I came up with this, mostly, b/c I'm going through Holix withdrawal. So! Prepare for the awesome adorable cliche fluffiness!

If Six is ooc (which he will be) that's b/c the fever has got him, well, loopy.


It was odd for Rex to get sick, simply because of the enviornment he lives in, but for Six to get sick was a completely different concept. He was the indestructible, inhumane Agent Six. He didn't do sick. Apparently, though, he had actually come down with the flu, just as his young ward.

Holiday rose from the chair beside Rex's bed. She was simply amazed at him, again. His fever had stayed at a one hundred degree fahrenheit and didn't get any higher, but the most amazing thing, is that he managed to sleep through the entire ordeal. Rex had been fast asleep for two days. She had figured it was his nanites at work and let the whole thing slide.

After cutting his light off and closing his door tight, she started to walk down the hall to Six's room.

She was actually glad that he was sick, though felt guilty that she was happy about it, but come on. Agent Six was sick. It had just opened up a whole other door of possibilites to her.

No, bacteria did not run and hide when they would see him approach.

No, he was not a robot.

Yes, he was still human.

No, he was not indestructible.

She had to see this for herself.

Alright, here's the door. If you see him cough, contain your laughter.

Holiday took one final breath and softly knocked.

No reply.


Still no reply.

She took it upon herself to enter. At that moment, she had realized that she's never seen Six's room before. It actually looked similar to hers, without the pictures or books. It looked kind of... bare... official.

Matches his personality, anyway.

Slowly, she walked over to his bed, leaving the light off. The first thing she noticed, probably from being a doctor, was his fever. He wasn't nearly as pale and had started to sweat a little. The second thing she noticed, was that he was asleep and shirtless.

... Oh my god, he's actually sick. Water, I need water... and medicine.

She shuffled out of the room, making a mental list of all the things she needed.


The cold rag pressed against his forehead.

Oh wow, that feels so good.

Instead of going with what his instincts said; jump out of bed, grab the person's arm, and tackle them to the ground; he opted for the much more lazier approach. Slowly, ever so slowly, he cracked open his eyes to see Doctor Holiday sitting beside him, on his bed, mumbling to herself. She hadn't noticed he was awake yet and he didn't make any move to tell her otherwise. Besides, she seemed pretty deep in thought anyway.

As she was about to take the, now warm, rag away, she happened to look down at his face to see him looking back up at her.

"Six," she said, taking the rag back, "you're awake. I'm sorry for all this, but you're sick, so you're under my care now."

His mind was slowly trying to catch up. "Sorry for what?"

She looked over at him with a blank face, "For... you know. Coming in here while you were asleep and everything."

He thought about responding, he really did, but nothing really came to mind. As far as Six was concerned, they were currently having an indepth conversation that he knew nothing about. Come backs were few and far between. So, instead, he stayed quiet for a minute and just said one of the first things that came to mind.

"I feel loopy."

She looked away with a small smile. "Well," she said, dipping the rag in a bowl of water, "you have a fever of one-oh-five, so that's not surprising."

That took a second to register. "A fever?," he asked, watching the rag be replaced on his forehead. He instantly melted against it. "Yeah, I guess that explains a few things. The flu, right?"

"Yeah," she replied, checking his pulse rate on the wrist closest to her, "the same one Rex has."

"Well that doesn't really make sense," he said, looking at the ceiling, "Shouldn't I have gotten a shot or something?"

"You did, for the strain that's going around in North America."

So... he did get a shot... so... He darted his eyes over to her, "And?"

Holiday looked back at him. His expression said that he was completely lost. She would have doubled over laughing if it wasn't so damn cute. "And...," she continued for him, "you didn't get a shot for the strain going around Moscow, which is where you caught this."

He stared at her for a second, letting the new information soak in. Finally, he said, "Oh."


"So...wait... I'm confused."

She bit the inside of her cheek to stop from laughing, "Yes, I realize that."

"Ok, ok," he had managed to grasp something in his head and, dammit, he was going to get it out before he lost it again, "So, why didn't I just... get the shot?"

That time she started giggling, "What?"

He was finally on a roll. "Why didn't I just get a shot for...," he lost it, but quickly found it again, "like, all of them?"

"What?," she asked again, trying to hold back the giggles. The worse part was, he was dead serious.

"Well," he didn't know that he had to explain it, too, "I mean... well, umm... it's hot."

"Six," she said, taking the rag back to wet it again, "I can't give you a shot for all the flu strains out there."

"Why not?"

"You're like a kid."

"Answer the question."

Instead of explaining and getting confused herself, she said, "I just can't, Six. When you get better, you'll understand why."

"Hmm," now he had to let that soak in, "That makes sense. I do feel loopy." He watched her replace the rag again, "You think I'll remember any of this?"

She pressed her hand against the rag. "I don't see why not," she replied, "but you do have a high fever, so maybe. Why do you ask?"

"I don't know," he said, staring at her wrist by his face, "seemed like a good conversation topic at the time."

She smiled again. For once, he actually seemed completely human, even if it was just because he was sick.

Had he been looking at her like that this whole time? He had such a dreamy expression. You would think she would have noticed a look like that.

"What?," she asked, "What is it?"

"You're beautiful," he answered, without missing a beat.

Holiday's train of thought hit a brick wall. After a second of compossing herself, she took the rag away, again.

"That's just the fever talking," she replied, busying herself by dipping the rag back in the water.

He looked back up at the ceiling, "Yeah, maybe so."

She darted her eyes back up to face him, "You didn't have to agree so fast, there."

Six laughed. A genuine, real laugh. He turned his head over to the wall and sighed. "You know, I hate this place."

Well, that was a change in topic. She looked back at him, blankly, "What do you mean?" Usually, she was the one saying something like that and he was the one pointing out all of Providence's 'good qualities'. Like their fighting the Evo threat, or their helping Rex, or if she ever left they'd kill her sister. Things like that.

He continued. "At first it was different. I was a just another soldier that was fighting for the better cause. Then, we find a ten year old that's, apparently, humanity's only savior and all he wants is to be a normal kid. As if that wasn't enough, you come along with your feelings and emotions and your brilliance and those damn legs. The kid, I can deal with, but with you, everyday is torture. I want to leave, but I can't. Rex would probably end up getting killed, because he shows off too much and his head is never in the fight. Then, there's you. I can't leave you."

Ok, now she was lost. "What do you mean?," she asked, ringing the rag out.

"I love you."

The rag fell back in the water. It was like he just said the most obvious thing.

"Could you, uh," she said, her brain on hold, "Could you repeat that, please?" He didn't just say what she thought he just said. He couldn't of. Not him.

He smiled at her expression and reached up one of his arms to brush against her shoulder. "I wish I could tell you how beautiful you are and how much I love you everyday, but I can't. Probably most of all, though, I wish you could leave all of this. Go back to whatever life you had. You don't belong in this hell."

She reached over with her other arm and held his hand, "you're fever must be worse than I thought."

He laughed at her again. "I'd kiss you, if I knew I wouldn't get you sick."

"I already had the shot," she said, without thinking.

Six laughed again, but quickly went back to serious. "I'm kinda pulled between the two. I do want you to leave Providence, but that kind of makes me regret what I said earlier, you know?"

Nope. She didn't know. She sighed and tried to reason with him.

She looked at him with a smile, "Do you really feel that way?"

"Yes," he replied.

"Then, you have nothing to regret. Besides, I can't leave anyway, but even if I could I still wouldn't."

"Yeah," he smiled, "I figured that much."

Holiday laughed and shook her head, "You must be really sick."

"Maybe so," he said again, but with not as nearly as much conviction as the last time.

Well, he may not remember it and maybe that is the fever talking... maybe, but at least I can get it off my chest.

"I love you, too," then she shook her head again, "as if that wasn't obvious."

"Oh, yeah, no," he replied, sarcastically, "That just made it worse, though. I knew you cared and I still couldn't... do anything."

She knew that this couldn't last and, if she stayed any longer, her heart would break. "You need to sleep."

His eyes were starting to droop a little, "I think you're right."

Without giving it much thought, she leaned over and kissed his forehead. Before she could lean up, he said, "One more time?"

She didn't need to ask what he meant, "I love you."

"Thanks," he replied, finally closing his eyes, "I should get sick more often."

Just as quickly as he woke up, he was back to sleep.

She sighed, gripping his hand one last time, before resting it on the bed. There had to be something else that she had to do. Holiday stood.

Even if he did remeber, he would never mention it, even if he was telling the truth. Six had said before, that people they care about could easily be caught up in their crossfire. He was right and she knew it. Holiday was torn between feeling horrible and ecstactic, at the same time.

Instead, she picked up the bowl and rag, and quickly left the room, trying to forget that she would have to come back and check on him again.



Aight, so! I don't know whether to leave this as a one-shot or tack on another chapter to it. The other chap would be about after Six had gotten better. SO! What do you guys think? You think I should give it another chap and delay Breakeven a little more OR don't make another chap and start on Breakeven 2 as soon as possible? It's up to you guys.

Either way.