Hi guys, just realized I didn't have a disclaimer here, so here it goes:

DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything but the story line, everything else belongs to Cassandra Claire


The storm had finally reached the rooftop where Isabelle was lurking, the heavy downpour practically dousing her cigarette and soaking her to the bone within minutes. But she didn't move. She wouldn't move. Not today.

Right now, the only safe place seemed to be right here, exposed to the elements on the top of the Eldridge Street Synagogue, looking over the city. Because everywhere else… everywhere else, the demons could get you.

Isabelle's hatred of demons had grown in the past five years. She hated them with the passion of one thousand suns, suns that would burn the demons to a crisp. She hated them, she hunted them…

She feared them.

Five years ago, her little brother Max died at the hands of that half demon.

Four years ago, she lost her parents.

Two years ago, she had killed an innocent man.

One year ago, she had broken the heart of the only person who had ever taken care of her.

And six months ago….

Six months ago, she lost everything she had left.

The storm that had long since soaked her through somehow started coming down harder than it had before, and it felt as though it was trying to beat her down. The haze of the rain made it hard to see very far in front of her, obscuring the streetlights and the road below her. The stone was slippery wet from the rain, and she wondered what would happen if she stood on the edge of the building, looked down below, and just slipped….

No. she wouldn't do that.

Isabelle Lightwood was many things, but a murderer she was not. She looked down at the swell of her stomach, where six months ago, there had been flat, muscled skin. No, she would not murder her baby.

Even if it was the child of a demon.

just thought i'd leave you with a cliffie. no biggie.

i promise i'll update really soon though... if you review. muahahahahaha.