Birds of a Feather
Maximum Ride\NCIS crossover, may or may not feature the flock.
Will definitely feature everyone's favourite team of special agents and a couple of OC's.
Might feature characters from Matthew Riley's Scarecrow series, although they'll probably feature late on and probably won't do anything major.
Disclaimer: I own neither MR, NCIS or the Scarecrow series. (Bugger.)
I do own any and all OC's. (Which is something…)
Chapter soundtrack: NCIS theme music*
*Something new I've decided too try, look up the songs, they probably have some relevance to the chapter, and they'll probably be good songs besides.
So, here's the prologue!
Prologue: Crosshairs
Gunnery Sergeant Scott McGuire, was out practicing his field craft skills.
He carried his M16 across his chest pointed at the ground, he scanned his immediate area with a practiced eye, watching for targets.
He was at a secret military base, some 100km from Washington DC, it's purpose was as a training ground for military personnel, who specialised in woodland warfare.
He was a long way off the beaten track of the course, but he'd notified his CO of where he was going.
His CO had given him the go ahead on the condition he took his gun, there were reports of bears in the woods, further out from the training course.
Evidence as well, in the forms of their kills.
McGuire wasn't scared.
He'd been on black opp's against Al-Qaeda in the harsh wilderness of Siberia.
A stray bear was nothing.
He was a fair way off when he saw something in his peripheral vision, off to his left, behind a clump of bushes.
Without hesitation he took cover behind a tree near the bushes.
He cautiously peered around the tree's trunk, flicking the safety off his M16 just in case it was a bear.
He saw a pair of men in their late twenties, looking around a clearing in frustration, they were in a small gulley, that ran east-west, that McGuire had been walking parallel too.
Mcguire flattened himself to the ground and lined the two men in his crosshairs, they were in a restricted area, and judging by the automatic pistols at their wastes, they probably meant trouble.
They were a distance away, so they didn't see McGuire watching them.
McGuire could here them though.
'Where the hell did she go? I told you to watch her Mikey!' Said the man on the left.
'I dunno Frank, and I was watching her, not my fault she set your jacket on fire is it?' Replied the other man angrily, who McGuire assumed was Mikey.
There was a scrabbling sound, then a quiet gasp and the two men looked up sharply.
Several dead sticks dropped onto McGuire, he risked glancing up, and was just in time too see a girl of about fourteen lose her grip on a tree branch and fall.
The two men rushed towards McGuire.
McGuire nearly panicked, then the girl landed nimbly not two metres from him and made a break north.
The two men followed her.
McGuire reached for his radio, then he stopped as he saw something that made his heart skip a beat:
The two men were changing, they sprouted hair all over their bodies, their jaws distended and became like muzzles, and their fingertips sprouted vicious claws, they began chasing the girl, howling like the damned.
McGuire went for his radio, and followed the men in a half crouch.
'Base, this is , Cricket' said McGuire, using his operational callsign, he'd earned on his first mission as Marine Recon, from the legendary, Captain Shane 'Scarecrow' Schofield, who'd commented on how 'chirpy' McGuire was; 'I've got some serious shit going on out here.'
'This is base Cricket, what's up?' Replied the radio officer calmly and professionally.
'I just came across two men in their late twenties, looking around the area, they're hunting a teenage girl about fourteen years old, and are armed with automatic pistols; and, you're not gonna believe this, but those men just turned into freakin' wolf-men right in front of me!' Said McGuire in a slightly freaked but level voice, 'I'm currently tracking the hostiles, permission too engage if things get hot?'
There was a silence, McGuire continued after the two men, M16 at the ready, he could hear them somewhere in front of him, he could also hear the panicked cries of the girl.
McGuire's jaw tightened, even if he was told too stand down McGuire was going too shoot the two creeps and hang the consequences.
'Cricket, this is Base Commander Ivan Sturn callsign 'Skipper', tail those two men but do not engage, I repeat do not engage!' Said Commander Sturn sternly.
'Roger Skipper, replied McGuire, 'what about the girl?' asked McGuire in concern.
'She's on her own, this is priority one stuff, from the director of the CIA!' Replied Sturn seriously.
'Ooh, do ya hear that, Frank, we're priority one stuff!' Growled the hyper-muscled wolf man that the man called Mikey had turned into off to McGuire's left.
'I sure did Mikey.' Growled the wolf man called Frank with more than a hint of barely contained rage in his voice, from behind McGuire as McGuire brought up his M16 and turned too face the two.
McGuire switched his radio's microphone on completely and pocketed it.
The two wolf men had their pistols out and pointed at McGuire's chest.
It was a Mexican stand-off that could only end one way.
The seconds ticked by, then, McGuire depressed the trigger on his M16 and shot Mikey in the chest, just as both Mikey and Frank opened fire on McGuire.
As McGuire lay bleeding his last on the forest floor, he had the satisfaction of seeing the hellish mutant called Mikey writhing in agony from a gut shot.
Then Frank stood over McGuire and levelled his pistol at his head; McGuire looked away as Frank pulled the trigger.
The last thing he saw was a girl wearing a hospital gown watching fearfully and unnoticed from the branches of a tree.
Okay, there's the prologue, please review, and let me know if you want Scarecrow and his squad to feature or not.
If so, the NCIS timeline is after season seven, the Scarecrow timeline is after Area 7, pre-Scarecrow and the Maximum Ride timeline is after MAX, pre-FANG.
Confusing I know, and completely screwed round timeline wise, nut there you go.
Reviews please, mightn't be able to update regularly, but I'll do my best.