Hallo~ Last story before I leave for China tomorrow, I'm afraid. This'll be a brand new 1827 fic – no worries, I have it all written down on paper (since I'm not allowed computer access…). Four chapters, and inspired by my boredom with the Wiki app – which is more interesting than staring at my wall, I assure you. Then again, my wall isn't half bad… lots of posters. 8D

Well, anyway, I'll warn you all for OOCness of Hibari, and the OOCness will be explained in the fourth and final chapter. If you have any problems with mental illnesses, I suggest you don't read this. Other warnings include drabble-length chapters. Happy reading~

I love him. I love him, I love him, I love him.

Why didn't he see it before; how those slim digits would brush aside soft-looking tresses of feathery brown; how his smile lit everything with that bright glow; how warm chocolate orbs would gaze so quietly and gently at everyone… Even the sun complemented his figure, and turned his pale, porcelain skin into a glowing bronze. He radiated innocence and purity with every word he breathed, and shamed everyone else from thinking that they were even slightly worthy.

"Hibari-san," he commented with surprise in those bell-like tones of his voice. They had run into each other in the hallway. For Dame-Tsuna, this was every day, but for the graceful Hibari Kyouya, it was certainly strange.

"Mhmm.." he replied, dazed.

"I-Is something wrong?" Tsuna asked shyly.

Hibari snapped to attention, blinking slightly.

"Yes. …Go out with me."

"E-Eh?" Did he just hear that right…?

"I like you."

Couldn't he have picked somewhere a little more private? The whole hall was staring at the duo, torn between shock and horror. Someone was a little off today…

"A-Ah, um, I mean," Tsuna stuttered, glancing to the left and right multiple times.

"Let's go in here, okay?" he grabbed the unaware prefect and dragged him into a thankfully empty Janitor's closet.

Face beet red, he looked up at the older boy. He took a deep breath, held it, and released.

"What brought this on?" he asked, secretly proud that he had hardly stuttered.

"I just like you. I saw you, and then… I was in love."

Tsuna's jaw dropped, and he shook his head. "But Hibari-san, you see me every day." Especially since he was late nearly every day, but let's not mention that. Hibari might get randomly violent or something.

The brunet nearly flinched as Hibari lifted his hands, but all the prefect did was rest them gently on Tsuna's head, playing lightly with fluffy locks, and then trailing down to caress his face. Tsuna squirmed uncomfortably in the careful grip. His hands brushed over the smaller one's cheekbones, and over his ears.

"You're so beautiful…"

Tsuna blushed madly, and shuffled his feet, embarrassed.

"Th-Thank you… Hibari-san, you're really pretty too…" So awkward. But he had said it; something Tsuna thought for the longest time. He was redder than ever, staring resolutely at his sneakers.

Hibari leaned forward, staring with his half-mast eyes into Tsuna's wide ones. He closed the distance, pressing soft lips against the other's even softer cheek and then breathing lightly into his ear, "I love you…"

"Go out with me…"

Tsuna could have sworn all the blood in his body was pumping toward his head, but mumbled, "I'm really flattered, Hibari-san, but we're both guys, it's not…" he didn't know what to say next. He tried again, "And… And you're the school leader; I'm just Dame-Tsuna, it's…" he trailed off again.

Hibari waited patiently for the other to finish, and when he spoke, it was mind-blowingly simple.

"What if I don't care?"

Well then. Just like that, they started going out. The feared Hibari Kyouya, king of the district, who apparently fell in love with Tsuna at eight thousand, seven hundred and ninety first sight and Sawada Tsunayoshi, AKA Dame-Tsuna, bottom of the food chain, and admired strong, beautiful Hibari Kyouya since middle school.

What a pair.

They were the talk of the town, spreading from the halls of high school corridors to the middle school to the residential homes. Even Kyoko's third cousin three times removed's neighbor knew.

Tsuna wanted Kyoko to be a little more reluctant, but she was all for it – her exact words being, "I'll be rooting for you, Tsuna-kun!" Sometimes, she was a little too sweet….

But as it was, not everyone agreed. Gokudera, for one, was totally against it, only stopping his protests when Tsuna told him sweetly that he really liked Hibari.

The Cloud Guardian didn't stop grinning smugly at the Storm for weeks.

Every morning, Hibari would appear patiently at the gate. Tsuna would quickly polish off the rest of breakfast, wave to his mom and Reborn, and dash out the door.

"Have you been waiting long?" Tsuna asked anxiously. The other shook his head, staring lovingly at his object of affection. The Sky flushed at the attention, but smiled back happily.

They stepped past a stoplight, Tsuna swinging his bag awkwardly. It was felt like a huge bubble had expanded in his chest for the past several weeks, and it still hadn't popped yet. He cast a discreet glance at his… boyfriend, but snapped his attention to the front when he saw that Hibari was still staring – and that the prefect was about to crash into a stop sign. The brunet gave a cry of alarm and grabbed his arm, yanking him out of harm's way. The raven stumbled, catching himself on Tsuna's shoulder. Tsuna laughed, hugging his suddenly clumsy upperclassman quickly around the waist. They froze, both surprised by the normally shy boy's boldness. Tsuna let go quickly, mortified. He stared at the sidewalk as they walked in humiliation.

Hibari liked it. He wanted Tsuna to do it again. He wondered why the other didn't do it again.

It felt good.

Tsuna cast another sideways glance at the taller boy, who seemed to be confused. He hesitated a few long moments, but reached for Hibari's hand. His smaller hand clasped the larger, calloused one.


Hibari blinked, enjoying the warm hand in his. This felt almost as good as that last thing. He squeezed it tentatively. It squeezed back. He hummed.

He decided he liked this feeling.