get on your knees
the faerie


"If I get married," she pushed a lock of obnoxious, candy-colored hair behind her ear, "it will be in December, around Christmas time."

"Really now?"

The fifteen-year-old scooted closer to her boyfriend, laying her head on his shoulder and hiking her legs up on his—as if to sit on his lap, but not really. "Yeah. If luck would have it, there would be small flurries falling from the sky. If not, maybe a blanket of snow on the grass."

He smiled, wrapping his arms around her, "Go on."

"It will be in a church," at that, he scowled, "but a justice of the peace will marry us. Church's are beautiful, but priests are not."

At that, he laughed.

"We'll get married towards night-fall, but not too late. Then again, it will be winter, it gets dark earlier… Four o' clock, the wedding will start at four o' clock."

"Will it?" He mused, quickly kissing her forehead, "That sounds lovely, Sakura."

She smiled. "Everything will be baby-blue and white, I guarantee it. Baby's breath everywhere, and my bouquet will be sixteen flowers—four times four, my lucky numbers—and there will be twelve white roses, four blue lilies."

"That sounds beautiful," he replied, pulling her in the slightest bit closer.

"He will be wearing a regular black tux, because otherwise, it would be stupid. I will, of course, be wearing all white. With lace sleeves."

Again, he laughed. "Won't that itch?"

She let out a soft giggle, pushing his bangs out his face to see his beautiful obsidian orbs. "That doesn't matter, Sasuke-kun. It's my wedding day. I think the itch will be worth the beauty."

"You'll look gorgeous no matter what."

Again, she giggled. "We'll write our own vows, too, and when he kisses me at the end of the aisle, he'll dip me, and it will be perfect."

"Absolutely perfect."

"Mhm," she smiled even bright, bottle-green eyes lighting up. "And our first dance will be to our song. He'll hold me super-duper tight when we dance, and not step on my feet."

He laughed once again, "That sounds fair enough."

"And when we go on our honeymoon, it will be in Japan, in a place surrounded by Cherry-blossom trees—"

"Your namesake."

"—And it will be beautiful and magical and perfect and everything I'd ever dream of."

"I can't wait."

And she smiled.


Oh, the fluff. Disclaimer.