Le Monstré Aux Yeux Verts

Chapter 1: Reunion with a Traitor

I don't own Inuyasha and I never will!

Summary: This monster with eyes of jade, it pits sibling against sibling, it tests some friendships and breaks others apart, it ends relationships, destroys families, and most importantly it brings about ruin and absolute chaos. It grows stronger by the day, feeding off the malice of its prey. Can the prey find a way to defeat this monster before it is too late and it devours them all?


"Inuyasha! What a pleasant surprise! Come in, come in; I know it's freezing out there!" Sango Tama (27) said with a smile as she stepped aside allowing her best friend to enter her home.

It was the middle of January and it was snowing heavily outside. She knew something important must have come up for him to brave harsh weather conditions like this to drive clear across town to her home.

Inuyasha Tensho (27) hurriedly ran inside Sango's warm home and followed her into her living room.

"Make yourself at home and I'm going to run in the kitchen and make us some hot tea! Be back in a few!" Sango said cheerily as she disappeared into her kitchen.

Inuyasha unwrapped his red scarf from around his face and neck and took off his red coat before he walked over to the coat rack near the front door and placed the items on the hooks. He now had on a form-fitting red sweater, black jeans, and black boots.

He walked back over to the black, leather couch and took a seat. He grabbed a framed photograph off of the coffee table in front of him and a small smile appeared on his face at the three people in it.

It was him, Sango, and his older brother Sesshomaru when they were kids. He was on the left giving a snaggletooth grin and a peace sign to the camera. Sango was in the middle and she had one arm on his shoulder and the other on his brother's shoulder and she was smiling prettily. Sesshomaru was on the right towering over Sango and Inuyasha by a few inches because he was older than them by two years. He had his left arm at his side and the right arm was wrapped around Sango's waist. Unlike Sango and Inuyasha he had no expression whatsoever on his face as he stared into the camera.

"That picture brings back memories huh? I remember the day we took it! Uncle Taisho had taken me, you, Sesshomaru, and my Aunt Midoriko to the beach. We had so much fun that day and when were getting ready to leave Aunt Midoriko insisted that she had to have a picture of the three of us so she whipped out her camera and voila this pic was born!" Sango said amused as she sat a tray down on the coffee table with two teacups on it and joined Inuyasha on the couch where she observed the picture in his hand more closely.

"How old were we in this picture? Do you know?" Inuyasha asked Sango still staring at the photo with a small smile on his face.

Sango laughed and she said. "I think we were 7 and Sesshomaru was 9."

Inuyasha nodded and placed the framed photograph back on the coffee table before he grabbed one of the tea cups off of the tray and took a slow sip because it was so hot.

Sango grabbed the other tea cup and she too began to slowly sip her tea.

The two of them sat in a comfortable silence for about five minutes, sipping their tea, before Sango broke it.

"So what brings you to my humble abode clear across town and in near blizzard conditions? Especially since I haven't seen you in…how long's it been…five years."

Inuyasha sighed deeply and placing the half empty teacup back on the tray he looked at Sango he said his face and voice full of regret. "You know the reason for me cutting you out of my life. You married that jerk Miro…oops I'm sorry I…"

Sango laughed bitterly and she said sardonically. "Go ahead Inuyasha you can say it or do you want me to say it for you. You and all of my other so called friends and family completely cut me out of your lives because of my marriage to Miroku. You all didn't approve of me dating him in college but when I announced my engagement to him six years ago all of you guys' vehement disapproval really hurt me not to mention pissed me off. You all had said if I went through with marriage plans that you would never say anything to me again but at the time I really could have cared less what you all did so a year later Miroku and I got married despite the fact no one but his family and friends showed up."

The bitterness faded from her voice to be replaced with sadness and she continued with tears streaming down her face.

"I should have listened to you guys in the first place because he turned out to be a lying, cheating bastard. We've been divorced for about a year and a half now. He wasn't too happy about me filing for divorce and took me to court. I won everything however and he was awarded nothing. He's living back home with his parents now. He calls me every once in awhile begging me to take him back but there is no way in hell Sango Tama is making the mistake of marrying him once again. As the saying goes: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."

Inuyasha wrapped his arms around Sango allowing her to cry on his sweater rubbing her back in a soothing fashion. He said in shock. "I had no idea all of this had gone on. None of us did. I'm so sorry Sango."

Sango scoffed and pulling away so she could look at him she asked coldly. "How could you all have known when you haven't spoken to me for five damn years?"

"Sango I…" Inuyasha trailed off at a loss for words.

"No Inuyasha! I don't want to hear anymore of your apologies because what's done is done! At least you've made the effort to come over here and patch things up and for that I thank you. That doesn't mean I've forgiven you yet though." Sango said the ice in her tone dissipating slightly.

Inuyasha smiled softly and he said standing up. "It's a start. I'm going to head out now. They say a blizzard's on the way and I have to hurry home before I get caught in it. It was nice seeing you again Sango and I promise I'm going to come back and visit more often because I'm sure it gets lonely staying in this house by yourself."

Sango stood up as well and walked him to the front door. She watched as he put back on his coat and zipped it up and rewrapped his scarf around his mouth and neck before he stuffed his hands in the coat's pockets.

Sango opened the door for him shivering from the cold and letting some snow into her house and she said with a small smile on her face. "It was nice to see you again as well Inuyasha and I'm going to hold you to your promise."

Although Sango couldn't see it she was sure Inuyasha was smiling behind the scarf.

She watched as he walked out the door and hopped into his red sports car before speeding down the street despite the slippery roads because of the snow.

Sango closed the door shaking her head. Some things never change. Even after all these years Inuyasha was still a reckless idiot.


Sesshomaru Tensho (29) messaged the bridge of his nose and suppressed the urge to sigh as he listened to his father on the other end of the line. He was giving him his usual rant about the fact that he needed to find someone to spend the rest of his life with, i.e. a wife, before he got too old and no one wanted him.

"Yes father I understand that I'm almost thirty but I still don't see why I need to find a wife. I'm perfectly fine on my own." Sesshomaru said feeling a migraine coming on. He and his father had a strained relationship as it was and he was highly irritating which only made things worse between the two of them. He didn't hate his father but he didn't love him either, nor did he like him for that matter. He was indifferent to him as he was with everyone else in his life.

"Nonsense my boy! Everyone needs someone in their life and you are no exception! I'm sure there's one girl you must feel something for!" InuTaisho said in response. His oldest son was so aloof and indifferent to everything and everyone that he was beginning to think he would never find a woman to make him happy. He hadn't seen a smile on Sesshomaru's face in 26 years but he would do anything to see him smile again.

Sesshomaru smirked and he said. "Oh father sometimes I feel like you don't know me at all. If I don't feel anything for you or Inuyasha, and you are family, then what makes you think I'm going to feel anything for a stranger?"

InuTaisho sighed in exasperation he too feeling a migraine coming on he said wearily into the phone. "Fine Sesshomaru I give up for the night." It was then than idea popped into his head and smirking he said evilly. "If you won't find yourself a girl then I guess I'm going to have to find one for you! Oh and I thought you should know that your younger brother is tying the knot before you!"

Sesshomaru's cold, golden eyes widened slightly and he asked. "Inuyasha's engaged? To who?"

"One of his and Sango's friends from high school, Kagome Higurashi!" InuTaisho said and Sesshomaru could practically see him grinning that oh so annoying grin he hated so much.

Oh yes he remembered that girl. She had had a bit of a crush on his baby brother back when they were in high school and seeing as how he didn't keep up with him and his personal life he wasn't aware that the two of them had been dating and were now engaged nor did he care. Out of all of his brother's and Sango's friends she was the one he liked the least. She was too happy and perfect for his liking and someone he would definitely not like to spend the rest of his life with. Of course, while he and Inuyasha were brothers, they were as different as day and night and it would only make since that Inuyasha's idea of a perfect wife differed greatly from his own.

"Sesshomaru are you still there?" InuTaisho asked smirking. It seems that the news of his little brother getting engaged before him shocked him into silence. It seems his little news had done the trick and Sesshomaru was finally ready to settle down and have a family of his own.

"Yes father I'm still here, and no matter what you say or do there's no way you're going to make me change my mind. I don't want a wife and that's final. Goodnight father." Sesshomaru said hanging up the phone in InuTaisho's face. He knew that wasn't the end of this father's mission to find him a wife and from the looks of things it would only get worse from here.

God sometimes he couldn't believe InuTaisho was even his father. While the guy was a genius when it comes to business and was the CEO of a multibillion dollar corporation, Tensho Corp.; he was an idiot when it comes to everything else, especially parenting.

His brother was going to marry some idiot girl, which means that would make her his sister-in-law, and his father was on some demented, fruitless, matchmaking binge on his behalf.

As Sesshomaru went to prepare himself a bath, wanting to soak his troubles away, he couldn't help but think that he was the only sane one in his family.


Kagome Higurashi (27), Ayame Haruno (27), and Koga Takahashi (27) all sat in the living room of Kagome's small apartment waiting on her fiancé Inuyasha to arrive to discuss wedding plans. You see Inuyasha and Kagome, as well as their friends Koga and Ayame, got engaged around the same time and they were helping each other plan their weddings. They had decided; the four of them that is, to meet at Kagome's apartment at 9:00 that morning it was 11:30 now and he had still not arrived much to the annoyance of his fiancé and Koga and Ayame.

"Did you try calling his phone Kagome?" Ayame asked her friend.

"I've called the idiot like 10 times but he won't answer his cell? I called his father, Midoriko, and even Sesshomaru but neither of them have seen him at all this morning. Well InuTaisho and Midoriko told me that they hadn't seen him; Sesshomaru simply hung up on me! Jerk!" Kagome said annoyed. Her light-brown eyes widened and she asked panicked. "Oh no what if something bad has happened to him?"

"Relax Kagome I'm sure he's fine! Knowing that idiot he probably overslept or just forgot about our little meeting this morning!" Koga said with a smile on his face trying to cheer up the distraught woman.

Kagome smiled back and she said. "Thank you Koga and you're probably right."

Ayame watched as her fiancé and best friend looked intensely into each others eyes with a frown on her face before she cleared her throat loudly.

Both Kagome and Koga blushed and immediately looked away from each other embarrassed.

You see Kagome and Inuyasha started dating during their freshman year of college; as did Koga and Ayame. Well the two couples separated briefly during their junior year of college and Koga, who had always had a crush on Kagome, asked her out on a date to which she readily agreed hoping to make Inuyasha jealous. He was jealous, and so was Ayame, but they were too stubborn to admit it and allowed their exes to date each other even though it was killing them inside. The two, Koga and Kagome that is, dated for about three months before Kagome patched things up with Inuyasha and they got back together. Koga, heartbroken, reluctantly got back with Ayame although he never stopped loving Kagome, and while Kagome really was just dating Koga to make Inuyasha jealous apart of her couldn't help but admit that those three months with Koga were great. While she had feelings for Koga they were nowhere near as strong as the feelings she had for Inuyasha. Besides Koga loved Ayame and they were getting married soon as was she and Inuyasha. Nothing could happen between them again…right?

There was an awkward silence in the apartment and the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. That is until the front door opened and Inuyasha came bursting in.

"I am so sorry I'm late you guys but I overslept this morning and when I finally got up it was 9 o'clock. Then I went to visit Kikyo and I…"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa back up! You blew us…me off to go and visit my older sister who also happens to be your ex-girlfriend?" Kagome asked furious glaring at Inuyasha.

"Kagome babe calm down! First of all, I forgot about this meeting in the first place and when I went to visit Kikyo she was the one who reminded me of it! I rushed over here soon after and here I am!" Inuyasha said in his defense as he cautiously approached his furious fiancée with hands out in front of him and a nervous, lopsided grin on his handsome face.

"See Kagome it was just as I told you! There was no need to be worried about the idiot!" Koga piped up smirking at Inuyasha.

Inuyasha frowned and he yelled pointing at Koga. "Hey! I'm not an idiot and I don't appreciate you…" Inuyasha's demeanor softened when he realized what else Koga had said and focusing on his fiancée once again he asked. "Kagome is what he said true? Were you worried about me?"

Kagome blushed and she said. "Yes I was worried sick about you! I mean when you didn't show up after an hour I began to think the worse so I called your dad, Midoriko, and I even called Sesshomaru but neither of them had seen you!" She became angry once again and she snapped. "That's beside the point though Inuyasha! Why the hell were you visiting my sister anyway?"

"I had to talk to her about something important." Inuyasha answered simply.

"So let me get this straight? You could talk to your ex-girlfriend, your fiancée's sister, about this something important but not your fiancée herself? Why is that?" Ayame asked truly curious.

Inuyasha glared at the redheaded woman sitting at the table. He knew Ayame wasn't intentionally trying to make things difficult between Kagome and, himself that just wasn't the type of person she was, but hell whether it was intentional or unintentional she was still doing it and it annoyed and pissed him off to no end.

"Yes Inuyasha Ayame has a good point! Why is that?" Kagome asked still pissed as she crossed her arms and raised a perfectly, arched eyebrow in question.

Inuyasha looked at the three people in the room: Kagome was in his face with a pissed off look on her face, Koga sat beside Ayame looking at him with an amused smirk on his face, and Ayame looked at him curiously waiting for his answer just as Kagome was.

Sighing Inuyasha said. "Fine I'll tell you what I talked to Kikyo about but you won't like it."

"Well? What is it?" Kagome asked impatient, angry, and curious all at once.

"It was about Sango. I went to see her yesterday before the blizzard began. I went to seek Kikyo's advice on how to break the news to you guys that she was still here in Shikon or if I should tell you at all. Well now you guys know." He saw the frowns on their faces, well Kagome's and Ayame's faces Koga looked indifferent, and with a smirk he said. "I told you guys you wouldn't like it. That's what you get for being so damn nosey!"

"Inuyasha how dare you go and visit the enemy!" Kagome said furious all over again. She asked viciously. "Or did you forget she was the enemy?"

"Yes Inuyasha I must agree with Kagome. Sango turned her back on her friends and family for a man who was all wrong for her. She's a traitor and we put her out of our lives five years ago and haven't looked back If you know what's good for you you should do the same." Ayame said more calm than Kagome but the frown on her face told Inuyasha she was still pretty pissed off.

"Oh come on ladies! It's been five years and it was stupid of us to treat Sango like that because of who she fell in love with and decided to spend the rest of her life with! I admit I was pissed too in the beginning but after a year or so I had forgiven her and was missing her like crazy! She and I have been best friends all of our lives and five years without Sango was five years too many in my book for me to be apart from her! I couldn't take it anymore and so I tracked her down easily enough and went to visit her!" Inuyasha said annoyed with Kagome and Ayame for holding a grudge against his best friend.

"Inuyasha I forbid you from going to see that…that…that traitor ever again!" Kagome ordered. Glaring at Inuyasha as if daring him to defy her orders.

Inuyasha scoffed and he said scathingly. "You forbid me from going to see my best friend! Kagome don't make me laugh! In case you've forgotten, or haven't noticed, I'm a 27 year old, fully grown ass man and I can and will do whatever I please whether the fuck you like it or not Kagome!"

"It pains me to say this but I have to agree with Inuyasha on this one Kagome. I mean I was pissed at Sango for about a year too but after that I forgave her and I would have went to see her sooner but I had no idea where she lived. I only knew her for four years but she was one of the coolest girls, if not the coolest girl, I've ever met." Koga said voicing his opinion. Looking at Inuyasha he asked. "You think I can go with you next time you go and visit Sango? I would really like to see her!"

Smiling at him and nodding his head he said. "Yeah."

"Not you too Koga?" Ayame asked in shock.

Koga simply nodded. It was high time this silly five year feud with Sango ended.

It would seem the guys were pro-Sango and the girls were anti-Sango.

"Get out." Kagome said lowly, darkly; it almost sounded like she was growling.

"What?" Ayame asked.

"I said get the hell out of my apartment! All of you!" Kagome yelled.

"Kagome be…" Koga began but was silenced by Kagome yelling once again.

"Do you three not understand Japanese? What part of get out of my apartment do you not understand?"

Inuyasha shook his head at his fiancée before he said to Koga and Ayame. "Come on you two let's just get out of here. Princess Kagome is having a bitch fit and needs to cool off."

As Inuyasha walked toward the door without so much as a second glance at his fiancée Koga and Ayame were a bit more reluctant to leave. They looked back at Kagome who had turned her back to them with sad looks on their faces before they followed Inuyasha out the door. Ayame, who was the last to leave, closing the door softly behind her.

Ayame, now outside in the hallway, noticed Inuyasha was gone and looking to her fiancé she asked. "Koga, where'd Inuyasha go?"

Shrugging Koga answered. "I don't know where he went Ayame and I really don't give a damn. When I got out here he was already gone."

Ayame nodded, not bothering to reprimand Koga like usual for talking so badly about Inuyasha, looked up at him and asked concern shining in her beautiful, emerald-green eyes. "Do you think Kagome's going to be okay Koga?"

Wrapping an arm around Ayame's slender waist and guiding her down the hallway with him he said confidently with a smile on his face. "Yeah Ayame she's going to be fine. Like Inuyasha said she just needs time to calm down.

As they walked down the empty hallway Ayame leaned her head on Koga's shoulder and she said quietly but loud enough for him to hear. "I hope you're right Koga. I hope you're right."


That was Chapter 1 of my story Le Monstré Aux Yeux Verts.

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