Yeah. New drabbles centering on the Vizards. Since they showed up in the anime I've been rather fixated on them. These drabbles will be more everyday life/humor-focused than the other ones I wrote. This first one came to me while I was shooting hoops in summer school :/

Also, I am going on vacation tomorrow for four weeks and internet access will be limited. These drabbles will be on hiatus until August, but expect a steady update when I return.

Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach.

Love had been wandering carelessly around town; as he neared the end of a block, he heard elated shouts and cheering. Turning the corner, he spotted a large group of men gathered in some kind of court. They were passing around a brown ball, bouncing it on the ground and throwing it through different hoops placed on opposite ends of the court. The dark Vizard neared the fence, carefully observing the game. One of the players noticed his tall figure and walked over to greet him.

"Yo," the man said. "Wanna play?"

Love looked back between the man who approached him and the game being played. "I've never played before."

The man looked the ex-Shinigami up and down. "Seriously?"


He smirked. "It's easy. You just gotta get the ball through the hoop on the opposite end and stop the other team from doing the same."

Love nodded after watching another moment. "Looks easy enough."

The other man grinned. "You game?"

Love returned the man's grin. "Sure thing."