A.N- Hey everyone! As promised here's the sequel, I'm hoping to finish this before the Summer ends, so let's pray that works out. Being the case that "My Life with a Sadistic Vampire" is the revision of my previous story "A Vampire Decision" and "Trouble in Paradise" is the sequel to that story. "Trouble in Paradise will be deleted and this story will take it's place. Anyway here goes. Special Shout Out to Sombra112.

Disclaimer- I Do Not Own InuYasha.

Chapter One: Our lives so far.

Kagome and InuYasha were sleeping in his room. InuYasha's arms were wrapped around Kagome's large stomach, now almost seven months pregnant. Kagome woke up as the sun shined in her face moaning as she saw the bright light. She turned and saw her fiance looking so peaceful in his sleep.

She loved him, so much. She loved the way he was so protective of her and their child. She loved the way he would show her unconditional love and not care who saw it. She loved to look at him from the time that he's awake to the time when he's asleep. She smiled to herself as she moved the hair out of his face and caressed his neck, feeling the warmth of it.

"InuYasha." she whispered softly.

InuYasha moaned.

"Inu, wake up. It's morning you have to get ready for work."

"Screw work." he grumbled.

Kagome laughed. "Seriously get up." she said with a smile.

InuYasha then looked down at her. "Why are you trying get rid of huh? Got a secret lover or something?" he teased.

"You know I don't but, I promised Rin I'd sit in on one of her shoots and I don't break promises."

"So then you won't mind promising to come to dinner with me tonight?" he said as he got up from the bed.

"-sigh- Do I have a choice?"

"Not really no."

"Sure, what's the occasion?" she said sitting up in the bed.

"Do I need an occasion?"

"No, but it would be nice to have one. So what is it formal or casual."

"Hm how about semi-formal?"

"Why not it's not like I have to go shopping for a new dress, because the last time we went to a semi-formal event, as soon as we got home, you ended up tearing off my dress and I couldn't move for three days." she said sending him a glare.

"Hey I told you not to put on that dress. I said if you did you won't be leaving the house for a week. Be happy I wasn't too rough." He said getting ready to take a shower, he looked at Kagome.

"Wanna join me?" he said extending his hand out.

Kagome sighed with a smile as she took of her clothes and joined her fiance in the shower.

Kagome put on an tank top, it was big enough to cover her stomach but also tight enough so it wouldn't sag, a black cardigan, blue jeans, and and black sneakers.

"I've never seen you look so casual before." InuYasha said as he came back from the bathroom half dressed.

"That was before my stomach looked like a watermelon." she said with a smile as she caressed her stomach. She then felt InuYasha's hands on top of hers.

"I can't wait for it to come." she whispered.

"Me neither."

Kagome then turned around and looked at him he had on a beige suit. Then something caught her attention.

"InuYasha your hair."

"Hm? What about it?" he said as he felt it.

"Go and brush it."

"Come on. I go to work like this all the time."

"Doesn't matter you always have to make a good impression."

"Good impression on who? I own the place!"

"Doesn't matter! If everyone came to work, in jeans and a tank top. You would be furious!"

"Hell yeah! They don't own it they can't dress anyway they want to."

Kagome groaned. "Ugh! I give up!" she said as left the room even downstairs she could hear InuYasha's laughing.

She sighed as she looked around. It was kind off lonely without the rest of the gang. They had decided that Kagome and InuYasha would need the space especially because InuYasha planned on having more kids. She smiled as she looked at her stomach.

'Hurry up and come on out. Everyone is waiting for you.' she thought as she began to get breakfast started. She then heard the phone ring and waddled to the phone and saw that it was Rin.

"Hello?" she said.

"Kagome?" Rin asked.

"Hey Rin."

"Oh good you're up. Are you still going to come with me to my photo shoot?"

"Yup. I was just about to make breakfast for InuYasha and myself."

"Cool I'll be there in ten minutes." she said as she hung up.

"Inu! Rin's coming to eat with us." she yelled.

"Why!" he whined as he came down the steps.

"Don't whine, I can't handle two babies you know?" she said as she fixed his tie and went back to her cooking. InuYasha took a whiff at what was cooking and was happy that he made his favorite. Steak and Eggs with home fries.

"I'm so glad I made you mine." he said practically drooling over the food.

"Are you saying you turned me for my cooking?"

"Yes and No. I turned you because I loved you." he said as he gave her a kiss. He then began to caress her now swollen and plump breast and pushed the kiss even harder.

"Inu, We can't do this." she said as she fell helpless against his touch.

"Why? Give me one good reason why I should go to work and just screw your brains out."

"Because it'll hurt the baby."

InuYasha then sighed as he let go of his fiance and sat down at the dinner table. Kagome then brought the food over and sat down, suddenly she heard the door bell ring. She sighed as she got ready to get up.

"Oh no you don't. I'll get it." He said getting up.

Kagome smiled. "Thank You."

InuYasha smiled back at her as he opened the door and saw Rin standing there, beautifully in her human form, in a orange summer dress.

"Hey InuYasha!" she said happily.


"Is Kagome still here?"

"We were just about to eat." he said still standing in front of the door.

"Good I'll join you!" Rin said as she tried to go inside.

"It was suppose to be a private breakfast." InuYasha said sternly while looking down at her.

"InuYasha if I didn't know any better I would say you're trying to get rid of me." she said stepping closer to InuYasha making sure he looked deep into her big brown eyes.

InuYasha sighed and rolled his eyes as he stepped to the side. Rin smiled as she walked past him.

"Kagome!" Rin exclaimed as she saw her best friend sitting at the table, finishing up her meal.

"Hi Rin. Are you ready?"

Rin nodded happily. The two then walked into the living room. Kagome saw InuYasha leaning on the door pouting.

"What happened to you?" she asked.

"Nothing." he said as he handed Kagome his credit card.

"How much is on it?"

"Around five thousand."

"Alright and what time do you wanna go get something to eat?"

"Be here by eight o'clock."

"Ok, I love you."

"Love you too." he said giving her a quick peck.

Kagome and Rin walked out and saw Rin's limo waiting for them.

'At least Rin's not driving. The last time I let her drive my car she totaled it. Luckily it was night and we had already transformed.'

The two got in the limo and were off to Rin's photo shoot.

"So Kagome, how's the singing going?" Rin asked.

"Well being pregnant doesn't help, but I got several label companies on hold."

"Really?" Rin said looking at Kagome in shock.

'It's only been three month's since Kagome got an early release from Tokyo U. She may think she's not smart, but it only took her four months to pass all her classes and advancement classes. She's truly amazing.'

"But enough about me, how's modeling for you?"

"It's so cool! Sesshy said that he's going to manage me."

"I thought he was going to take over the club?"

"He is, but he wants to make sure nobody takes advantage of me. He's so protective."

"Hm. Oh I forgot to ask, how's Sango?"

"Ever since she went to America she hasn't really kept contact after all she has to study her lines. But she'll definitely be here for the movie premiere."

"When is it again?"

"Two weeks."

"Should we start shopping for a dress?"

"Nah. I'd rather all of us get together and go as a group."

"You mean so the guys can hold our stuff."

"Of course!"

They both laughed. Then the doors opened.

"Mrs. Takahashi, we're here." said the escort.

"Ah thank you Jaken." Rin said as she got out if the limo.

The girls went inside and saw the photo shoot already in progress. One model was dressed as a fashionable gazelle, another as a beautiful elephant.

"What kind of photo shoot is this?" Kagome asked.

"Animal right's." she said as she was pulled away to the dressing room.

"Since when have you liked animals?" Kagome said thinking about the gang's recent meal.


"There it is!" Sango yelled as she ran for the deer in the deep dark forest.

"Surround it!" Kagome said.

The group spilt up as they surrounded the deer leaving it helpless. InuYasha stepped to it as the deer trembled in fear. InuYasha then placed his hand around it's neck and twisted it. Everyone's eyes glowed red as they began to tear the deers limbs apart. Kagome looked around and suddenly felt bad for the dear. She wasn't a fan of animal cruelty but what could she do? Usually she would have stuffed herself so she wouldn't have to feed but going into her fourth month of pregnancy, they baby was getting desperate for blood and she had to provide. InuYasha looked at Kagome, she looked up and smiled as she continued to eat.

'Every things gonna be alright, Angel.' InuYasha thought.

*End Flashback*

"I love animals." Rin said coming out of the dressing room dressed as a leopard. "At least when it's not night time." she whispered as she went for make up and the body paint.

"Rin, I'm gonna go and watch the other girls ok?" Kagome said.

"Hai! See you in a few." Rin said as the make-up artist and hair stylist started channeling her inner tiger.

"Well, well, well looks like our men have found themselves some new pets." said a sultry voice as she looked at the pictures of her ex-lover, while laying on the couch.

"Hm, she's so puny. Why would he want someone like her?" another voice said with much more attitude as she looked at her ex-lovers wife.

"Not as bad as this one. I can see why he picked her. Can you?" a calmer voice said as she flipped her hair and held the picture next to her face.

"Oh I definitely see it." the sultry voice said as she sat up.

"He's totally not over you." the other girl agreed.

"Well ladies. I think it's back we take what is ours." the calmer voice said as her eyes flashed pink.

The girls began to laugh.

A.N- Ok I'm leaving it there. Let's see who can figure out who the villains are in this one. Anyway hoped you liked it! R&R!