Disclaimer: As per usual, I own nothing.

"Speech"; 'Thought'; Narration; The moon circles on.

The Unconscious Need

Beast Boy trudged down the dark halls of Titan's Tower. He had awoken at Two in the morning to find a numb sensation in his left arm, in a room that was not his own. Suppressing the urge to panic at the thought of being captured in his sleep, he calmly stared forward and let his heightened senses give him a clue to his location. When his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he discovered what could have been the desert but he decided he definitely wasn't lazing in a pool of sand. Beast Boy turned left to a light gasping sound and found a golden mass that engulfed his arm and sat on his shoulder. 'That's right. I slept in Terra's room tonight.' He craned his neck until he found the glowing green numbers of Terra's alarm clock. The pulsing 2:10 practically screamed, "Good luck getting back to sleep, buddy."

Beast Boy slowly morphed into a cat, so he could slip under Terra's grip. She groaned and felt around for a moment before she found another pillow and hugged it to her chest. The green cat watched for a moment before he leapt for the door. A green spider hit the ground and silently crawled under the door, allowing Beast Boy to morph back to normal in the hallway. He rubbed life back into his left arm and headed for the kitchen for a late night snack.

He entered the empty common room and began reflecting on the past few weeks. Terra had decided to stop "running from her past" and opted to rejoin the team. A private discussion with Robin, and probably the Dark Knight himself, took place in the closed-off common room for at least four hours. After being accepted back, she immediately rushed to Beast Boy and confessed her true feelings before even he knew what had happened. 'Maybe this was all a big mistake.' Beast Boy thought, as he sat at the counter with a plate of cookies and a large glass of soy milk. 'After all, she turned her back on me three times. Wait, wasn't the first time my fault? No, that's right, Robin just did that creepy detective insight thing. I'll just call it two to be safe. I mean I did have a major crush on her when she first showed up. And she really seemed to dig me to.' Unfortunately, the passage of time had made Beast Boy a little more mature but Terra had become more needy for attention and approval, especially from him.

The soy milk tasted sour as he consciously admitted that Terra had become too clingy. Cyborg laughed and called it cute how the two of them looked like Siamese Twins. Terra had taken every possible excuse to kiss him and was becoming increasingly eager to mess around with. Some of these instances included her tackling him after they were both sweaty from training or when she would "accidentally" lock herself out of her room after a shower, clad only in a short towel. 'Heh, Robin even pulled me aside to give the PDA-and-always-be-safe speech. As if he can really preach.' Hormonally, Beast Boy did enjoy all the attention but it also felt just wrong sometimes. Terra wanted to go "all the way" a few times, including tonight, but Beast Boy had always found some excuse out of it. She even tried to pressure him into it by questioning his masculinity.

Beast Boy bit hard into the last cookie. He did feel inferior, but something told him that "taking the next step" so soon wouldn't help the already awkward relationship. The few times he was able to sneak away from Terra, he sought out professional help. Robin and Cyborg were out, for obvious reasons, Starfire was out because she would ask Robin and thus he trusted his fate to Raven. She had averted her gaze, something unusual for the icy glare that came with any other conversation, and muttered something about "love vs. lust and the difference between being a boy and a man." Beast Boy was about to ask for a more direct answer, but Terra showed up glaring at Raven and dragged him away.

Beast boy sighed as he stacked his plate and glass in the sink. 'Well, I guess I'd better get back upstairs before Terra wakes up.' Beast Boy let out a dry laugh at the thought of Terra pulling the alarm because of this. He crossed the threshold into the common room when Raven appeared before him from a pool of dark energy. "Whoa! Oh, it's just you, Raven."

"Yes, just Raven." She groaned sadly from under her hood. She kept her eyes glued to the floor and trembled behind the confines of her cloak.

"Are you ok?" Beast boy asked, while reaching out to her face.

"No!" She cried desperately, raising her gaze up to meet his. She had moved so quickly that her hood had fallen off and Beast Boy felt his heart break at the distraught look on her face. "I can't help it anymore. I try my best to be strong and support you but I can't stand to lose you, Beast Boy." She reached a pale hand out to touch his face but he instantly recoiled, falling over the back of the couch.

"Raven, I don't know what's going on but I think there's something wrong with you right now."

She flinched. "I know there is. There always is." She opened her cloak to reveal a black, silken, pair of short shorts and a matching tank top that was a few inches shy of being only a bra. She tried a coy smile while striking a few poses that she had nervously tried alone in her room. Her smile instantly faded into tears when Beast Boy didn't respond. "Is it my body that's wrong? My emotions? Or is it simply the fact that I'm a world destroying demon?"

"N-no! Raven, there's nothing "wrong" with who you are and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. You just seem different then usual. Please, Rae, just tell me what's happening."

She stared at the floor, while meekly trying to hide herself in her cloak. "Do you really want to know what's happened?"

Beast Boy gulped. "Yes."

Raven vanished and reappeared behind Beast Boy. She took advantage of his confusion by pushing him onto the couch. He had enough time to roll on his back before Raven pounced on him. She straddled his waist and pinned his hands above his head, using her powers to tighten her grip. A sly smile had replaced her tears while Raven's face hovered just inches above the green Titan's. "The answer is quite simple." She said darkly, leaning into his ear. "I want you." She whispered before biting into Beast Boy's neck.

Beast Boy screamed as he bolted upright on the couch. He looked around the empty common room trying to catch his breath. He put a hand up to his neck and winced in pain. "Was that a dream?"

"Well your screaming isn't." A monotone responded. Beast Boy screamed again and whirled around to find Raven sitting in one of the chairs nearby. "Would you please stop that?" She took a sip of her tea. "Daybreak is one of the few times this room is peaceful."

"Um, …Raven? Did you attack me last night?"

"How could I? You spent the night with Terra. Or at least some of last night it seems."

"Yeah, I got hungry…so I came down here. But then you appeared crying while, um, half naked." Raven raised an eyebrow. "But then you attacked and went all vampire on me! It all felt so real."

Raven rolled her eyes. "Let's break this down one piece at a time. First, I'm fully clothed." She stood up and flashed her leotard to prove her point.

"Well technically-"

"Second, I'm not exactly known to go draining blood in my sleep, unlike someone known to have wild dreams from eating too much junk food. And, third, do I look like I would do anything you dreamed?"

Beast Boy stared at her blank face, waiting for her to continue. He finally caught on that she was awaiting a response. "Um, no?"

"No, indeed. Here's what happened. You're unsure about your new relationship with Terra. That, combined with your late-night food gorge caused you to have a vivid dream. You associate that hickie to vampirism because Terra is obsessed with 'Twilight.' You probably imagined me in Terra's lingerie because I hold an image of a nosferatu more accurately then her. That's all." Raven finished her cup and exited the common room.

Beast boy felt the side of his neck again. He didn't remember Terra biting him last night. 'But it had to have been Terra. Yeah. I'm just a little confused, that's all.' But the more he tried to reassure himself, the more he remembered the time that Raven lost control of her own fear, turning the Tower into a haunted house. It was around this time that Terra woke up, feeling around her empty bed, while Raven stood in her room, staring worriedly at the enticing outfit that she had woken up in an hour earlier.

To be continued...