Text Me, TTYL!


To: Arthur Kirkland

From: Francis Bonnefoy

Message: So, how are you and Alfred coming along? ;)





To: Francis Bonnefoy

From: Arthur Kirkland

Message: Why are you texting me in class? And I refuse to respond to your question.





To: Arthur Kirkland

From: Francis Bonnefoy

Message: Oh, come now. It's not like you have anything better to be doing, it's health class. And fine then, I'll just ask Alfred in that case.





To: Francis Bonnefoy

From: Arthur Kirkland

Message: Maybe I'm actually trying to pay attention! You're making it awfully hard to take notes.

And things are just fine, if you really must know.





To: Arthur Kirkland

From: Francis Bonnefoy

Message: … My Arthur, if you were so interested about sex ed you could've just asked me~.






To: Francis Bonnefoy

From: Arthur Kirkland

Message: Oh shut up you bloody frog.

Why do you need details?





To: Arthur Kirkland

From: Francis Bonnefoy

Message: Ohoho, I was just curious. Why so defensive?





To: Francis Bonnefoy

From: Arthur Kirkland

Message: Because you're prying into my relationship status? I would do the same with you and Seychelles, except I really don't care all that much and I'm afraid that you'd give me way more details than I ever need to know.





To: Arthur Kirkland

From: Francis Bonnefoy

Message: If you're ever curious...





To: Francis Bonnefoy

From: Arthur Kirkland

Message: I'm definitely not...







Welcome to Facebook!




Heracles Karpusi

Class is so boring...

12 minutes ago · Comment · Like

Kiku Honda Please don't fall asleep again...

10 minutes ago · Like

Heracles Karpusi I'll try... They really need to make classes more interesting.

9 minutes ago · Like

Kiku Honda Yes... But try hard, it was very awkward the last time you fell asleep and started moaning.

7 minutes ago · Like

Heracles Karpusi Oh, that. Sorry, my dreams get a little carried away sometimes.

6 minutes ago · Like

Kiku Honda I-I could tell, it was very uncomfortable.

5 minutes ago · Like

Heracles Karpusi Shouldn't you be used to it by now?

5 minutes ago · Like

Kiku Honda What?

4 minutes ago · Like

Heracles Karpusi Oh nevermind, maybe that was a dream too. ;)

3 minutes ago · Like






To: Vash Zwingli

From: Lili Zwingli

Message: Um... Can I go to a friends house after school?





To: Lili Zwingli

From: Vash Zwingli

Message: Who's house?





To: Vash Zwingli

From: Lili Zwingli

Message: This kid Peter Kirkland, he goes to my school..





To: Lili Zwingli

From: Vash Zwingli

Message: Kirkland? Is he related to Arthur?

And it's a boy? No.





To: Vash Zwingli

From: Lili Zwingli

Message: B-but! We're just friends! I'm 13 years old, please let me go? Pleasepleasepleaseplease?

And yeah, Arthur's his brother! Do you know him?





To: Lili Zwingli

From: Vash Zwingli

Message: Yes, I know Arthur.

Is there going to be anyone else there? It isn't some kind of party, is it?





To: Vash Zwingli

From: Lili Zwingli

Message: No! Well, there is one more kid coming, Raivis Galante, but he's really shy and quiet...





To: Lili Zwingli

From: Vash Zwingli

Message: It's always the quiet ones...





To: Vash Zwingli

From: Lili Zwingli

Message: Pleeeeeaaaaaaaasseeeeee?





To: Lili Zwingli

From: Vash Zwingli

Message: … Fine. But if I hear about anything happening, I swear, you won't leave the house. Ever.





To: Vash Zwingli

From: Lili Zwingli

Message: YAY! Thank you sosososo much big brother! :D







To: Kiku Honda

From: Alfred Jones

Message: HEY. So since you helped me out with my relationship, you want some help with yours too? ;)





To: Alfred Jones

From: Kiku Honda

Message: W-what? What relationship...?





To: Kiku Honda

From: Alfred Jones

Message: Oh, come on man. We're bros! you don't have to hide your and Heracles thing from me!





To: Alfred Jones

From: Kiku Honda

Message: W-We don't have a 'thing'!





To: Kiku Honda

From: Alfred Jones

Message: lol k. thats fine. I'll just go ask Francis for some plan ideas...





To: Alfred Jones

From: Kiku Honda

Message: Wait! Don't ask Francis! I'll- We really don't have anything going on! I swear!





To: Kiku Honda

From: Alfred Jones

Message: mhm. Right. Okay, listen my home-skillet-biscuit-with-the-butter-on-top. You guys both want each other, it's so obvious. So we're gonna hook you two up. And by we I mean me and other people. Not you. So don't even worry about it now. c;





To: Alfred Jones

From: Kiku Honda

Message: Ah- wait! You and who else? And I don't even know if he likes me back, so don't do anything too drastic... this really isn't a good idea, Alfred-san...





To: Kiku Honda

From: Alfred Jones

Message: HEY. Don't go all official Japanese on me, man. god. For someone who's always reading 'The Air' or whatever the book's called, you're not very perceptive when someone likes you. And don't worry dude, it's all good. I promise.





To: Alfred Jones

From: Kiku Honda

Message: Ah... If you must... Then I will trust you, Alfred...






Welcome to Yahoo! Mail




To: Feliciano Vargas

From: Alfred Jones

Subject: So it has come to my attention...

That Kiku and Heracles obviously have sexual tension. And we need to solve that. SO I call upon you, as one of his best friends or whatever, to come up with a plan and we can follow through with it. Cool, Feli?




To: Alfred Jones

From: Feliciano Vargas

Subject: Re: So it has come to my attention...

Of course! I'm glad someone's doing something about it, ve. But what should the plan be?




To: Feliciano Vargas

From: Alfred Jones

Subject Re: So it has come to my attention...

Dude. That's why I emailed you to ask. Oh well, I have an idea.

Why don't we just pull a Francis?




To: Alfred Jones

From: Feliciano Vargas

Subject: Re: So it has come to my attention...

A Francis? So...

Lock them in a closet together...?




To: Feliciano Vargas

From: Alfred Jones

Subject: Re: So it has come to my attention...

Yeah! Like what he did with Antonio and your brother. It worked out well enough, right? So why wouldn't it work for this? GENIUS.




To: Alfred Jones

From: Feliciano Vargas

Subject: Re: So it has come to my attention...

You're right, ve! Now Kiku doesn't just have to be a third wheel when we're hanging out! And it did work out well for Antonio and Fratello! I can't wait! But how are we going to get them into the closet together?




To: Feliciano Vargas

From: Alfred Jones

Subject: Well, here's the plan:

Step ONE: Steal Kiku's little stuffed doll thing (with the blue hair in pigtails... What does he call it? Miki? Mikoo? I think that's it. Anyways, that thing.) and throw it in the closet. The one right by the kitchen where all those chairs are stacked right next to it, so we can just shove the stack in front of the door once they're both in so they can't escape.

Step TWO: I'll tell Kiku his little Mikoo is in there because the janitor picked it up and was going to take it to the lost and found, but got sidetracked and just stuck it in there. MEANWHILST, you lure Heracles in with a cat... Somehow. I don't have that quite planned out yet. WE'LL PLAY IT FAST AND LOOSE WHEN THE TIME COMES.

Step THREE: Shove the stack of chairs in front of the door, and leave. Meet me back there two class periods later, to let them out. Say that you've been looking all over for them. Oh, but make sure there aren't any moans coming from inside the closet before opening the door. If there are then come back during lunch and get them out.





To: Alfred Jones

From: Feliciano Vargas

Subject: Re: Well, here's the plan:

Of course! That's a perfect plan! But when will we do it?




To: Feliciano Vargas

From: Alfred Jones

Subject: Re: Well, here's the plan:

Uh... I didn't think about that. Tomorrow?




To: Alfred Jones

From: Feliciano Vargas

Subject: Re: Well, here's the plan:

Of course! I can't wait!








To: Lovino Vargas

From: Antonio Carriedo

Message: Hey Lovi, can you come over and help me with my Spanish homework? :D





To: Antonio Carriedo

From: Lovino Vargas

Message: Ugh, what do you-

… Wait, what?





To: Lovino Vargas

From: Antonio Carriedo

Message: Por favor?





To: Antonio Carriedo

From: Lovino Vargas

Message: Do you think I'm fucking retarded? You don't need help with your damn Spanish homework, fucktard. You probably have other... things in mind. Hell no.





To: Lovino Vargas

From: Antonio Carriedo

Message: Ah! Have you been spending time with Francis? I wasn't thinking like that at all Lovi, all I wanted was to spend time with you... But if you want to... ;)





To: Antonio Carriedo

From: Lovino Vargas

Message: HELL NO. Fuck. I'm not going anywhere. Fucking pervert.





To: Lovino Vargas

From: Antonio Carriedo

Message: … :( Please?





To: Antonio Carriedo

From: Lovino Vargas

Message: … Fuck. I'll be over there in a few minutes. B-because you'll probably cry yourself to sleep or something if I don't! But we're just hanging out. Not... That other thing. Capisce?





To: Lovino Vargas

From: Antonio Carriedo

Message: Of course. ;)





To: Antonio Carriedo

From: Lovino Vargas

Message: I'll kill you.


Super short crappy chapter ftw? I had more planned for it, but somehow it just didn't seem to fit... So expect to meet the Netherlands next chapter.

I didn't drop this story. I just... Didn't update it for a really long time! That's all.

Anyways, this chapter is more of a "HEY I'M STILL HERE" thing. Don't worry, the next chapters will be much more interesting and funny. According to my plan book.

... Ffft. America and his plans.

I GOT ALL YOUR REQUESTS GUYS, THANKS SO MUCH. And I know which ones I'm going to use. But I can't shove them all into one chapter because that would be weird.

10th CHAPTER WHOOO. I can't believe I've kept this going for this long. xDD

Anyways, I apologize again for the lack of laughs. NEXT CHAPTER THOUGH, I'M TELLING YOU. I needed something to get the ball rolling.