Hi, this is ECJBLover. I decided to write another story and hopefully finish it. ;D My other story is discontinued. I'm rewriting. I'm also looking for a beta. If you are one, message me. :)

Summary: (Takes place after Breaking Dawn. Everything that happens in the four books, do happen, except that there were no wolves involved. 40 yrs in the future.) Jacob Black, a 17 yrs old werewolf, reluctantly moves to Forks with his father, Billy. There he meet Edward Cullen, a 157 yrs old vampire, whose mated, has a child of his own and should be happy, but isn't. When their eyes met, their wholes lives (and the lives of their loved ones) get turned upside down. Is it a good turn or a bad one? Yes, it's an imprinting story. Deal with it. :) Review, please.

Disclaimer: I own nothing (books, movies, etc.), except the plot.

Life can really be a pain in the ass.

That thought was running through Jacob Black's mind as he finished packing the last of his things. With one last look around his room, he grabbed his bags and headed downstairs. It was moving day for him and his father, Billy Black and they were packing up the last of their belongings before they headed out onto the road for their new home in Forks, Washington.

It really sucks having to leave my home in Alabama, he thought as he left his things by the front door and went into the kitchen, it's like I'm throwing away the first 17 yrs of my life.

Leaning against the door frame, Jacob watched his father seal up the last box and put it on the kitchen counter.

"Is that the last of the boxes?" he asked.

His father turned towards him and smiled,"Yep, that's the last of them. Help me put the boxes in the moving van, and then we're done."

They grabbed the boxes and put them into the moving van outside, sliding the door down and locking it behind them. They went back into the house to do clean sweep, making sure that they hadn't missed anything and that all the doors and windows were locked, before leaving the house for the last time, locking it behind them. Billy put the keys under the welcome mat, like the sales agent had asked him to, and then got into the moving van with Jacob following him.

With one last look at the house they called home for the last 17 yrs, Billy, with Jacob right next to him, backed out of the driveway and drove on to the highway.

Eyes on the road, Billy exclaimed,"Can you believe this, Jake? We're finally heading home."

"I thought that was our home", Jacob said, put out.

Billy sighed,"Look, I know you weren't happy at first with the idea", that's an understatement, Jacob thought,"But I think this'll be good for us, for you. This way you can see our home lands and maybe other wolves your age."

Jacob deadpanned, "Whoopi."

"Jacob, please. Just give Forks a chance. For me?"

Rolling his eyes, Jacob replied, "Sure, Sure."

Billy sighed again, focusing back on the road. For the rest of the trip, they rode in silence

Two to three days later, Billy and Jacob pulled up in front of their new home and got out of the truck. Their new home was a two story house with a front and back patio and a part of the forest in the backyard. There was also a shed big enough to house two cars, which was perfect for Jacob.

They went inside the house and looked around. On the first floor were the kitchen, living room, dining room and stairs. The second floor housed the 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms.

After looking around, Billy and Jacob went back outside and started to unload the van, making sure those boxes went into the right rooms. Once they were finished unloading the van, they started unpacking the boxes and placing everything in their correct places.

It wasn't until the late evening that they were finally done. With a couple of sandwiches each, Billy and Jacob decided to head off to bed. Billy had chosen the master bedroom, while Jacob had chosen a bedroom that had windows that faced the forest, so that he could watch the moon if he was ever restless.

After eating the sandwiches, Jacob laid down on his bed and let his mind wander.

So…This is my new home, he thought, it's not so bad. Big. Roomy. I could get use to it. It'll be hard, but I'm sure I can make it. I'm just happy we moved during the summer. If it was during the school year, then that would have really been a pain in the ass. Thankfully, school doesn't start for other 2 weeks.

With his thoughts still running, Jacob fell into a restful sleep, dreaming of auburn-brown hair, honey-glazed eyes, pale skin, and red lips. A sharp swirling scent engulfed around him in his dream, like a securing cocoon. The scent….the scent was in pain, slowly hollowing inside, slowly breaking apart in unworthiness. In his deep slumber, his wolf was howling, raging with ravenousness madness of hunger to rip apart anything that caused the soul the scent belong to any pain. The scent sang to him as the enigma's soul did the same. Not wanting the soul to feel alone, his own wolf cried a chorus that disappeared into the air of the misty dark forest to reach the mystery being to comfort them. Jacob's wolf whimpered because the slight contact wasn't enough. His wolf howled in sheer want of something that neither Jacob nor his wolf could quite reach. To say they were pissed was an understatement. They both snarled in union with the promise that they would both have the enigma that was rightfully theirs.