I don't own!


"You know…you don't have to stay. You can go." I stared out the window, not wanting to look at her.

She placed a hand on my forearm. "I'm alright."

I clenched my fist, nodding before looking back out the window.

This is fucking stupid.

She was here, everyday. Every goddamn day, sitting here with the Colonel and me either reading her book or small talk.

I don't know if she was telling me, or Mustang.

But now, Mustang has been discharged and she still comes. Why? Because she feels sorry for me. Not because of this…my legs…But because I'm a pathetic loser that "get's attached"

God, I can't believe that I said that to her.

"Hey." I snapped my head up as I felt her warm hand squeeze my arm. "Relax, I know this is hard on you, but for now, there is nothing you can do." I sighed, realizing my brow was furrowed and my jaw was clenched (or that she hadn't let go).

I looked in her eyes, so warm, so inviting. So beautiful.

I relaxed under her gaze, leaning back against the pillows and sighed. "You don't have to stay." I laughed, "My mom's kept asking why you're always here. At first she thought you were the Colonel's 'secret lover,' coming by to see him in the hospital every day, but now…" I tried to laugh, but I don't think she bought it. I didn't.

"I'm sorry." She whispered after a few moments of silence, hand clenching my arm tighter.

"Nah, it's fine." Closed my eyes, "my mother's-"

"I should have…I should have paid more attention. I…kept saying to myself that this-us – it was nothing…but…"

I opened my eyes, staring. Her head was bowed, but her voice went higher. "This was supposed to be simple. We were just-but then you…" my heart raced as I watched tears fall on the pages of her book.

"I knew, but I ignored it."

There was silence. I stared, mouth dry, open, as I felt her hand slacken and slide off my arm.

Before she could completely retract her arm I grabbed her. "Lieutenant…Riza, look at me." I put on my best smile I watch her peer at me between her bangs. My stomach melted, but I only smiled softly. "It's okay, it's my fault." My hand shook as I reached out to touch her face. As I held her warm cheek in my hand, I saw her smile. Smile like she would when we were together. Before.

"I'm sorry for putting you through this, Lieutenant. Perhaps I should have kept my mouth shut." I tried to make my smile real, but my heart was oozing out.

She shook her head, snaking her hand out of mine and holding my hand to her face. "Perhaps…we can try again."

My heart raced, the first real smile since before we entered the laboratory grew on my face, "If-if that's what you want…"

She kissed my hand, and that was all I needed.


AN: I have to say that the strangest part of the two chat fics, as I'm dubbing them, is that they are both written in first person, and I didn't even mean to do that!

Super Crazy!