Hello! I know it's been a while, hope I still have a few readers out there in the wide world of fanfics. Really have no excuse except for the simple fact I'm lazy and couldn't seem to put two words together for about two weeks straight. So I loaded down with raspberry pop tarts, caffeine and nicotine to get this chapter out so here it is, hope it isn't too big of a disaster or disgrace.

I don't know why I picked this song for this chapter, but if you've never heard it you should really listen to it, it's awesome in a sadistic, off-beat kind of way. One of my personal favorites.

Disclaimer: Devil May Cry belongs to Capcom, I buy the games and own a somewhat twisted imagination and a wide verity of music ^-^

Ch. 12 Drilled A Wire Through My Cheek- Blue October

(Third Person POV)

Fortuna City-midmorning (morning after Nero's departure)

"NO, no, no, this just isn't right!" The brunette songstress mumbled under her breath, leaning heavily against the polished white marble countertop of her small kitchen sipping a cup of tea slowly growing cold. The young woman had been up all night and her appearance certainly proved that-pristine white dressed wrinkled, dark circles under her eyes and the messy strands of hair falling askew where she'd ran her finger through it one too many times. She couldn't seem to wrap her mind around the events currently unfolding. Dante and Nero! Friends, sure, but anything more is positively revolting. She couldn't comprehend it, really didn't want to; making her stomach queasy with the diminutive thoughts passing through her mind.

This was all that Dante Sparda's fault-filling Nero's head with such atrocities. Before the devil man came along Nero was just fine living with her, working for the Order, attending all the religious ceremonies at her side, listening to her sing…

Wasn't he?

Well of course he was. He never complained, always followed orders. Change was seldom seen in Fortuna, people liked it that way. Everything always planned out in advance, no surprises. Life is simple in Fortuna, the way it should be.

Nero was happy, save for the few dozen times Kyrie had to confiscate his headphones during the awe-inspiring sermons given by His Holiness, when Nero would listen to that god-awful racket he called music. Where'd he even find stuff like that anyway? Lord knows there is no such music sold in Fortuna.

The doe eyed girl was knocked from her musings when a rather loud knock sounded at the door.

I try to stay on top of you

To hold your body down

Your shaking seems to hinder

Every grasp that I have found

Moving every inch around you

To diffuse your private bomb

I stretch myself surrounding

And protecting you from harm

(Kyrie's POV)

I think my heart just leaped into my throat. Nero, my Nero had retuned. To beg forgiveness for his foolish ways no-doubt. Of course I'll take him back and with a few good tears he'll be as obedient as ever. Just imagine my disappointment when I opened the door to the Captain of the newly established Order.

He smiled brilliantly, "Good morning Miss Kyrie."

I smile politely in return, "Good morning Captain Baronet."

He gave a light chuckle, he looked so dashing in his starched white uniform, golden hair and shining green eyes. Makes me wonder why Nero never wore his…oh yes, he said it was too stuffy.

"No need for such formalities, I just stopped by to see how you were getting along after the commotion of last night."

Clasping my hands before me and swaying a little from side to side, the wheels in my head began to turn. If I can't have Nero, no way in hell would Dante Sparda!

"That is so very kind of you Hale, can I offer you a cup of tea." of course the man was to polite to comment on my disheveled looks.

"I have a few minutes before my duties start."

So I open the door a bit wider allowing my company to enter, closely watching his reaction to the state of my living room, then upon turning those shining emeralds to me, I cast my own down in pretend shame.

"Miss Kyrie, did Nero do this?" He motioned towards the mess.

I chance a glance up, his chiseled features distorted in disgust.

"I must apologize, I've been cleaning this mess up all-night and most of the morning." In all reality I hadn't done a single thing hoping against hope that Nero would return and I'd guilt him into doing it.

His eyes settled on the ruined heirloom antique, the shattered glass sparkling in the sunlight streaming through the living room windows, "A priceless antique, belonged to my grandmother, smashed beyond repair."

Hale turns to me now, taking my hands in his. I'm shaking again one the verge of tears. He silently leads me through the kitchen door seating me in a vacant chair; the brave captain kneeled before me. I let a single tear slip down my cheek…perhaps I should go out for acting?

"Kyrie, what happened last night after we took our leave?" His voice so full of concern. Oh yes my dear captain, I have you exactly where I want you.

I let my magnificent brown meet his enchanting green and though enough crocodile tears to drown one of the poor beasties and a new pot of tea; after all I am a complete nervous wreck. Someone as sweet and innocent as myself should never be exposed to such things. I recounted how my sweet endearing beloved Nero betrayed me and my dear sweet brother's memory by calling that slaughtering son of Sparda then immediately packed his things. Then upon retrieving Red Queen from the living room went completely mad seeing me caress the handle of the beloved weapon. Completely blind with undiluted rage swung the sword time and time again destroying everything in its path. I begged for him to stop, but he wouldn't hear my pleas. When his rage was spent I dare not go near him. I asked, no pleaded for him to stay. But in the end he calmly turned disappearing in to the night, leaving poor defenseless me all alone to pick up the aftermath.

(sniffle, tear, poor sweet Kyrie…barf bag anyone?)

I use a wallet for your mouth

So when you bit you will not bleed

I drilled a wire through my cheek

And let it down and out my sleeve

And now you're pulling out the best of me

Yeah, which never ever comes

This wire is all that's left of me

And it's hooked within my gums, within my gums

(Captain Hale Baronet's POV)

I cannot believe what I am hearing! That devil born son of a bitch! How could he do such a thing to Kyrie? Any little thing could have set him off. I've known that white haired bastard since our school days, more than a few years behind myself and Credo of course. That boy's temper is unbelievable, the slightest thing will put him in a mood for days. And sweet innocent Kyrie, what could she have possibly done to deserve this? All she ever did was care for him, even when we were nothing more than children! Credo was like a brother to me, my mentor, how dare he disgrace his memory!

This cannot, will not go unpunished! Out of sight, out of mind? Far from it! He may finally be gone from our presence, from tainting our beloved city with his unholy existence. But rest assured he will pay for hurting my dear sweet Kyrie!

"Do not worry about a single thing Miss Kyrie, I will take this matter before His Holiness and justice will be served." mustering as much compassion as I could. "He will pay…for this devastating, traumatizing act and for the death of your brother. That act alone has gone unpunished for far to long… I will see to it personally."

Those beautiful eyes were welling with tears again, oh how I hate to see her cry.

(Again…barf bag? Anyone? I have plenty to go around)

I gave her hand a soft kiss before rising to my feet. The look in her eyes is heartbreaking, she really does love him.

"I will send someone by to help you with this…mess…" She nods solemnly and follows me to the door

"Thank you Hale for everything, but one thing?"

"Yes?" anything you demand sweet Kyrie and it will be done.

"Please, do not hurt him, I have already forgiven him."

Forgiving the devil himself, this woman has a heart of gold.

So drill it

So drill it

So hard I feel it (so hard)…it's okay

So drill it

So drill it

So hard I feel it (so hard)…it's okay

(Kyrie's POV)

I shut the door softly. A grin he doesn't see, that man is so easily manipulated. That is the only problem with Nero, he has such a strong will, a streak of defiance as big as the cathedral. No, I don't want Hale or the Order to harm him. I have plenty in store for him when he returns to Fortuna…

I hate to show I'd bleed for this

I cut myself to shame

To get tot know this masochist

Who's stolen my first name

Pretending he's a teacher

Holding all my weight at ease

But the teacher seems to split in two

Destroying both his knees

And now crawling I position myself

Below your broken wing

I lift your feathered left arm

Where you hide your heart from me

I never noticed it was swollen

With a touch of brutal pain

I never knew a heart could live inside

The rust from all your rain, all your rain

Devil May Cry- the morning after… (Third person POV)

Back at Devil May Cry-Demon Extermination Agency, the sun was already well into the sky. Dante rolled away from the bright sun streak peaking through the edge of the heavy curtains, burrowing farther under the warm blankets of his king sized bed. Last night had been the best night of his life, hands down…something he'd remember for the rest of his days. Dante still couldn't believe that the firecracker was really here, in his bed, and let's not forget the sex…Nero may have been a virgin but the kid had rocked his world in more ways then one…

Dante reached out to pull his lithe lover close only to come up empty handed, the preoccupied spot wasn't even warm.

So drill it

So drill it

So hard I feel it (so hard)…it's okay

So drill it

So drill it

So hard I feel it (so hard)…it's okay

(Dante's POV)

I shot straight up in bed, last night could not have been a dream. No way in god damn hell, just no fucking way, right? Everything was just to real, his taste, his touch, his tight little…


My heart rate kicked up about a thousand notches, too many things running through my head at the same time. Too many what ifs.

What if he left?

Did I do or say something wrong?

Was I too possessive to soon? No I remember plainly hearing the purr from his own devil.

What if someone came and took him? No, he would have fought. I would definitely heard if there was a fight in my own house, even though my leeches swear I sleep like the dead. Unless it was someone from that religious rattrap, he wouldn't have gone willingly.

Would he?

What if that little brunette bitch called again and somehow convinced him to return?

Was all this for nothing?

I have to calm down, there's a reasonable explanation for the kid not being here, "Dante calm down." repeating it like a mantra over and over in my head. I threw the bedding aside catching a whiff of our mingled scents, my demon let out a deep reverberating purr. The kid couldn't have gone far,

'would you get your lazy ass up and go find our mate already!' My own devil screams, I swear it sounds more and more like Vergil everyday. Finding a clean pair of leathers in the closet I made my way out the door. The strong smell of coffee hit me full force. Damn kid's in the kitchen. I smirked to myself walking silently down the stairs, purposely skipping the one that squeaks.

I can hear him bumping about in the small kitchen, the smell of burnt toast and an aggravated mutter,

"I love ya Dante, but your possessed appliances have got to go…"

I push open the door just enough to peek inside. Nero's back is to the room, great view, and fighting with the toaster of all things; muttering under his breath the whole while. I can't help the grin that splits my face, kid id just damn sexy when he's getting pissed. What attracted me to the spitfire in the first damn place. He's got on a pair of low slung stone washed jeans-perfect fit and nothing else, inching lower as he moves about, the worn material looks soft, hugging his tight ass and long lean legs. I step into the room, my fingers just itching to touch the expanses of exposed flesh. Moving directly behind him, the kid seems oblivious but doesn't even jump as I wrap my arms around his torso, just cleaves into me. I give into the urge to taste him, kissing his neck lightly, Nero gives a small mewl of pleasure practically melting against me chest.

(Nero's POV)

Dante thinks he's so damn sneaky, I heard him the moment the bedroom door opened and purposely skipping over the last step; come on. He forgets, I have demonic senses too. I mean, sure I was cursing his toaster to the darkest pits of Hell but that doesn't mean I'm oblivious to my surroundings either, but when those arms wrap around me it's all I can do not to turn around. I just press back against him, relaxing all my muscles and practically purr when his warm lips touch my neck. I already have countless bites and bruises from the night before so what's one more going to matter.

I didn't think to bring a washcloth

Or to rub away the dirt

Myself and I we share

This barely beating heart of hurt

And when the hurt comes there's a argument

A fight to save a smile

A small attack on human tears

To dry them for a while

A dream we all should count on

A vision I believe

And where confidence is found

Attached to wires on a sleeve

And where loneliness is history

Told to pack his shit and leave

And where guidance is a fortune

Told to help in time of need

And where crying isn't secret

It's the art of how we grieve

And lessons are the key

To every goal I will achieve,

I will achieve

(Third Person POV)

Slowly sinking into the passion of one another, our two hunters are ignorant to the goings on in the world around them. Our brave Captain, as we speak, is in the process of confronting the Order on how best to deal with Nero and his destructive ways. The new Holiness signs a consent allowing the Order to go forth beyond the boundaries of Fortuna to arrest the young half devil, charging the hellion with destruction of property, public disturbances, and the murder of Credo; allowing the soldiers to bring him in anyway they feel necessary, as well as Dante Sparda should he get in the way. The young innocent songstress is being placed in protective custody, the traumatic event just too much for her fragile mindset and who knows what Nero will be like when brought back against his will.

A troop of soldiers armed to the teeth boarded the first ferry out of Fortuna, minds set to take on the two devils and knowing full well they could all wind up on the short end of the stick, they'd all seen the devil boy fight and none were looking forward to the chance to go against him. But little do they know how possessive and protective the older mate of the young man could be…

So drill it

So drill it

So hard I feel it (so hard)…it's okay

So drill it

So drill it

So hard I feel it (so hard)…it's okay

So drill it

So drill it

So hard I feel it (so hard)…it's okay

So drill it

So drill it

So hard I feel it (so hard)…it's okay

Okay, so here it is, me love feedback…cookies for reviews…