there will be another who will also teach him?"

"Yes, Kyuubi. There will be another. However, his time has not yet come."

"I see, so for now, it will just be the two of us."

"Yes, for now anyway. The two of us are enough for him."

"Well, since the seal is gone, am I able to be free?"

"Well, you will stay in his mind for a while, but you are free...

... in a way, but don't worry. The cleansing spell I used not only cleansed him for those restricting seals, but his whole body. He no longer has those whisker marks or the ignorant brain that he once had. However, he should still be able to call upon your chakra if needed."

"Ok then Hinako-sama. While I am happy that his ignorance is finally gone; what about the whisker marks and the sudden growth spurt? Surely, the Hokage will notice, or probably already has noticed, that?"

"No, only you and I know of this. I have cast an illusion on him for the time being so that no one will know of the sudden changes. However, while I am not pleased with the current Hokage, I am glad to know that he has been trying to protect Naruto-kun, even if it's not enough, at least he tries."

"So you will tell him then?"

"In due time."

"I see, I see."

Then Naruto's wings slowly faded away and his eyes slowly opened and he blinked.

Naruto P.O.V.


'What happened? Where am I?'

Then as I was thinking, I remembered.

"Hinako-nee! What happened!"

I turned to her immediately and then saw some tall guy with red hair next to her. I was about- WHAT! Who's the tall guy with red hair!

"Naruto-kun, please calm down. I will give you all of your answers."

Then after hearing her voice, I calmed. It was amazing. When she talked, it felt like peace overtook me.

"Well, kit, since you want to know who I am...

... let me tell you a story."

I was about to say something, but then Hinako-nee gave me a serious face, so I just closed my mouth and listened.

"One day, there was a fox with his mate and kits. The fox and his family lived in a cave in the middle of a forest. The fox left the cave to hunt for food for his little kits, but when he came back...

... his kits and mate were dead.

The fox was obviously angry and when he smelt the cave, it smelled of snakes. So the fox left the cave and smelled the air for any snakes. The fox smelled snakes in the north, in a village called Konohagakure. The fox then went berserk because of the sudden loss of his only family. As the fox was destroying the village, thinking that the snake man was there, a blonde ninja, known as the Yondaime Hokage, sealed the fox into a child who was just born."

"Why are you telling me this!" Screamed Naruto, fearing what the answer would be.

"You are the child, Naruto. The fox was sealed into you!"

Patefacio pectus pectoris ut illic exsisto haud lies (Open the heart that there be no lies)

"N-no! It can't be! The Yondaime killed it! He killed the nine-tailed fox!" Then this time Naruto screamed and was about to run, but he didn't seem to notice that Hinako had been casting a spell and had just finished.

Permissum him animadverto verum (Let him see the truth)

Non deceptio! (No deception)

Then Naruto's body shone white and he fell to the ground on his knees, the light still shining.

Then the light slowly faded away and Naruto could be seen, on his knees.

"Kyuubi was not lying Naruto-kun. Now please stand up." Hinako was already in front of Naruto when he turned his head up and she was holding out her hand, a gentle smile on her face.

Naruto then took her hand and stood up.

"The truth sometimes is hard to accept, but you must know the truth regardless the pain. This is something that you have to understand and accept Naruto-kun."

The effects of the spell were clearly seen as Naruto's face was one of calm and understanding.

"I understand completely Hinako-nee. I will listen..."

"Good Naruto-kun. Now you have probably realized the truth about the Kyuubi from Kyuubi himself, right?"

Naruto then nodded to show that he did realize that.

"Well, it really wasn't Kyuubi's fault as he was trying to avenge his family. This snake man that Kyuubi speaks of is one of the 3 Sannin, Orochimaru."

At the mention of his name, Kyuubi clenched his fists in anger and growled. However, Naruto's reaction was quite similar as Naruto not only clenched his fists in anger and growled, but he immediately screamed.

"WHAT! When I see him, I'll..." Naruto then began to speak of different torture methods, none of them pleasant.

"It's fine kit. While I'm happy that you also wish to destroy that disgusting man..." Then Kyuubi sneered in disgust.

"You are currently not strong enough to do so."

Naruto was about to retort when Kyuubi brought a hand to his mouth, silencing him.


... both Hinako-sama and I will train you and then that snake man will be nothing."

"So do you accept, Naruto-kun?" Hinako now spoke.

"Of course! I accept!"

"Ha ha ha, good, good. However, before we start training, Hinako-sama has something to tell you first..."

"Hm? Ok then Hinako-nee, I'm listening." Naruto then sat down on the grass and was waiting, listening attentively.

"Ok then Naruto-kun. I will tell you, but you must keep silent..."

Naruto nodded, showing that he was indeed listening.

"Well, Naruto, I will speak to you of your heritage..."

Naruto's eyes widened, but he still kept silent regardless.

"The Yondaime was far too gracious and when he sealed Kyuubi, he did not take just any child, but he took his own...

Naruto, the Yondaime Hokage aka Namikaze Minato, is your father."

Naruto then became angry, angry that it was his idol and father who had made his life a nightmare, but before he could scream in rage, Hinako continued.

"However, Minato-kun did not intend to make your life a nightmare Naruto-kun, as his last wish was that you be treated as a hero.

It is obvious that the villagers and some ninja failed to do so as they are too ignorant to see the difference between a demon and its holder. So your father died that day heroically, but his last wish was ignored by all, except for a specific few.

I can say that your father was indeed very heroic and was a great leader. He loved the village very much, but if he saw what had happened to you, he would no longer be with the Shinigami, but would have actually risen from the dead just to destroy those ignorant villagers who failed to listen to his last wish."

Naruto was now looking down, no longer angry at his father, but he was actually deep in thought.

'Does my father really love me? If he was alive, would he care for me?'

Then he suddenly jolted and looked up at Hinako.

"What about my mother?"

Then Hinako smiled at Naruto and began to pace around the meadow.

"Your mother was Kushina Uzumaki. She did not leave you or abandon you, but instead, she unfortunately died of childbirth, as the Kyuubi's attack caused her to suddenly become far too stressed and she gave birth to you prematurely. The stress of the Kyuubi's attack and her premature labour caused her to die. However, she loved you very much and while she only held you for a little while, she loved you very much and did not leave without a parting gift."

Naruto raised an eyebrow at this. 'Parting gift?'

"She left you, her bloodine. You are the last to have the Uzumaki bloodline, Donum de Angelus or the Tenshi" (Gift of the Angel or the Heavenly Gift)

'Uzumaki bloodline!'

"Besides that, your father also held a bloodline, the Vox vocis de Ventus or the Onsei no Kaze." (The Voice of the Wind)"

"S-so I have 2 bloodlines!" Naruto exclaimed.

"Yes, yes, you do. However, to be able to fully utilize the power of your 2 bloodlines, you must be trained."

"So you and Kyuubi are going to train me right, Hinako-nee?" Naruto said, tilting his head as he said this, making him look quite cute.

Hinako laughed and said, "Yes, both Kyuubi and I will be teaching you."

"That's awesome!"

"Ha ha ha, you find it fun for now, but when the tor- I mean the training's over, you'll hate me."

"B-but what about Hokage-jiji...

... won't he notice?"

"Oh, don't worry, we will train you secretly."

"Awesome! So when do we start!"

That's it...

...for now anyways! I got more coming up, but for now that's it! If you got any questions, don't hesitate to ask! However, I hate flames. I will only accept constructive criticism. And happy happy reviews!

So please read and review!