I, Allie Amberwhite, have given in to my friends whining, and have agreed to finally let my writing talents soar. To do so, I have finally decided to unleash a few things I've written about the GORGEOUS pairing of Alec Lightwood and Magnus Bane :D
So like, I own Alec and Magnus.
*Gets manhandled by CC's lawyers*
But for now i own nothing but the.. Uh. Plot? (If you can call it that -_-)
What if...
Mayrse Lightwood found pictures of Magnus on Alec's phone?
Alec had carelessly forgotten his phone on the arm of the armchair in the Institutes library once again. A call informed three trained Shadowhunters and a Shadowhunter with too much mundane-ness to even exist went out to kill the repulsive Manu demons from Central Park. Of course, Alec was one of the three trained Nephilim.
Mayrse had taken it upon herself to tidy of the Library (which was spotless already, mind you,) and the biggest object out of place other than a pamphlet was Alec's sturdy silver faded grey cellular device. Mayrse looked down at it in wonder, smiling lightly to herself as she picked it up and opened it out of habit (She liked to check Isabelle's phone for any unwanted.. Downworlder messages.)
What she saw was nothing of what he was expecting.
The last time she saw Alec's screensaver, it was the already-programmed-into-the-phone screensaver of the Samsung logo. But now, however, there appeared to be a picture of a very colorful, very glittery, make-up-ified and happy looking warlock.
Mayrse ground her teeth, recognizing it as Magnus Bane... High Warlock of Brooklyn. Frantically she located Alec's photo album.
Her heart could've stopped. Picture after picture of rainbow Magnus, one of Magnus and a cat. One of Alec and the cat. One of Magnus, Alec AND the cat. One of JUST the cat.
There were nearly 80 pictures.
Mayrse felt fury well up within her chest when she came across a photo of a half naked Magnus. A very faint thought about Magnus's sleeve tattoos ran through her mind when she heard the Institutes elevator creaking upwards to the floor.
She clenched the phone in her hand tightly, storming out the library door, and running head-on into Jace.
"Oooh I missed you too May-"
Mayrse glared, and Jace shut up, quickly moving out of her way. She didn't spare a glance at Clary or Isabelle, her glare was focused on her eldest son.
She thrust the phone into his face, and she took note on how Alec seemed to pale even more, before a blush colored his face. "WHAT," she screamed, "IS THIS?"
Isabelle backed up the slightest bit to look at what was on the phone's screen. She let out a wolf-whistle. "ISABELLE!" Alec yelped, if possible blushing more.
"It appears Mother that a very sexy High Warlock is oomphing Alec's phone's awesomeness." She said coolly, smirking at her brother playfully.
Alec didn't know what to do, and to make things worse, Alec's phone began to ring.
Magnus Bane was on the caller ID.
Dude, I think I win :D
This isn't my first fanfic, it just appears to be since I deleted stories from the past.
It isn't my first TMI either. this is just the first one I feel like publishing :P
So review if ye have suggestions or comments, or anythaaaaang.