It was three in the morning, and Charles Xavier didn't want to be awake.
Sure, he usually woke up at six in the morning anyway; but those extra three hours could work wonders for a man of his age and stature, especially right now.
Jubilation's screaming had woken him up, if not half the mansion.
But really, what could he come to expect living in a house full of teenagers?
In certain ways, he was just asking for it.
But three in the morning?
Could it really haven't have waited until seven?
So with great remorse Xavier lifted himself from his bed and slid into the wheel chair beside his bed, opening the door and pushing the wheels of the chair with nothing more than the power of his mind.
He really wanted a cup of coffee, just knowing he wouldn't be getting anymore sleep, but found himself unable to; sensing that his presence was needed and would be greatly appreciated by the four pupils that were below ground in the tunnels where the computer data base centre was located; of course using some of his mutant ability to speed things up a bit, such as making his chair move faster and the elevator arriving earlier on time.
Once below he made his way hurriedly to the aforementioned data base, trying desperately to prepare himself for the onslaught of chaos that was surely ahead.
And he's right.
Then again; he's always right.
Jubilee and Kitty are accompanied by Scott and Emma; and when he enters the room they all look to him with expressions of clear worry and fear, Jubilee and Kitty's faces become relaxed and relieved when they see me and are under the wing of his fatherly gaze. But with Scott and Emma things are quiet different, and although they do become slightly relieved with his certain help to their cause, they know that the storm is arising and grows hues of strong darkness.
Within those few seconds of his arrival he reads the outward current of their thoughts; instantly understanding their fear, and knowing that it is needed.
"What is going on?" He doesn't actually have to ask, but feels it is necessary, and refuses to delve into their minds any further, besides he only did so accidentally.
"Professor! Rogue's in trouble and we don't know what to do and she's with some Sabretooth guy and he's gunna kill her and there's nothing we can do about it…What do we Professor…?" Kitty quickly says.
He watches her, as well as the others, with a sense of ease.
Professor Xavier knows what to do in this scenario.
For there are few occasions of which he does not.
"Katherine, don't worry, our young Rogue shall be fine." The small group of gathered X-Men look at me with eyes wide, worry still etched upon their faces, doubt along with it as well. Scott, the known leader of the X-Men, comes forward to speak in detail with me of what precisely is going on, stating the oblivious of what will come to term.
"Professor, I don't mean to be disrespectful, but we have reason to believe she may not be as safe as you think she is considering whom she's with right now," He gestures to the screen "I think we might have to send some people to check up on her and make sure that she's okay." I survey the screen myself, and see the file of a 'Victor Creed', better known by most as the beastly Sabretooth; a man feared by most who know him, although most times not personally. He has certainly left a bad mark on some of the X-Men who have known him one time or another, two of them being in my presence.
"Emma, Scott: I know that you two have a notable past with this 'Sabretooth', but that does not mean that Rogue is within danger at the hands of this man-."
"Do you even know what he's capable of Xavier? Do you have any idea of the horrors he's committed and how many lives he's taken, not to mention the lives he's ruined?" I look at the tortured Emma Frost and consider her outburst; I feel a pang of hurt within knowing that I hadn't saved her from that god awful camp soon enough to spare her of the disgusting experiments they pulled on her. She sees the sorrow in my eyes and her own sapphire eyes soften if only the littlest bit as her own mind reading abilities pick up on some of my own thoughts.
"I know that he's done some terrible things in the past, but let's not judge him solely on old mistakes he has. That's why I would like to check in on Rogue myself telepathically to insure her safety and to ask her if she is in fact in need of help or assistance." I announce my decision to the group, giving time for them to object, seeing that they agree I begin to move my wheel chair with my mind and make my mind to Cerebro, all of them following me in pursuit to see if Rogue's life truly is in danger.
Once I've entered the room and am attached to the proper head equipment, I glance back at all of them, one eye brow raised at Scott in a look of question and he brings the group away to wait outside of Cerebro. Mean while I'm inside working to pin point the exact location of our lady of the hour, looking for that old residue of her mutation DNA code as the image before me zooms in from millions of miles away on a old truck moving seven miles an hour and goes even closer to the point where I'm inside of that very same truck, floating close to the occupants of the vehicle.
I focus on Rogue's mind and enter without problem, making her aware of my presence.
Greeting her with profuse apology I begin to question her.
We're driving pretty slowly it feels like, too average of a speed for me, so I add a little bit more pressure on the gas pedal, eyes slinking to my right to see if the pup even notices when my head turns to her fully taking in the weird expression she's got on her face and a get a bad vibe clawing at my spine as her body language suddenly changes completely.
This, my friend, is not a good sign.
"Lynx, what's wrong?" I can feel someone else is here with us, can practically smell the expensive cologne on them and the shoe shine on their five hundred dollar shoes. Rogue looks up at me, her green eyes wide but her pupils are dilated, it's obvious something's surprised her. She doesn't answer me and just raises up her left hand in a 'stop' motion while her other hand flies up to her right temple as her eyes stay glued to me as her body swivels to face me.
She's not really looking at me as her eyes slip down to my chest, focusing on little details like the dog tags around my neck, eye brows are furrowed and eyes narrowed in concentration. Her body is rigid and her spine as straight as a stick as her shoulder square in around her petite frame.
I can tell she suddenly gets the understanding she wanted as her eyes go back to my face, and she's focused intently on something inside as she pulls her feet up on the seat with her back to the car door.
But I'm watching her with pupils turned cat slit and nervous yellow as I wait for my answer as her green eyes flitter to look outside as I look ahead as well and slow down the car as we come to a stop.
"Professor, don't worry.
I'm fine.
Yes, I'm here on my own free will.
No, he hasn't hurt me.
Yes! I'm fine.
Well that's kinda interesting. I'll do that.
Damn, if I didn't know any better I'd of thought…
Wait… Never mind.
Yea, yea. I know. I'll let you know if I need help.
But I can take care of myself you know. Jus sayin.
Well, see ya. Take care now. Tell everyone I said 'hi' and that I miss them.
Bye Professor."
My eyes are just about falling out of my head as she finishes her goodbyes to her imaginary companion.
"What the fuck was that?" I demand as she looks back to me.
"What was 'what'?" How the hell can she be surprised at my reaction?
"That. You just had a complete conversation with yourself. Is there something you forgot to tell me? Do the voices tell you to kill people? 'Cuz if they do, then hun I'll take you to the nearest 7-11 and give you a gun to relieve whatever 'tension' you have goin on if it makes it any better." Now her eyes are wide and an eye brows raised so high it could disappear into her hair line.
"… Okay…" Does no good, she's still surprised. Then, without warning her face alights with recognition.
"Oh! I get it. You mean the conversation between me and Professor Xavier."
"… Yea…? So what just happened?"
"Professor's a telepath and he was just checking to make sure that I'm okay. 'Cuz apparently there was some sort of scare back at the mansion and everyone freaked out. Something along the lines that they think you're gunna kill me. So I told him you said you wouldn't kill me and that I'm with you by my own choice and all that jazz. And he said he understands and that he'll tell everyone to calm down."
"Oh, okay." A memory of something she said during that 'conversation' between her and that Professor guy flashes into memory and her voice replays in my head.
'Well that's kinda interesting. I'll do that.'
"So what's that 'interesting' thing you and the Professor were talking about?" My eye brows furrow as I watch her closely from the corner of my eye, waiting for a slight change in expression.
And there it is.
Her forest eyes twitch ever so slightly and her hand goes to pull a white tangle of hair behind her ear.
"Oh, just some mansion drama going around that he wanted to know if I knew anything about." She smiles after her statement and her eye brows go up slightly and her eyes narrow with the smile as she plays the smile off as a natural one, but it's too late.
I've spotted her lie.
"Hey, Victor?" There's a tremor in her voice.
"Yea Lynx?" If I had turned to look at her right now I would have seen tears starting to gather at the corner of her navy green eyes, but I don't.
Before everything goes black I hear my neck snap as she kicks it.