
All she ever wanted to do was experience love. All he wanted to do was to graduate. In the path of destiny, they meet.


All she ever wanted to do was fall in love.


But that's impossible.


Because, well. She's nothing but a gloomy little girl.

Drip. Drip. Drop.

And all she does is attract rain.



All he ever wanted to do was graduate.


But that's a long way ahead.


Because, well. He was just a second-year high school student.

Walk. Walk. Cross.

And last time he checked. 2 more long and painful years to go.


She stared, long and hard at her once dry blouse.




She just effin bought this. Who the hell in the world would splash her?

What? Just because she looked sadistic, she had to have her NEW blouse wet.

Oh, yeah.



Whoever did this was going to pay.

She looked up. Just to see the most gorgeous guy in the world.

She was speechless.

'Juvia, he was the one that SPLASHED YOU! Give him a piece of your mind'

She gulped.

"You ruined by blouse"

She said nonchalantly.

The said boy rolled his eyes


She looked at the almost-kind of-god.

"What a despicable guy"

She muttered.

Oh, that got him good. Because next thing you know, we're at the mall.

Shopping for a new blouse.


I hate my pride sometimes.

Because I just got told by a chick, none the less.

That I was a despicable guy.


/ Show Spelled [des-pi-kuh-buhl, dih-spik-uh-buhl]


Deserving to be despised; contemptible: a mean, despicable man.

Yeah, I know. So what if I was being rude or telling her off even if it was my fault? I mean come on, what do you want me to do about it.


I should have known that before. Because of my STUPID pride, I went to go buy her a NEW one.


I feel a migraine coming on.

I looked at the top two blouses I liked.

I mean don't get me wrong but, I have a guy with like a billion dollars in his credit card.

What do you want me to be?

A nun?

Well, whatever.

"Hey are you done?"

I smiled.

"Do you mind helping me choose?"


I stepped out with my second favourite.

It had a plain crisp white colour with a ruffle.


"Try the other one"

I did what I was told.

I stepped out with a simple flower imprint with a light ruffle.

I turned like they did in those overrated cat walks.

He walked away.

Confuzzled, I followed.

He paid, and this was good-bye.

Well, I did feel empty.



Well, whatever.

Stories like mine don't always end with a "happily ever after".

Because I'm Juvia.

Rain woman.

And he's the knight in shining armor.

The said woman walked away. Then came to a halt.

"Damnit, I forgot his name."

A/N : Oulala, Read and Review ;)

Don't own Fairy Tail