A/n: And here i am with a new story. Unfortunately I've had to put anything not Twilight related on hold because I'm in a total rut. But i've got this, and it's a Jasper/Bella, which I've been playing with for a while. I'm looking forward to seeing the feedback. I'm posting this one and chapter 1 together because, lets face it, a preface means shit.

I would like to add that this takes place post Breaking Dawn, so everything Cannon did happen. It's after the fact that everything goes to Hell. Enjoy.

D/c: I don't own Twilight or any related characters, places, or events. If I did, things would have turned out a hell of a lot different.

Epic thanks to my beta, Snow-white-queen89, for putting up with me and my obsessiveness and pulling her back into the fandom. I love you, Sis, and you'll never know how much your help means to me.

Rise Rebel Resist - Peface


I didn't know what I was or who I wanted, anymore. Everything was a mess. Everything was wrong. Nothing was what it was before. What it should be was no more.

My brain, my mind, was in a constant loop. Repeating, replaying, and rephrasing what I already knew and had drilled into my own head.

So many things had gone wrong. It was my fault. It was all my fault. It was all because of me. If I hadn't come into this family, none of this would have happened. It all started the day I came into this family.

The only thing that I can't say is my fault is Alice and Jasper. Theirs was a divorce decades in the making, according to Rosalie. She had been controlling him since she found him in Philadelphia. Jasper got sick of it and left her.

And now I'm here. Locked away in a room, away from everyone I love and everyone I care about. All because they don't know any other way to deal with a mentally broken vampire. I've given reign to my instincts, and just let the rest loop. I'm going insane in here, locked inside my own mind. It'll be hard. I've been trying to surface for a long time. I've never quite reached the top.

It's all my fault they came.

It's all my fault we were taken.

It's all my fault.

A/n: Yes, I am very well aware that it's incredibly short. It's a preface, it's not supposed to be long. Tell me what you think. You know you want to.

leggy freak003

Insanity: Noun. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results every time.