Okay! Here is the Ball! I own non I repeat none of this awesome stuff of characters! isn't that great! I dooo own Citronella though. Please excuse the horrible descriptions. I think they suck too don't worry. And I guess this is were I say 'Enjoy Reading this' but I'm just going to put- THIS CRAP SUCKS, ENJOY!. yeah that fit's the mood. lol And I'm sorry for the SUPER long wait. This is going to be different. I worn you.

I got up still snuggling with Quaxo, I stretched and thankfully it woke him up.

"GOOOOOOOD Morning!" I said rather cheerful.

He yawned "Morning, Citro" I nuzzled him and purred.

"Today is the Jellicle Ball." I stated. He nuzzled me back,


"When dose this stuff start?" I asked. Dose it have a specific starting time?

"When the Jellicle Moon is out, that is when Munkus will give us the que to start the songs." He got up and stretched walking out in front of the den. Well now that sucks. I got up early and now I have to wait, what 6 full hours? Ugh. I walked out of my pipe and sat beside Mistoffelees.

"We should talk to Mungojerrie." He said at last. The thought never occurred to me, but I don't want Misto to be there when I tell him. What if he goes bananas?

"I think I should tell him alone." I said slowly.

"Why?" He asked, his brows knitted together.

"I just don't want him to, well, hurt you or something." His expression was understandable.

"Oh, okay." He smiled at me and irked me to go on and tell Mungo and Rumple. I walked up to the den and thought for a second. Should I knock? I would be polite. so I knocked -KNOCK KNOCK- (yes horrible knock sounds!) I saw Rumple poke out her head.

"Why didn't cha say it wuz you?" She asked. I shrugged as she let me walk in. Mungo was again sleeping. Dose the cat ever get up. Teaser said the magic words to wake him up and I sat on the floor they gave me there full attention. Great.

"Well, I know it's really really soon but..." I hesitated to go on. Maybe I do need Mistoffelees here.

"Hmm?" Teaser asked. I nodded and took a deep breath. Why dose it have to be so hard?

"I've found a mate. And I'm doing the weird dance." I said. I looked at there expressions. Teaser was bubbling with joy and Mungo looked like I hadn't said a word. He was normal

"Are you okay with that?" I asked a little in disbelief.

"Yep," Mungo said and smiled sweetly. Sweetly?

"Your acting weird Jerrie." I looked at his suspiciously.

Rumple finely exploded and squealed. "It's Mistoffelees isn't it?"

"No, it's Macavity." I said teasing. Mungo looked horror stuck. Did he really take that seriously? Then his expression died down when he realized after a full minute.

"And guess what!" Teaser said. I looked over to her she had a existing expression on her face as if she stole a big turkey dinner.

"What?" Me and Mungo said together.

"I'm pregnant. For real this time." She said proudly. Then I heard a thud. I looked where it came from. Mungojerrie was passed out on the floor. I spilled out a big laugh.

The sun was almost over the edge of the earth. How could the day have gone so fast? I was nervous. Everyone was in a specific spot. I was with Quaxo, we both shared the line in the song. I saw Demeter go into the clearing but a car came by. Even if it was outside the fence she hissed and scattered into Misto's hang out spot. (pipe) That's when the music started. Munkustrap who was concerned with his mate, scattered onto the trunk of the TSE car and looked about. Cassandra crawled into the clearing and put on a pose, Skimble shanks sniffed the air sensing it was time for the song, Pounce sat on a near by chair, Coricopat and his sister came out and looked both ways before finishing there pose. Electera came out next followed by The Rum Tum Jerk, Demeter still startled, came out from Quaxo's pipe.I looked over to Munkus as he sleeked off the car with ease and went into the clearing. He put his arms out protectively,like always, and spreed his legs out. He began the song.

Munkus- Are you blind when you'reborn?

Demeter moved her arms and paws aroundsang-Can you see in the dark?

Skimble- Can you look at a king?

Asparagus he sat on a old arm chair- Would you sit on his throne?

Tugger- Can you say of your bite, that its worse than your bark?

Alonzo- can you cock of the walk?

Jellylorm- When your walking alone?

More cats came from there spots and sang along with the next lines.

Jellylorm-When you fall on your head, do you land on your feet?

Coricopat-Are you tense when you sense there's a storm in the air?

Jemima- Can you find your way blind when you're lost in the street?

(I have n clue witch cat says this so I'm just going to have Munk say it. Sorry!)

Munkustrap-Do you know how to go to the Heaviside layer?

Because jellicles can and jellicles do Jellicles do and jellicles can Jellicles can and jellicles do Jellicles do and jellicles can Jellicles can and jellicles do.

Tantomile- Can you ride on a broomstick to places far distant?

Victoria and Jenny- Familiar with candle

Electra- With book and with Bell.

Bomby- Were you Whittington's friend?

Me and Quaxo jumped out and said together perfectly- The Pied Piper's assistant?

Tumblebrutus- Have you been an alumnus of heaven and hell?

My other two favorite cats came out. Mungo- Are you mean like a minx?

Rumple- Are you lean like a lynx?

Electra- Are you keen to be seen when you're smelling a rat?

Cassandra- Were you there when the pharaoh commissioned the Sphinx?

All- If you were, and you are, you're a Jellicle cat Jellicle songs for Jellicle cats Jellicle songs for Jellicle cats Jellicle songs for Jellicle cats Jellicle songs for Jellicle cats Jellicle songs for Jellicle cats!

Electra dived on a trapeze as we sang: can dive through the air like a flying trapeze!

This was where the choreography came in. Jenny told me stay in the back so I was with the toms. Besides Misto, who's always with the queens. (lol) I followed Tugger's and Munks's movements. Sometime during this Mist made his way up to me and winked.

All- We can turn double somersaults, bounce on a tire
We can run up a wall, we can swing through the trees
We can balance on bars, we can walk on a wire!

All- Jellicles can and jellicles do (x4) Jellicle songs for Jellicle cats (x4)

Then we all clustered together, Jenny pushed me beside her and I was directly above Tugger. Rumple was also by my side above Quaxo. I remembered Jenny told me that the queens say one line and then the toms.

Queens- Can you sing at the same time in more than one key? Duets by Rossini-

Toms- Duets by Rossini and waltzes by Strauss?

Queens- Ahhaahhhahhahhhahhh (idk)

Toms- And can you (as cats do) begin with a 'C'?

Jennyanydots- AAAAAAAAH!

All- That always triumphantly brings down the house?

All- Jellicle cats are queen of the nights Singing at astronomical heights Handling pieces from the 'Messiah' Hallelujah, angelical Choirrrrr-

A boot was thrown by some human and stoped us I was the only one that reacted the way I did and guess what I laughed. I stoped immediately and then we sang the whole verse over again because of the dumb boot...and me. After we sang that over we stood up more straightly and put our paws out in front of us and sang-

All- The mystical divinity of unashamed felinity Round the cathedral rang 'Vivat' Life to the everlasting cat! Feline, fearless, faithful and true To others who do-what.

We scattered out and I almost tripped but was caught by Pounce. I nodded to him quickly giving him a smile of thanks. I knew I'd trip! I stayed in the back again with Vicky and Jemima.

All- Jellicles do and jellicles can
Jellicles can and jellicles do
Jellicle cats sing Jellicle chants
Jellicles old and jellicles new
Jellicle song and Jellicle dance
Jellicle songs for Jellicle cats
Jellicle songs for Jellicle cats
Jellicle songs for Jellicle cats
Jellicle songs for Jellicle cats

This was the part where we sang the types of cats thing. I stayed in the back accompanied by Plato. I once again tripped but someone caught me to my surprise it was Misto. Aw, he sacrificed his spot in the front to be with me! He whispered a quick "You okay" with concern in his eyes. I merely nodded as we went back to singing missing the first haft.

All: -Skeptical cats, Dispeptical cats
Romantical cats, Pedantical cats
Critical cats, parasitical cats
Allegorical cats, metaphorical cats
Statistical cats and mystical cats
Political cats, hypocritical cats
Clerical cats, hysterical cats
Cynical cats, rabbinical cats

All: Jellicle songs for Jellicle cats
Jellicle songs for Jellicle cats
Jellicle songs for Jellicle cats
Jellicle songs for Jellicle cats
Jellicle songs for Jellicle cats!

Then Asparagus looked into the night. And sang. "There's a man over there!" Was he foe real? "With a look of surprise,As much as to say well now how about that?" Munkustrap ran up beside himand said:

"Do I actually see with my own very eyes." They looked to each other. "A man who's not heard of a Jellicle Cat." We all gasped! Who is one to not know a Jellicle Cat? That's absurd! I has first to as- sing, rather-

"What's a Jellicle Cat?" Then the others joined in Misto and Jenny gathered to my sides and sang the words too.

"Whats a Jellicle Cat." Then everyone said one last time "Whats a Jellicle Cat." We all gathered in a bunch. I was at the corner sitting with the queens. This was The Naming Of Cats. We clicked our heads to the sides and began. I remembered that they actually put my name in here. I was grateful. They said that since I was part of the tribe, I was apart of their songs as well.

All- The naming of cats is a difficult matter, it isn't just one of your Holiday games. You may think at first I'm as mad as a hatter when I tell you a cat must have three different names. First of all there's the name that the family use daily Such as Peter, Augustus, Alonzo or James

Such as Victor or Jonathan, George or Bill Bailey, All of them sensible, everyday names. There are fancier names if you think they sound sweeter. Such as Plato, Admentas, Citro, Electra, Demeter. But all of them sensible everyday names.

But I tell you a cat needs a name that's particular A name that's peculiar, and more dignified Else how can he keep up his tail perpendicular, Or spread out his whiskers, or cherish his pride? Of names of this kind, I can give you a quorum Such as Munkustrap, Quaxo or Coricopat. Such as Bombalurina, or else Jellylorum. Names that never belong to more than one cat.-

-We all spreed apart. It was almost time to do my solo. Wonderful...I hope I don't trip.-

All: "But above and beyond there's still one name left over. And that is the name that you never will guess, The name that no human research can the at himself knows, and will never confess"

I slowly slunk away from the crowed. I got to the clearing as the where saying the ineffable parts as I got up. It wasn't that hard this time. I finally got to the one pose where Quaxo runs out when I remembered, EVERYONE IS WATCHING ME! My breathing became faster, Mistoffelees ran from the pipe and we danced. Then he began to sing his voice is always so interesting.

"Jellicle cats come out tonight. Jellicle cats come one come all. The Felicle moon is shining bright! Jellicle come to the Jellicle ball."

Munkustrap explained the reason of the Ball. I never knew the true meaning! Some cats gets to go to the Heaviside Layer? And they get to be reborn, I wonder who it could be. Maybe it shall be Gus, he is suffering from a few things. I think it should be Gus, poor kitty. Mistoffelees voice broke me out of my wondering mind, well not just his voice every ones.

"Who will it be?"

Then following every ones lead we all greeted Munkus trap, I bowed to him next to Misto and then sleeked away over to the TSE car since I wasn't needed for this next act. Quaxo soon followed after accidentally thinking it was a different act and made a silly fool of himself. He popped up and nuzzled me.

"Hello, Citronella." he purred.

"Hey, Quax." I said glancing around in case they herd me use his real name. Thankfully they where all enjoying the voices of Munk and Jenny. Featuring Bomby, Jelly, and Deme. I mentally giggled.

"You did great during the dance." He commented.

"Thank you, your dancing was great too." I smiled up at him, he gave me a smile back. We listened to the rest of that song and all of a sudden as the song was ending we herd a large RIP and "Meow." Everyone new what to say. Why is The Rum Tum Tugger a curious cat? Why is he such a horrible beast? I watched him do his stupid dance and then he kicked a ball directly at Quaxo. He ducked at the right time.

"How despicable!" He exclaimed angrily. "Your gonna pay Rum Tum Tugger." He got off the trunk and gracefully got beside Tugger who was about to sing the next line but before he got a single word Misto did it for him. In his own style.

"The Rum Tum Tugger is a terrible bore!"

Tugger slightly glared but rolled it off. That's when I got an idea, once Misto came back I looked at him and told him not to pay any mind to what I'm about to do. He simply nodded as I smirked and left the car. I padded over to Tugger. He didn't notice witch was a good thing. I carefully raised my vice over everyone else and changed the words 'Artful and knowing' into..

"Is Awful Annoying!" Everyone couldn't help but laugh. Alonzo almost choked! Then as he sang the rest of the song I imitated all his moves and if he looked over I simply act like a fan kitten. Even Munkustrap tried to hold in a chuckle. finally when he was basking in his end music everyone let out some howls of laughter. Then Tugger stopped and pointed; every head went to the direction to see a old grey cat. She had a torn coat, she had a all black stomach that glistened with glitter. She looked oddly familiar. Her eyes where beautiful but stained with much emotion of sadness and hurt they where a beautiful blue. She wasn't that old around Munk or Tugger's age. Her coat was stained with sand and looked horrible, but I wanted to comfort her because of her eyes. I didn't get up though because Munkustrap was glaring at her. Jemima tried to give the cat her paw as a sign of friendship but Skimbleshanks stop ed her rather quickly. What is wrong with this cat? Is she that much of a threat? Bombalurina circled her and winced at her when catching sight of her face, Jennyanydots stoped Electra from accepting her also and shook her head at the torn cat, Another tom scratched her in an attempt to fool her of friendship. I herd a silent growl beside me and I looked over to Quaxo, who looked away from the grey cat. I don't understand.

"Hey, Quaxo who is she?" I asked in a whisper for he could only hear. He looked over at me with his blue eyes.

"She is Grizabella, The Glamor Cat." He announced.

"Why is it that she is hatted so much? What has she done to receive this treatment?" I asked confused of this 'Glamor Cat's story.

"When she was here she was much more...Beautiful. She was like Bomby but more ungrateful for her looks she used them for what she wanted in life, she used them for herself. She fooled some of the toms around us into false love. She had stolen many a heart. Then she left and went about the world but in her return she didn't come back as glamorous as before and we shun her for this, she says the world has changed her but the elders forbid any type of friendship. She gets what she deserves." Mistoffelees filled me in with the info.

"Who's heart did she steal?" I asked still whispering.

"Munkustrap." He replied looking away. Glaring slightly at the memories. Munkustrap. Oh everlasting, poor Munk! He was betrayed. I was brought back to reality by Bomby joining into the song that was going on.

"Grizabella, the glamor cat, Grizabella, the glamor cat!" They sang.

Everyone joined in at the end: "And who would ever suppose that That was Grizabella, the glamor cat!" Every one but me that is. She slank off the stage/clearing then. I don't think she's that bad, perhaps the world did change her. Perhaps the world had been cruel to her in ways people would shudder and wince because of. I think Grizabella should be made friends wi-

"Is not skin and bones!"

Oooops. Snapped back into reality...again. I look over to the commotion and see Misto's fat uncle Bustopher Jones. I smiled wide as I joined in with this activity. It was fun seeing Quaxo act like a cute little kitten, rolling around messing with Bustopher. I guess this is where Misto acts super prissy. I mentally laughed. As the song finished Bustopher sat off to the side on the silly top hat. I was then pulled to the side by four paws, one covering my mouth the other three pulling me to the side. I was frightened but then I realized it was only Teaser and Mungo.

"Calm 'own Citron is us!" Mungo whispered in my ear. I bit his hand covering my muzzle. He quickly took it off and cradled it like a baby.

"What was that for?" I asked still standing behind the junk in the clearing.

"We need your help, Gard our loot its our turn ta sing our song." Teaser said. We'll throw it to you, just don't let Munk and Lonzo get it or our tails will be fried!"

"Okay just never do that again or I'll be the one to fry your tails. Literally." I said holding my paw up showing a small flame flicker from it.

"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah." Mungo said. "We got some 'ood loot so keep it guarded 'ood!" Teaser let out a loud giggle.

"Shhh!" Mungojerrie said desperately. "They'll find us if ya do that again member what append last time!" She only giggled again "SHHHH!" and with that they made her way into the clearing. I crept into the shadows with the loot. There song was much more exotic than the other ones in the ball. I loved the dance they did, even if Teaser was pregnant she will always be able to dance. They where almost to the end when they pulled me out from my spot and did cart weels egging me to join with, of course I'd never upset Teaser so I joined. Mungo and I did a double windmill and then he topped it off with him and Rumpleteaser doing one. But then Munkustrap and Alonzo appeared in front of them loot in there hands.

"Ooops?" I said smiling nervously shrugging. They had thrown the loot over the yard. Jerrie looked accusingly at Teaser.

"What?" She asked

"It wuz your idea ta give it ta Citronella!" He said bitterly. "Oh, lesh give the loot ta Citron, she'll eep it shafe!" He mocked Teaser's cute innocent voice. Then Mistoffelees sniffed the air and looked about the ground.

"Old Deuteronomy?" His voice rang. He turned to Munkustrap who looked at him then at Coricopat and Tantomile.

"I believe that it is Old Deuteronomy." They sang together in perfect harmony.

Everyone sang in with Old D's song. I stayed close to Victoria that time. Munkustrap started a song that explained the story of The Rumpus Cat. We all dressed up as a bunch of horrid Policle dogs and poodles and mocked them by barking. That one was probably my favorite during the whole night. And then we danced during the ball and then the...matting dance. It went better that I expected. Hearing Mistoffelees whisper reassurances in my ear and watching Vicky dance is always a treat. Then Grizabella came upon the stage once again. Cori and Tanto where the first to shun her. Tugger puffed his mane up and walked past her glaring at her briefly, I stood up getting out of Quaxo's arms and extended my hand out to her giving her a small smile but before she could do anything Skimble stopped me. Giving me a stern look that was telling me not to try that again. Jemima did the same thing and Munkus stopped her. Tumbleburtus teased her and bumped her. She almost fell but she regained confidence as Demeter tempted to help but once her eyes reached the torn cat she fled into Bombalurina's arms. Munkustrap stood in front of her arms out protecting his tribe but as soon as she took a step toward him he stepped away over to the side. Behind her Jelly began to sing-

"You see the border of her coat is torn and stained with sand." Victoria began to go up to Grizz but Jelly quickly pulled her away over to Old D. Jemima sang then.

"And you see the corner of her eye twist like a crooked pin." She did the same as Victoria but Jenny pulled her away and hissed at the grey queen. I've never seen Jenny so mean before.

Gizabella tempted to dance but her bones declined so she tried other methods but nothing worked so she stopped. I looked into her eyes again. Those blue eyes. I've seen then before, I know I have. Then she started to sing, but I knew this song. My mother would sing it, and her voice! That voice- Like my mothers. She is my mother's sister! I gasped aloud. I have seen her before! She was there when I had my third birthday, she held me as a a small kitten. She was there. She is my aunt, she is the only one in my family left. I single tear slipped down my face and Quaxo looked at me concerned. I stood up out of my spot and sang the next verse.

"And the wind begins to moan." She looked over at me in confusion. I continued, "Memory, All alone in the moonlight. I can smile at the old days I was beautiful then." I looked into her eyes as I extended my hand. No one could stop me. I would burn there tail if they would try. She took it, as I nuzzled her.

"I know you, you are Crystal's daughter, Citronella is that really you?" Grizabella asked

"Yes, and you are my aunt." She smiled. But then Munkustrap came up but before he could speak I spoke.

"Munkustrap, I know that the tribe must shun her, but She is the only one left of my true family. Please let her explain her side of the story. She is the only one who could tell me about my parents and she is the only one I have left." He nodded slightly and turned to Grizz.

"You may stay but please let us continue the ball, Grizzabella I would like to talk with you afterwords." Old D must have said something because as I watched him return to his father Old D smiled at Munk. He made two cats happy tonight. At first the cats where wary but Mistoffelees was the first to come up. He extended his paw to her and she took it slowly.

"Hello, Grizzabella." He greeted softly. Then Teaser bounced up and took Gizz's paw.

"Hello, I'm Rumpleteaser." She smiled widely and happily. Soon after Mungo came up followed by Jemima and Victoria. Everyone accepted Grizzabella. Then The ball continued on. Grizzabella usually sat beside me or if I got up to sing she would be off to the side. After Skimble's song there was a loud crash and evil laughter. I knew that laughter.

"Macavity!" Demeter yelled. Everyone was frozen as Macavity's Hench cats stole Old Deuteronomy. everyone scattered away I went into a small hidding spot. Demeter and Bomby began to sing then. Quaxo came over and I nuzzled into his arms listening to there song, but my mind started to wonder about the night my parents died. I remember every detail. I remember ever scream. I remember every yell. My mind snapped back when the other queens joined into the song. I burrowed my face even deeper into Mistoffelees chest and blocked the sounds out. As I looked up I saw Old D. Old D is back! But why would Macavity let us have our leader back? But then Demeter pounced onto his back reviling Macavity. Munkustrap then fought him and I jumped out of Misto's arms seeing that Macavity grabbed Demeter. Alonzo then came to her rescue taking her as Munkustrap hissed and clawed at him. But soon Munk fell and Alonzo fought the Hidden Paw, but Macavity shook him off and climbed to the highest junk pile and disappeared in a shock of electricity wires, witch supplied our light during this event. Everything was dark and gloomy.

"Macavity's not there!" Everyone gasped in horror. I went over to my aunt who was closest to me since I jumped away from Misto, who I couldn't see from the dark. Someone found a light and looked about untill rested on Munkustrap. Demeter quickly padded over to her mate and nuzzled him.

"We have to find Old Deuteronomy." We sang in usion.

"You ought to ask the Magical Mister Mistoffelees!" The light quickly went to the voice. Tugger. "The original conjuring cat."

"Tugger...I told you not to sing that!" I herd Quaxo whisper beside me I tuned to him. I didn't even know he was there. I used my magic and made a small flicker of light.

"What's he singing?" I asked

"A song he made up as a kit. I told him not to sing it." He then disappeared as Tugger continued.

"Think that it's nearly misplaced, You've seen it one moment but then it is gone but you think that it's merly misplaced. You've seen it one moment but the it is gone! But you find it next week laying out on the lawn!"

My tuxedo tom then came down on a rope...i think...and Tugger continued singing while Mistoffelees danced. Considering what just happened it brightened every ones mood hearing Tugger sing and Misto perform. Everyone smiled and some laughed. Quaxo seamed happy even if he was dancing to Tugger's singing. Then he took out a red sheet magically from the TSE car and grabbed my paw.

"I need your help." he said into my ear. I nodded. "Okay all you have to do is say these words... kliem kliem maġika li ħadd ma jaf"
kliem maġika li ħadd ma jaf" i repeated

"Yes." I nodded again. He then picked a cat out the crowd; Cassandra. And put her under the red sheet. He grabbed my paw again and gave me the que to say the words with him. He picked the sheet up slowly and out came Old D! Tugger than finished up the song. Cassandra was saftly returned and Gus got to go to the heavy side layer. I was tired.

"Aunt Grizabella you can stay in my den if you wish it is in the back of the junkyard."

She looked up smiling, "Yes but then where would you stay?" She asked frowning

"Well, I can always stay with my mate, If he doesn't mind." I asked up at Mistoffelees who was sitting right beside me.

"He would never say no." He nuzzled he gently, I nuzzled back.

"Okay, now stop being all lovey-Dory you two it's almost midnight and Munk will have my head if he finds anyone outside, it's my duty tonight." Alonzo said braking our moment up.

"Your just mad I didn't use you for my act." Misto said still nuzzling me.

"No I'm not." Lonzo pouted. He so was. Me, Misto and, Grizz walked her to her new Junkyard den and he teleported us to his. I gave him a kiss and curled up beside him.

"Goodnight Quaxo." I said yawning.

"Goodnight, love."


It's not the end. I'd be stupid to stop here plus in the summary it says Macavity wants Citron dead so that's impossible if the story's over. I can't believe I'm just now updating I'm sooo mean to you guys. oh and here's some cookies for Iamtwilight - OOOO

um... I hope you like the difference in the ball. Citron has an relative in the yard now! and Rumple is prego! I can't wait till the kit is born! I'm going to go name searching! And the magic words are in Maltese the translation is Magic words that no one knows interesting spell huh? Pppft. kliem maġika li ħadd ma jaf! lol. but it dosen't mean that in the story... it's a .:magic spell:.

.:Jellicle Quote:.

"The Jellicle Moon Is Shining Bright!"

And I just wanna say thanx to all my reviewers. And I thank you for not comming to Ohio and ripping my head off. Love you guys!

- Chel$see