I'm sorry for the length of this one, I thought I would do a bigger one than that, but I decided that the idea that I previously had for this chapter would be for New Year's Eve... Once again I'm sorry, I'll make sure that my mini fic for the New Year is big and awesome.

In this one I wanted to do a kinky Zoro, I hope I succeeded. Tell what you've thought of it! :)

Being chased by marines, Zoro and I run side by side into the corridors of a Marine base.

"This is all your fault you stupid Marimo!" I yell at him angry.

"My fault! Why is it always my fault!" Zoro begins to protest.

"Because you are the one who got us lost!" I tell him still yelling.

"Tch! For one I don't get lost," he replies looking like he is pouting, "and two you didn't have to come with me."

"I came with you 'cause I knew you would get lost if I didn't, and because you would have gotten into trouble!" I reply glaring at him.

"Guess you didn't do a really good job then." He sneers.

"Oh shut your trap!" I snap in annoyance, "I still don't get how you managed to put us in this situation!"


"Okay guys we are on an island where there is a Marine base," Nami declares, hands on her hips, "so we'll have to be very careful and not get noticed is that understood?"

"Haii!" the rest of the Straw hat crew says before preparing themselves to go to town and quickly buy everything they need.

"Luffy you stay with me, I don't want you to cause any problem." Nami adds.

"Aww bummer." Luffy groans pouting.

"What did you say?" she asks glaring at him.

"Oh I-I said that it's super to be with you." Luffy tells her in a joyful grin but perspiring a lot with nervousness.

The sight of the two of them makes me smile. I don't know who to feel the most sorry for. I look over where Zoro is, and I see him smirk too at the scene of our captain and his girlfriend having an argument. Though in that case you could say that Luffy is trying to avoid one and Nami is determined to have one. Then when his head turns toward me, I can see him smile and wink at me. I smile back, but drop it as soon as I see him turning his back, and going toward the town, looking at him with worry. He has spaced out a lot for the last few days and I am really wondering what can be on his mind to make him be like that. Even the last few times we've been able to be just the two of us, he has been a bit distant, with his mind else where.

"Sanji you should go with Zoro." Nami, that I hadn't sensed coming next to me, tells me elbowing me in the ribs, "Kami knows we don't need him getting lost or in trouble today."

Not saying anything I give her a small smile as to thank her, and begin to run to catch up to him. Then for an hour or two, we walk into the town, with Zoro stopping to go into different stores especially jewelries, before trouble finds us…

End of flashback

"So what are we going to do now?" Zoro asks me while still running.

"I don't know just let me think for a minute." I tell him looking around, searching for somewhere to hide.

"Think fast 'cause those damn marines sound like they are getting closer." He replies, the sound of men shouting coming not too far behind us.

"There, let's hide there!" I tell him, turning abruptly on the left in another corridor and opening the first door that I see.

After checking if anyone was in there, I am about to tell Zoro we can hide there but when I turn around he wasn't there. Suddenly scared that something might have happened to him, I scan my surrounding praying that he hasn't been caught. But soon my growing fear is replaced by exasperation.

"You are going in the wrong direction you idiot!" I tell him, wondering internally how I can have fallen for him.

We close the door behind us, and wait for the marines to pass by, to make sure we are safe there, before saying anything.

"That was close." Zoro says sighing, and relaxing a bit.

"It wouldn't have been if you didn't have such a cursed sense of direction." I tell him a bit annoyed.

"Hey may I remind you that it was your choice to follow me?" Zoro tells me.

"Someone had to keep you out of trouble." I say.

"Well that didn't really work now did it?" I hear him grumble under his breath, I glare at him and hit him on the arm, "Ow! What was that for!"

"I heard that." I tell him glaring a bit, though the face he makes right now makes me want to smile, "So where are we right now?"

"Isn't that obvious already?" he asks me quirking an eyebrow, "We are in a Marine base."

"I know that Marimo, I was just wondering what room is this." I reply a vein throbbing on my forehead.

As I look around I realize that this is an office with two wooden desks with chairs and two closets. Zoro slumps down on one of the chairs behind one of the desks.

"So, how are we going to get out of here?" he asks putting his legs upon the desk.

Rolling my eyes at his behavior, I go to the closets looking if there is something that we can use. When I open them I find marines' outifts that luckily enough look like they could fit us.

"Well," I begin to say as take out one of the outfits smirking at him, "how about we disguise ourselves?"

He looks at me for a moment, and then smirks evilly. When we are finished changing, we look at each other. Even with his bad ass attitude, the marine outfit actually looks really good on Zoro. I can't help but let eyes wander up and down his body, admiring how his pants fit snuggly around his butt, how this formal outfit makes him look sexy. The whole vision is making me drool, and as I raise my head to look at Zoro's face, I'm guessing, quite smugly, that I'm not that bad myself. With eyes twinkling in mischief, he smirks at me playfully. He comes close to me and leans next to my ear.

"Lets play together." He whispers to me, his hot breath tickling my neck deliciously.

"Now, now is that how you treat all your men sir." I tease back playing along.

He looks at me for a few seconds, a bit surprised that I willingly play along and put myself as his subordinate, but shrugs it off quickly with a cheeky grin.

"You are the only one." He purrs to me before grabbing me by the nape and kissing me roughly.

As I whine a bit into his mouth at the roughness of his kiss, he kisses the tip of my nose and the corners of my mouth apologetically. He then kisses me again fully on the mouth but in a more gentle way. Soon our kisses get more heated as more and more desire is fueled into our bodies.

"Taicho!" I can't help but groan wantonly when he begins attacking my neck, mercilessly sucking on my weak spots.

"That's a good soldier. Keep calling me that." He tells me huskily, his breathing a bit faster than normal.

He locks his lips with mine again as he unbutton my shirt and begins to play with my nipples, rolling and pinching them until they are stiff. Thankfully his mouth swallows the moans that I don't have time to restrain.

"Bent over the desk." I hear him growl slowly, looking at me with eyes glazed with lust.

"Hai taicho." I say with an equal gaze as his, smiling slyly.

As I bent over the desk, I look back over my shoulder looking at him provocatively. My little mute taunt pushes just the right button and not even a minute after, Zoro is behind me, with no more clothes on, and turns my head to kiss me deeply. He grabs my arms and pulls my shirt off, then fumbles for a minute with my belt. As soon as he manages to get rid of it, he quickly pulls my pants down, making them pool around my ankles. The fresh breeze hitting my bare skin makes me gasp at the feeling. He then takes my cock in his right hand, and strokes it slowly, playing with the slit a few times. This action makes me rest my forehead on the desk, feeling a little weak in the legs at the pleasure felt, not being able to see anything else than the desk or the wall in front of me turning me on even more. When I think that my legs are going to turn completely into jelly, I feel Zoro holding me hips securely with his arm, preventing me from collapsing. Suddenly, he stops his ministrations, and I can't help but make a noise of disappointment. Kissing me in the crook of my neck, which sends electric jolts throughout my whole body, he then kisses a trail from my spine down to my buttocks. After nibbling a bit at the tender, and oh so sensitive, flesh of butt cheeks, he spreads them apart. Without an ounce of hesitation, he begins to tease with his tongue my hole, twitching with pleasure, and excitement at this action and the promise, of something even better about to come, that it holds. Trying to stop any more moans from my mouth I put my fist into my mouth, partly stifling them. Languidly, he prepares me, pushing as far as he can his wet appendage, making me squirm and want to push back against it.

"Z-Zoro enough…want more." I manage to say between two moans, which earn me a small slap on my butt, and him rising back up, his face next to my ear.

"That is no way to talk to your superior." He growls at me playfully, biting on my earlobe, then whispers to me in a voice filled with lust but demanding, "Beg for it."

When I take too much time to do it, I receive another playful smack on my behind, before he rubs his thumb over it soothingly.

"Please taicho," I start to say, turning my head to look at him with fiery eyes, biting my lower lip at the thought at what I'm about to say, "please I want you inside me so bad."

Zoro looks at me with a something in his eyes between hunger and oddly enough fascination. A satisfied grin appears on his face as he grabs my hips, a hand on each side. He leans in for a short but intense kiss while pushing his length slowly in. Once fully sheathed inside me, he stays put for a minute before I wriggle my hips softly signaling him that he can move now. From the beginning, he rocks his hips back and forth in a slow but hard pace, hitting my prostate dead on at each thrust, which has me grip the edges of the desk tightly to keep me stable. Soon my hips push back against his. Suddenly, I feel myself being completely turned around, facing now Zoro, who catches my lips in a needy kiss.

"I want to see your face when you hit climax baby." He says panting heavily, throwing away the act of our little game.

He fists my dripping shaft, and sucks on my lower lip, groaning while pounding faster and faster into me. Too soon I feel the familiar coiling heat in my lower stomach beginning to become more and more unbearable to hold it back. In a final cry caught by Zoro's lips, I empty myself all over our chests, getting some drops on my chin. Not too far after me, Zoro comes, coating my insides with his essence, making me shiver in delight. After we steady our breaths again, we kiss languidly for a minute and begin to clean after ourselves. As we clean each other, without warning, Zoro licks at my chin. I look at him in question, and he looks at me grinning cockily.

"You had some on your chin." He explains licking his lips, and smirking roguishly.

I smirk back at him, and give him a quick peck before turning to get dressed. As we are getting dressed a question goes through my mind.

"By the way what were you looking for in those shops back there before we ended up in this situation?" I ask him with curiosity before adding, "Especially in jewel stores, what could you be looking for?"

"Oh hum nothing special I just…I just wanted to…" Zoro says blushing a bit, avoiding my gaze.

"You just wanted to what?" I ask him curious about what could possibly make him blush like that.

Was he looking for new earrings? I have never seen him changing them nor taking them off. Then I see him sigh and looking at me with a slightly nervous face.

"I didn't really want to do this here but…" he says closing his eyes for a few seconds before opening them again with a newfound determination in them.

Slowly, getting down on one knee, he takes out a velvety black box out of his pocket. My heartbeat increases wildly as I look at him in shock, my mouth agape. Is he really doing what I think he is! Then he opens the small bow, revealing a silver band with small sapphires encrusted in it.

"I've been thinking about it for a moment now. I know it sounds stupid and corny but I want to grow old with you. I want to see you realize your dream. I want to show to everyone that you are mine and no one else." he tells me in a fast embarrassed voice, blushing furiously, then he breathes deeply and asks in a small voice that I barely manage to hear, "Will you marry me?"

Astonished by this declaration, I feel my breath getting caught in my throat with emotion. But before I can tell him my answer sounds of feet running and voices speaking near us interrupts the little intimate bubble we were in. I hear Zoro swear under his breath before standing up again.

"We need to get out of here." He says in a resigned tone of voice, grabbing my hand before making a go for the exit of this place.


That is not how I thought I was going to finish this drabble… lol I'm so sorry for the cliffhanger. I guess you'll have to wait for a bit though I promise you that you won't have to wait too long. ;) By the way I officially posted a new story which will contain mini-fics. For the moment, there only are the ones that I've put here but I wanted to make a story specially for drabbles. As you can see it I've written End at the bottom of this chapter, this is because now I'll put the little stories on my other story. Sorry for making you have to look up at my other story to follow the next chapters, the title is Life is one big play you can find it by going in my profile. See ya!