A/N: Heyyo! It's been a while. Sorry guys. Schools got me exhausted so all my free time is used for naps. But I've been reading a lot of fanfics lately via my mobile and I've come to a few realizations: A lot of people think Zuko is sexy shirtless and will make as many scenes as possible to get him that way, Katara is apparently helpless when it comes to a big fight scene even though she's a master waterbender so she can be saved OH! and she gets called a whore a lot, Suki usually always ends up pregnant before she and Sokka are married, everyone hates Mai, and Aang is clingy, childish and runs away a lot. I personally think these are hilarious, though, I do disagree with a couple. I feel Aang has matured a bunch and I really like Mai's character, even if Zuko and her were a bit rushed.

Anyway, I'm getting off topic with this rant so I'll let you enjoy this story. Please let me know what you think!

Zuko was sprawled out on the marble steps that lined the courtyard of his family's beach house, watching the stars sparkle. It had been three months since the war ended and hard work had soon taken over the moment he became Fire Lord. His uncle suggested that him and all his friends go to Ember Island again, only this time, not in hiding to relax and have some fun in peace.

The weeks following the end of the war were filled with parties and balls, but of course the heroes had to make an appearance and make sure that they had some small talk with all of the guests. So everyone graciously accepted Iroh's request.

Two nights had passed since they arrived on Appa to the island and, even though it was supposed to be a vacation, the gaang still had to keep up with the world outside. Aang was here and there with avatar duties, Suki was caught up in a new routine for upcoming Kyoshi Warriors and Toph was always sneaking off and causing some kind of trouble. Sokka and Katara were always together trying to decide on which route to the south was faster and when they weren't together, Katara was with Aang and Sokka with Suki. Zuko had spent the whole first day there coming up with a trading system and worrying constantly about how the capital was doing.

Zuko sighed contently as a cool breeze ruffled his clothes. The air had a crisp and icy smell to the usual smoky scent and he knew that winter was close by. The leaves were already orange and covered the ground, and most of the animals started their hibernation and wouldn't be seen until spring. "If only I could rest that long," he whispered to himself.

"How long?" came a soft voice from behind him. Zuko tilted his head back and looked at the upside down waterbender. The moonlight dazzled her dark skin and made her eyes glisten. Zuko smiled when she grinned at him.

"Where is everybody?" he asked as he looked back up at the sky. Katara walked over to him and nudged him playfully in the arm with her foot.

"Asleep I guess," she said. "And how long?" she repeated.

"Until spring," he said finally, placing his arm under his head for support. Katara let out a giggle and sat down lightly beside him.

"That's not a bad idea. I'm so tired in the mornings that I have to drag myself into the nearest bathroom and dunk my head in cold water just to stand straight," she said as she closed her eyes.

"Why not just waterbend it to you?" asked Zuko curiously.

"I'm that tired!" she said lifting her arms for emphasis. "I don't understand it either. When we were traveling, I could get up and cook and get going with no problem. Now, it's like Toph earthbended boulders to my hands and feet." Zuko sat up and chuckled at her.

"What's sad is that that sounds like something Toph would do," he stated with a smile. Katara laughed at his remark and leaned back to stare at the starry sky. Zuko watched her as she closed her eyes and sighed. "What's on your mind, Katara?" he asked after a moment. She opened her eyes and he almost gasped at how they sparkled as they stared at the half moon above before landing on his face.

"I've missed you," she said quietly with a smile. Zuko stared down at her and furrowed his brow when she closed her eyes again.

"But I'm right here, and we've both been at the palace since the war ended," he said as he lay down next to her in the same position as before.

"I know," she said rolling on her side to face him. "but everyone's been so busy with everything. We can't even enjoy our much needed vacation, and you've been cooped up in your room since we got here doing who knows what. I almost forgot you were here," she said playfully. Zuko tugged on her hair softly and she let out a giggle.

"I'm sorry. I don't mean to be stuck in my room. I'm just desperately trying to fix my country as well as the others," he said quietly. Katara looked at him with a serious expression and he had to turn his gaze back to the sky to escape it.

"Zuko, you're the Fire Lord, not the Earth King or chiefs of the Water Tribes. Just put your trade system into action and the world will get back on it's feet," she said gently.

"You sound so sure," he said as he stared at a cloud in the sky. He felt Katara roll back over onto her back beside him.

"I am," she breathed. "I have faith in you, Zuko."

Zuko couldn't stop the smile that spread across his face and the fluttered feeling in his stomach. Carefully, he reached over and grabbed her small hand giving it a gentle squeeze. "Thank you," he said. His smile widened when she squeezed back.

At that moment, a cold breeze rushed by and made them both shiver. "Shouldn't you be used to the cold considering you're from the South Pole?" Zuko said with a smirk. He received a playful glare and couldn't help letting out a small chuckle.

"Well, excuse me Your Highness for spending my summer saving the world. I haven't been home in months!" she said sitting up and placing her hands on her hips. Zuko sat up laughing and placed his hands on her shoulders. He loved getting her all worked up. She made it too easy.

"Alright, alright. I was just playing around. You should really learn to loosen up," he said earning another glare from the waterbender which made him laugh harder.

Katara watched Zuko with wide eyes as his shoulders shook with his laughing. She had heard him chuckle a few times, but it was rare to see him laugh. She couldn't help the smile that formed on her lips at the sound of his laughs echoing in the courtyard.

Zuko calmed his laughing and looked up at the wide eyed girl in front of him immediately letting go of her shoulders. "I'm sorry," he said quickly. She smiled at him and softly ran her hand up his arm sending shivers throughout his body and then stopping it to curl her fingers around his neck.

"Don't be. I love your laugh. It's not everyday you get to hear the Fire Lord chuckle," she said with a smug grin. Zuko reached up and placed his hand over hers and smiled at her. Slowly, he leaned towards her and brought his lips up to her ear.

"I wouldn't be laughing if it weren't for you," he whispered. "You're the one that brought it back." Katara could feel goose bumps creep down her neck as his warm breath tickled her could ear. She turned her head to look him in the eye, their noses only centimeters apart, and a blush appeared on her face.

"I-I just want you t-to be happy," she stuttered. He grinned at her before he pulled away. Slowly, he laid back down on the cold marble and sighed at the quiet night.

"I am happy, Katara. I have you here with me on a beautifully cold night. No stress, no work, just…happiness." Katara stared down at him and watched his gold eyes pinpoint stars above and couldn't help the blush that crept onto her face.

"I make you happy?" she asked after a short silence. He nodded before looking over to meet her gaze.

"You're my best friend, Katara. I mean, yeah, your brother and I are close, and of course I'd still be lost if I had never met Aang. Toph and Suki are like my sisters and together they make me happy, too, but if there is one person in this world I can't live without, it'd be you. You're hotheaded and stubborn, powerful and determined, clever and passionate, and so much more." Zuko sat up and moved closer to her as she moved her gaze to the ground. He smirked as he tilted his head to look at her face.

"You and me have a bigger past when it comes to the gaang. Yeah, I chased Aang for the past year, but you and I are more personal. Messing up in Ba Sing Se was my biggest regret. Your friendship is more important to me than my thrown. If I don't have you, I don't want it." Katara glanced up and Zuko could see the redness on her cheeks.

"So what are you saying, Zuko?" she asked quietly. Zuko let out a chuckle and put his fingers under her chin to lift her gaze to meet his.

"I'm saying I love you, Katara."

A/N: I feel like this was absolutely horrible. Honestly, it was a filler just until I came up with something good. To me this seemed really cliche. Idk. Please give me a request so I have a topic :) and let me know what you think.

P.S. I was thinking about writing the ATLA series like an actual book, making each episode like an actual chapter. It'd have the same dialogue, ships, and storyline as the show, but it'll have more detail and thought (as in what the characters are thinking) and I was going to build up the relationships more thoroughly. Plus, for you Zutara lovers, Katara and Zuko were apparently supposed to be the romantic interest in the show, but it was changed so the hero would get the girl (poor Zuko) and I was going to kinda hint that better and have some angsty turmoil. But I'm only going to do it if I get enough encouragement. So please let me know. I mean you're already down here so you might as well :)